❤️Coffee Shop❤️ E.O

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Word count: 932 woah Just fluff

Your pov:

My alarm woke me up at 6 and I rolled (literally) out of bed. I took a quick shower, put my uniform on and dabbed a little makeup on. I don't wear much makeup, only enough to cover up the fact that I go to sleep late and wake up early. I drive to the coffee shop I work at and arrive there at 7:15 am. It was Thursday today and I open the shop up every Thursday. The perks of being in early means I get to be the one to serve the mystery woman that comes in every morning. She always orders the same drink, a tall iced coffee and will sometimes grab one of our baked goods. I'm the one who bakes everything, no one knows this though. But it's like, girl, an iced coffee early in the morning? She's crazy! I would much rather have a warm drink but each to their own.

She always wears sunglasses and a hat and I've noticed she keeps her head down most of the time. She orders under the name 'Chase' but she admitted to me that it wasn't her real name. I could never get a good look at her because she was hidden, but I could sometimes see her eyes through her glasses. They were beautiful. And her voice? God, it was harmonic. She always comes to me when ordering, probably because I know her order off the top of my head.

She doesn't stay for long but she always likes to have a quick chat with me. I wanted to ask her out, but I didn't even know if she was into girls let alone me.

I open up the shop and sit at a table scrolling through insta while I wait for 7:30 to roll around.

"Chase" POV:

I went to get my coffee and made sure to get there as soon as it opened, today was Thursday so I knew Y/N would be the only one there for an hour or two until someone else's shift starts. I walk in and there's around 3 other people here, I keep my head dow and she greets me with that gorgeous smile. "Tall iced coffee for the mystery lady coming right up!" she said enthusiastically, I chuckle in response at her nickname for me. "You are waaay too happy at 7;35 in the morning" I say with a chuckle and a smile. "Well that's because this really cool woman walked through the door not too long ago" "Oh really? Tell me more about this woman" I say smirking. She lets out a little laugh in response and says "I wish I knew more" under her breath, but I heard it clear and it made me smile. "Is there anything else I could get you today?" "Maybe, depends on what you're offering" I'm smirking and she's a blushing mess. Cute. Luckily everyone else who had been served was gone and no one else was in here otherwise I think she would have died. "Elizabeth" I say out of the blue. She looks at me confused "Elizabeth?" "Yes?" I say. She finally catches on to the fact I'm telling her my real name and smiles widely,

Your POV:

Elizabeth. Pretty. I get her coffee and ask if she wants anything else again. She replies with the same answer as last time. I had a wave of confidence wash over me as we were alone and no one was around to see me get embarrassed if she rejected me. "Well I've got something for you specifically" I say with a smirk. "Go on..." She's now mirroring my face. I grab a napking and write my number down with a little heart. I go to hand it to her but as soon as she goes to grab it I grab her hand. "Now unfortunately I don't take cash for this transaction" she looks at me and leans in closer, our hands still intertwined "Now what is it you would like in return?" God her voice! Even when whispering it rings in my head so loud. I have so much confidence right now. "How about you let me see that pretty face of yours? hmm?"

She smiles and looks around before dragging me to the back, it startled me a little but I see her taking off her hat. Her lucious hair revealing itself. I couldn't help but run my fingers through it, it was so soft. She blushed at this and whispered "Take off my glasses then sweetheart" I slowly take them off and see her beautiful hazel-forest eyes, they were darker with this lighting.

"You're so much prettier than I thought" She blushed again. "Do I get my gift now?" I hand her the napkin, still amazed at her beauty. She grabs my face, pulling me from my daze "you should get back to work..." she whispers and pulls me in for a soft kiss. What is happening right now? So soft. We share a smile and walk back to the front

Lizzie POV:

I pay for my drink and bid Y/N goodbye. Her reactions were the cutest. I send her a text knowing she wont see it until her break. I give her my address and tell her to meet me tonight at 8pm for a date. Sure, it's risky. But I don't want to hide from her anymore. Ever since I first walked into that shop I was entranced by her. She seems safe, I'm the one who's scary. Walking in there every morning all mysterious. I found myself smiling the entire day.

I'm definitely doing a part 2. I actually think this is kinda cute. Part 2 may contain smut, I'll see how I feel when writing it lmao.

Remember to take care of youselves, please


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