⚡I can make you feel better⚡ W.M

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WORD COUNT:947                       Smuuuuuuut!! With fluff

Wanda POV:

I was in my room reading when I heard small cries coming from the room next door. Y/N's room. I hated hearing her cry so I put my book down and walked to her door. I knocked but there was no answer, just sobs. I knock again "Y/N sweetie are you okay?"  "W- Wanda?" I took that as an invitation to enter her room. The sight before me broke my heart.

your POV:

Wanda came in and immediately engulfed you in a warm hug. You cried into her shoulder as she whispered comforts to you. Once you were slightly composed she asked you what was the matter. "My fucking boyfriend cheated again" you said and began sobbing again. You saw her eyes flash red and her jaw clench. She never liked him, she always made that clear. She grabbed your face and looked into your eyes "Oh baby I'm so sorry. You don't deserve this, he doesn't deserve you" she was right, but I could never break it off with him. He made me feel guilty any time I tried. "I can't leave him. He makes me feel good Wands..." you lied. He had never given you an orgasm in your year of dating. She saw right through you. "I can make you feel better" she said seductively. Before you could fully take in her words her lips were on yours in a soft, passionate kiss. You found yourself kissing back, it felt so right. You pulled back though, feeling guilty. "Wands... I-" She shushed you by placing her finger on your lips.  "Let me help you baby, I know you've been aching for a release for too long" she wasn't lying, clearly she had read your mind.

You nodded at her "I need words baby". This just made you want her more. "Please make me feel good" you said and sniffled she awed at the sight and soon attatched your lips together undressing herself and you.

She began kissing your neck "Wanda" you moaned "no hickies". "No promises" she replied and that made you laugh. Your laugh was soon turned into a moan as she took your nipple in her mouth (aaaah I'm cringing again lmao) while she played with your other one. She switched and you were a panting mess. She kissed lower until she got to where you needed her most. "Please" you breathed out. She smirked "please what baby?" "Please Wanda I need it- I need you" This made her smile. She had liked you for so long and secretly you liked her. Both of you scared of compromising your friendship, you kept it a secret.  Before you could protest anymore her tongue ran up your folds. "Wands" you moaned out. She was in a hurry to make you feel good, knowing you needed it but she still wanted to be passionate. She was sucking and licking and you were moaning and panting. Never in your life had you ever felt pleasure like this.

Her face made its way back up to yours and you whined. But right after you felt two of her fingers enter you. You let out a pornographic moan and she smiled to herself. After a few thrusts she felt your walls clench around her fingers and added a third. This sent you over the edge "Fuck, keep going" you maoned "right there". she lowered her face once again and started sucking on your clit and curling her finngers. It wasn't long until you screamed her name having had the best orgasm of your life. She slowly took her fingers out and started rubbing your thighs, helping you come down from your high.

Once you composed yourself she kissed you making you moan at the taste of yourself.

Wanda POV:

I could get used to this sight. She smiled at me and whispered a thank you. I kissed her again and placed my fingers in her mouth, she sucked them clean and I could feel myself getting aroused again. I contained myself though, tonight was about her and clearly she can't take anymore. 

"Y/N sweetie I have to tell you something" she tiredly nods, signalling for me to continue. "You need to break up with him. I hate seeing you upset. Everyone does. Please baby, for me?" She doesn't hesitate in telling me that she would. I was taken back as she usually comes up with a dumb excuse for him. She reaches for her phone to call him but I stop her. "Baby let me get you cleaned up and then you need to sleep. Tell him in the morning okay?" She nods again, clearly exhausted. God she really hadn't been fucked properly before.  I grabbed a cloth and cleaned her up. I gave her one of my oversized T-shirts from my room and gave her a pair of my shorts. I dressed her before dressing myself and I went to leave until she grabbed my arm. "Please stay Wands. I don't want to be alone" I muttered a small "ok" and smiled. I really loved her, it made me happy that I was the one to comfort her.

I kissed her forehead and whispered "I love you" once she fell asleep. She whispered a small "I love you too Wanda. So much" having clearly heard me and being awake. We cuddled and soon fell asleep in eachother's arms

6 months later: your pov

You and Wanda have been dating for 6 months now. You broke it off with your boyfriend and you have never felt happier. Both of you were cuddled up in her room after coming back from a date. She felt safe to you, she felt like home. She is your everything and you hers.

I still can't get over the fact that I am wrting some of these words lmao. 2 updates in the space of a few hours? Who is she? Hope you horny little gays liked this! 

Take care of yourselves, pleeeeeaaase!!!


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