⚡Public Restroom E.O⚡

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WORD COUNT: 864                                          REQUESTED                                        

You were currently in the bathroom of a restaraunt because your friend had set you up with a date. You were doing your makeup when someone else walked in. You looked up out of reflex and saw a gorgeous woman walk in. She had makeup in her hand too so she was in here for the same reason as you. You had only done half your lipstick but couldn't take your eyes off her breasts. She was wearing a blazer and you had a perfect view of them. Clearly, she had taken a liking to yours too, you internally high fived yourself for choosing a low cut dress. Once the staring became awkward you looked away, blushing, but clearly she wasn't done looking at you yet. She grabbed your face to look at her again before whispering "I think you missed a spot..." you were confused but so aroused so you just kept looking at her whilst she grabbed her own lipstick and applied it to the other half of your lips. You were growing wetter by the second and so was she. You groaned at her action and before you knew it, you were in a stall pushed up against the wall by the woman.

She attacks your lips with her own and you moan into her mouth. You try to take control but your attempt was quickly shut down by her tongue entering your mouth making you moan once again. "The names Lizzie sweetheart, I'm sure you won't forget it" she seductively whispers into your ear. "Y/N" you reply breathlessly. She bites her lip and glides her hands to the straps of her dress. You start unbuttoning her blazer as she drags your straps down. Once again you were both staring at eachother's breasts.  

She pushes you further into the stall wall, pinning you there whilst your nipples make contact. (cringing at the fact I just typed the word nipples lmao). The action makes you both moan loudly. Lizzie is taller than you so when she bends down to whisper something else in your ear they rub together again making you both moan and groan. She smirks doing the action again a couple of times. You were so horny that you thought you were gonna die, so you leaned upwards and she moaned so loudly it made you both giggle. 

While you both continue your actions you ask "Are you here on a date" she smirks and says "I'm sure he wont mind waiting" inbetween moans and gasps. She asks you the same question and you respond saying that you are but you don't even know the girls name. 

The both of you were begging for release but like she said, her date was waiting for her. Neither of you wanted to get too messy so she smashes your lips together in rough kisses and you both make out whiles continuing your movements. During your make out session you can muster out a quick "Lizzie, *gasps* I'm close". "Same here baby, go when I tap your thigh." You eagerly nod and within a few seconds her slender fingers make contact with your thigh, making you shiver as her rings felt cold. You both moaned as you came together and placed your foreheads together. When you both caught your breath, she dragged her fingers through your folds gathering up your juices and sucking them from her fingers. She moans lokoing into yuor eyes "That's gotta be better than anything they serve here" This makes you chuckle as you go to do the same to her but she grabs your hand and looks you in your eyes. "Let's save that for another time" With a wink she grabs a paper towel and writes her number on it with her lipstick. 

Once you both got dressed again you decided to finish the task you went into the restroom for. Except now it was harder as both of your makeup was smudged badly. Another woman comes in and asks"Are you Y/N?" You look at her confused as Lizzie giggles. She whispers to you "I think tat may be your date" mking sure to be seductive with the last word. You turn to look at the woman and say "Hi! I'm so sorry I was just sorting my makeup out" She miles and tells you" It's okay. I'm glad you're making an effort for me. I'm hoping it doesn't look 'sorted out' when we're alone tonight" She winks and you awkwardly chuckle, you did not want to have sex with her tonight. You wanted sex with the woman you just came with in a fucking bathroom stall! "Oh and Y/N, I like the top shade more" It takes you a while to realise she was talking about the half of the lipstick that Lizzie put on you. You go red as your date leaves. 

"I like it too" you whisper into Lizzie's ear, sharing one last kiss as you take her lipstick from her and apply it to yourself. Now that you both finnish your makeup you go to your dates. The whole night you steal glances and let's just say that wasn't the last time you saw eachother.

First time writing smut, I have the feeling it wont be the last lmao. Not great but not bad. I found myself cringing at some of the stuff I wrote but I'm taking one for the team!

Take care of yourselves!


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