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Weeks had passed and the crisp air of autumn was turning to the snowy, cold air of winter. Draco and Estella had managed to avoid each other. Somehow, they worked up a system where they would work on the project on their own.

A few days before the project was due, Estella was making her way to the astronomy tower to finish filling in the chart. Upon arriving, she was met with Malfoy sitting on the floor with open books scattered in front of him.

The two made eye contact. Estella contemplated turning around to leave or doing her work without acknowledging his existence. The awkward eye contact was broken when she turned her head and walked over to the telescope.

She sat her things on the floor and pulled up a chair. After finding the constellation, she grabbed the chart and a quill and began drawing.

All the while Draco was flipping through books, he was also looking at Estella through the corner of his eye. Minutes passed in silence before a cough from the boy came out. It was one of those typical fake coughs that people give to get one's attention.

"What?" Estella asked, not looking up from the chart.

"Nothing, I was just coughing," Malfoy answered.

"I'm not a fool. If you want to say something just say it," Estella stated.

"Why do you always assume things about me? It was a cough. Merlin, I can't even breathe withou-"

"Don't start, Malfoy," Estella interrupted, looking at the boy with a frown.

"You were the one who spoke first," he trailed off.

Estella held herself back. She was tired of fighting with him. Another minute passed before she asked, "did you do the essay?"

"What do you think I'm doing right now?"

Estella stopped what she was doing.

"Well how was I supposed to know that?" She said calmly.

"If you weren't so full of yourself and had just ask me then you would've known," the boy answered, still flipping through a book.

Estella wanted to burst. She wanted to yell so bad. Instead, she looked up at the sky. Draco looked over to see her shaking her head. Slight guilt settled in the pit of his stomach. He wanted to apologize but knew that he couldn't break down that wall. It was built too high up now with her.

Without a word, he gathered his things and left. Estella was still frustrated afterwards.

"Just a few more days," she said to herself.

Those few more days went by quickly without talking to Malfoy again. Estella had finished the chart and was quite proud of it. Her and Padma were walking to astronomy as they talked about the project.

"What do you mean, you're not sure if it's completely finished?" Padma asked.

"The chart is complete, but I'm not sure if the essay is," Estella replied. Padma gave her a confused look.

"The essay was Malfoy's part," Estella stated.

Padma came to the realization as she said, "you two haven't been communicating with each other."

"We have...through arguments," Estella corrected.

"Merlin's beard, Estella. You two are more stubborn than me and my sister doing chores," Padma stated.

When the two girls arrived to class, Estella made her way to where Draco was standing. He was alone staring off into space when Estella walked up.

"Did you finish the essay?" Estella asked.

"Yes," the boy answered, getting it out.

Before Estella could say anything, Professor Sinistra had walked in. Everyone settled down as she made her way to the center of the floor.

"Okay, so as you should know, the projects are due today. Now, I want to start presentations as soon as possible, so please pay attention to my instructions the first time," she started, "you and your partner will come up here to present. Say the name of your constellation, then you may begin explaining and reading the chart and essay. Any questions? No? Okay first we'll have Estella Raney and Draco Malfoy."

The two walked over to where the professor was standing with chart and essay in hand.

"We have the constellation, Scorpius," Estella started. She began explaining the filled in chart. When she was done, she looked over to Malfoy as a cue for his turn. He took the cue and looked down at the essay.

As he read, Estella listened closely to make sure he wrote the essay correctly. He gathered the right general information, but it was something else that caught Estella's attention.

"...In astrology, Scorpius is considered the sign of the scorpion, Scorpio. Traits of a Scorpio include determination, passion, and loyalty. I believe that the connection we have is that deep down, we hold these traits. Sometimes, it's hidden, and sometimes it shines just as bright as the stars."

With that, everyone clapped, including Estella.

"Thank you, Estella and Draco. Great job on all of it," Professor Sinistra said. The two thanked her, then went their separate ways.

After everyone presented and class was dismissed, Estella grabbed her things and made her way to the door. Hermione had walked up beside her as she was walking out.

"Good job on the project!" She said.

"Thank you, you too!" Estella replied.

"Well, you no longer have to work with Malfoy anymore. That must be a relief," Hermione added.

"You can say that again," Estella said, laughing.

A/N: hello! So I finally got my hands on The Cursed Child the other day and I just now finished it. Might I say, I love Scorpius Malfoy. I love Draco Malfoy. I love the Malfoys.

So what's your zodiac sign?

I hope you enjoyed and continue reading :)

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