Secrets come out W.M

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Hi.... Took a little break.... Just a LITTLE one 👀💀

Y/N PoV:
I was walking to my girlfriend's cabin, it was late and I was quite literally shaking. With the mixture of the cold weather and the Friday the 13th atmosphere, it was safe to say I just wanted to fall into her embrace.

Me and Wanda have been dating for 6 months now, the best 6 months of my life. But something's off, like she's keeping secrets.
We always meet in her cabin, or she sneaks into my house. Nothing public. It hurts a little, our late night rendezvous are all I get from her, besides the occasional text.
Oh shit! I'm the secret...

Before I could register my thoughts the door to the cabin swung open and I was being dragged inside.
"Hey baby, I missed you" her sweet voice rang and I almost forgot about my thoughts. Almost.
When she pulled me into a kiss I immediately pulled away and the lips that I loved on mine were now frowning. "What's wrong? Don't tell me you got scared walking up here again" she chuckled and all I could do was shake my head.
"Are you ashamed of me? Are you married? Shit, are you?! Do you not love me-" my constant badgering was cut off with Wanda literally shoving me!

I stand there dumbfounded at her action and just look at her. I swear I saw her eyes literally turn red...

A/N: yo yo yo. Long time no see.... Whoops! Anyway let's just get one thing clear!
I'm messing, the story ain't over💀🥴

"Don't you ever say that again! Ofcourse I love you! I would do absolutely anything for you! You're my one and only, y/n...." She takes my hands in hers and all I can do is listen. "But I think it's time I was honest with you... but you have to promise me that you won't freak out!" "I'm not promising anything." She lets go of my hands and nods. We stand there in silence for a little before she speaks. "I'm going to show you something... it's different. I'm different. And this is scary for me, but I can't keep it a secret any longer" before I had the chance to speak up or fully register her words, he hand is raised and red wisps begin to make their way through the room.

My eyes go wide. The wisps carry one of Wanda's sweaters over and places it on me. The warmth radiates through me but so does something else. Abso-fucking-lute confusion. What. The. Fuck.

"What. The. Fuck" I heard a nervous giggle and look back to Wanda. She's now playing with the rings on her fingers.
"I know. I know. Baby I'm so sorry. I didn't want you to think of me as a freak.... I love you, so much. And I don't want this to be the reason we don't have a future together..."

"I- Wanda? What. The. Fuck!?" I can see she's getting slightly agitated, but that's the least of my worries.
"Baby come on, please say something different. Just- just tell me-" I cut her off with my hand in the air. She backs down like a child being told to shut up by a teacher. I didn't know what to say. Should I know? Before I could think, words were leaving me "I- I genuinely don't know what to say.... What is it? W-why?" Tears gloss over her eyes and my instincts kick in. I pull her into an embrace, but because she was taller than me it was hard to fully comfort her. It was nice though, real, raw. She'd never truly cried infront of me, well there was this one time when we were watching Marley and Me. Of course it was that movie. But that was different.

"You need to understand, I've never seen this before. I never thought I'd see anything like that. I'm confused. But... I still love you, Wanda. Nothing could ever change that" I mumble into her chest. She lifts my head up by my chin and smiles at me, the tears still running down her cheeks. "I understand, baby. If you need time, I'll give you that. Space... well I'll try and give you that. But I can't live without you. This... power, it means nothing to me. You're my everything, my one and only. But, I think we need to sit down first. Let me explain... please?" Her pleas break my heart. "Okay..."

We sit on the old couch and I hold her hands, she smiles softly before saying "so this is the start"...

The next morning I wake up before Wanda and just watch over her. It's not creepy, shut up you little greasy bitches! I'm Sorry...☹️ didn't mean it🥴
We talked for hours, I asked questions and she answered honestly. It explained everything, why we couldn't meet in public and why she lied and said she had an office job. Oh how different her work was.
Turns out she wasn't just my hero, she was the world's. But in the end, she was my world.

My Wanda.

A/N: I didn't mean the insult☹️ I'm sure y'all are clean... but I mean you're reading Wattpad so y'all dirtyyyyy😏
Anyway, I completely lost motivation for writing but everyone's messages really lifted me up so thank you all for that. I've got a couple ideas in mind so look out for new posts. And if I don't post, y'all can come tie me up 😂😂
Luv y'all <3

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 14 ⏰

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