⚠️Pain Relieves The Hurt⚠️ W.M

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WORD COUNT: 1356                    TW: Self harm, slight suicide mention

Your POV:

Numb. That's all you feel. If you're not numb then you're hurting. Every once in a while you show a smile, but it soon falters when the thoughts come back. Temptation is constantly ringing in your head. 

Do it. Do it. Just end everything. 

You can't take it anymore yet there seems to be something keeping you here. You don't know what and you don't care. Whatever it is, it hasn't shown itself and you are growing weaker every day. 

Most of the team were on a mission, leaving you and two redheads in the compound. They were talking, laughing, smiling. Everything you wished you could do again. But you can't. You keep pushing everyone away and clearly they don't seem to care.

Hearing Wanda laugh made you smile but also shattered your heart, you can't make her laugh anymore. She probably laughs at how pathetic you are. This thought immediately makes tears sting your eyes. You run to your bathroom and remember that Nat and Wanda took everything sharp away from you because Nat caught you cutting once. You swore that you'd never do it again but neither of them trusted that. And that's bullshit. They can't take away the things that make me feel. Even if it's hurting yme! I'm not stupid, I know how to do it without killing myself. But of course, they don't care. So while they are out there, happy and content, you're in here breaking down because you need something. You need to feel.

You sneak out of your room and head into Wanda's, you'll just take one of her blades then. You successfully get in and out un-noticed, like always. You make my way to your bathroom again, this time the tears have stopped. You feel numb again.

You slowly drag the blade across your skin a couple times, watching as the crimson liquid pours out. You sigh in relief, knowing you don't want to do this but have to. You feel something. Even if it's pain. But your thoughts are cut short when you hear a gasp and look up to see the woman that you once loved stood there with tears in her eyes. "W-Wanda, I'm so sorry" you choke out as you begin sobbing again.

Wanda's POV:

As me and Nat were talking I heard Y/N leave her room. I contemplated talking to her but decided against it as she has been distant lately and I don't want to anger her. I don't know what I did wrong. Thinking about the fact that the girl I love possibly hates me makes me tear up. Nat notices and asks me what's wrong. I just shake my head and she nods, understanding that I don't want to talk about it. We continue our conversation when I hear my door shut and Y/N go back to her room. She couldn't be looking for me because I'm literally out here. 

A few minutes pass by and I get a bad feeling about earlier so I ask Nat if she had spoken to Y/N recently. "No I haven't. I don't know what I did wrong but she keeps avoiding me" she sighs and we made eye contact as I told her that I hadn't either and that she had been avoiding me too.

Suddenly I can hear Y/N's thoughts, they are so loud. She's thinking about how something is the only way and tell Nat. We eventually put two and two together and grow worried for the girl. Nat goes to check if Y/N had taken anything from her room while I checked mine. My razors were open.

I sprinted to Y/N's room and use my powers to unlock the door. When I get to her bathroom my heart sinks. How could she do this again? Why didn't she talk to me" She must have heard me come in because she looks up and starts sobbing. "W-Wanda, I'm so sorry" she chokes out.

I walk over to her, remembering that I had to stay calm. "Sweetie, can you please pass me the blade?" I question but it was more like a soothing command. She simply lets go of her grip on it, clearly her arm is weak. I grab it as Nat walks in. "Y/N honey" she sighed as she came over to us. I hand her the blade and ask her to grab a first aid kit. In the mean time, I run Y/N a bath and hold her as she cries. I whisper sweet nothing's to her to soothe her and Nat comes back with the supplies. I pick Y/N up and place her on the sink.

Nat holds her hand and tells her stories to distract her from the stinging pain as I cleaned her wounds. "I'm sorry" "We know" Nat replies and kisses her forehead. "Honey your bath's done. Do you want me or Wanda to stay with you?" "W-Wanda please" 

I smile and pick her up and begin undressing her. Nat goes to grab a few things for when we are finished. 

Your POV:

As Wanda helps you into the bath you shyly ask "C-can you come in with me" with your head down. "Of course sweetie". She undresses herself and gets in behind you, holding you close. You both sit in silence for a couple of minutes until she asks "Can we talk about it? Please?" You nod your head and say "after". She whispers an okay and begins washing your hair and then hers. Washing your body and then hers. You like the fact that she asked if it was okay if she washed you, it made you feel safe.

Safe. A feeling. You felt safe. In her arms, with her touch, with her voice. She made you feel. You kept it quiet though, you didn't want to ruin the moment.

Once you had finished she wrapped you in a towel then doing the same to herself. She picked you up and took you to your bed and grabbed the clothes Nat had laid out for you. A simple sweater and sweatpants as it was currently winter. Wanda cuddles next to you while you both wait for Nat to return. She was grabbing some movies for the three of you to watch. "Thank you" you blurt out to Wanda. "Sweetie you don't need to thank me. Please don't feel guilty darling. I know you find it hard but I'm here for you. So is Nat and Steve and Clint and Bruce and Thor and believe it or not, Tony is too." Her words make you cry, you didn't realize the impact you could have if it did go wrong. You correct her though, " No I meant thank you. You make me feel safe. And warm." "That's because I love you Y/N. I have since we first met. I love you so much and I don't want to ever lose you!" "I love you too, Wanda." you whisper looking into her eyes. She plants a soft kiss on your lips and Nat walks in.

"Finally. I was wondering when you two would finally admit it to each other" she chuckles. She brings your back to her front and starts braiding your hair. Just like she did when you first joined the Avengers when you were younger. You felt content. Nat was like a mother to you. 

"Pain relieves the hurt" you sigh. Both the redheads understand what you are talking about and stay quiet, letting you speak. "But I don't need pain anymore. I don't just feel hurt anymore." Wanda kisses your left temple and Nat kisses your hand having finished your hair.

"We love you so much Y/N" Nat whispers, laying you down. "So so much" Wanda replies. 

You finally feel something again. Love. You drift to sleep halfway through the movie and they notice. They turn off the TV and Wanda hugs you closer, being careful of your bandaged arm. Both of them stayed with you that night. But Wanda made it a habbit of you two sleeping in each other's arms for every night after that.

Wanda was what was keeping you here. And she is never letting go, neither of you are.

A long one. Cried a little. Just remember, you are worth so much. If anyone ever needs someone to talk to but is scared, my DM's are always open. We don't know eachother so I would have absolutely no reason to judge you! Please take care, all of you.

Ilysm <3 -E

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