⚠️The fucking media happened⚠️ E.O

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WORD COUNT:1131                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               TW: online bullying, hate comments, fat shaming, alcoholism, depression

Your POV:

Tomorrow is mine and Lizzie's 3 year anniversary. I don't think she remembered though. I  can't complain about it though, she's the most amazing girlfriend I could ever ask for. She's been really busy lately, going out a lot more. I'm sure it just slipped her mind. I'm currently waiting for her to come home, it's 11:38 pm so it's very nearly oyur anniversary.

While waiting you decide to go on your phone. Normally Liz watches over you when you go on social media as some of the things said on there are extremely hurtful. As you scroll through Twitter you see an update on your girlfriend. She tried to hide her face but you can tell it's her, but you don't know who she's with. The woman is holding on to  YOUR girlfriend's waist and YOUR girlfriend is holding hands with her. What hurt the most though was the comments. 

"Where's that ugly thing she's usually with?" "#UPGRADE Y/N doesn't stand a chance" "Aww, Lizzie finally looks so happy" "Y/N probably mad that she wont be able to use Liz for her money anymore" And so on...

I was called fat and ugly and a gold digger. The time was 11:50 when she entered your shared bedroom in the house that YOU paid for. She threw you a tired smile to which you turned away. "Alright then, someone's cranky" she says in a sing song voice. Of course she's happy, she has probably just come back from being fucked by a woman 1000 times hotter than me. "Shut up" you mumble under your breath but she still hears you. "What did you just say to me?!" She yells. "Someone's cranky". I say, mocking her from earlier. She rolls her eyes and puts on her PJ's.

11:56. "Are you going to apologize for telling me to shut up?" she says, well more demands. "Lizzie please, don't do this now. I'm tired and have a very important day tomorrow" you say, not wanting to argue. "What is it that you possibly have to do tomorrow?" She makes fun. "Well fine. I'm going out with a friend tomorrow. We're thinking about taking a roadtrip so you might not see me for a few days. Depends on how we feel tomorrow.". That was the last straw.

11:58 I get up angrily and start packing a bag "Y/N you can't come. I anted some alone time with my friend." "I'm not fucking going with you are your 'friend' don't worry yourself too much sweetheart!" "Watch that mouth!" "I think you need to watch yours! Don't want it falling onto your friends lips no do we?!" She's taken back 

11:59 "Y/N what are you talking about? What do yo-" she cuts herself off when she sees the Tweet still open on your phone. "Oh baby I can explain!" You can, but I don't want to hear it" I say bluntly. "Why were you even on here without me?" She says angrily, both at you and the horrible comments she is reading. "BECAUSE I WAS BORED WAITING FOR THE WOMAN WHO I WAS GOING TO ASK TO MARRY ME TO COME HOME!"

Lizzie POV:

She was going to ask me to marry her? What did I do?! How could I do this?!

00:00 "Happy 3 years baby" she says, her words filled with venom. I was confused and then it hit me. But before I could say anything she had already made her way to her car and drove off. I was sobbing and I felt so guilty. It only happened once. The fucking media is labelling it an affair. We didn't even have sex! 

00:02 I realize I had no idea where Y/N was going so I called her to make sure she was heading somewhere safe. Her phone rang in the bed. Fuck. 

00:37 I grew more panicked as every minute passed. I had called everyone we knew and no one had seen her or heard from her. She wasn't in a fit state to be driving. What if something happened? Oh god what if I never see her again? The pain is somewhat eased when her phone lights up, a notification indicating her card had been used to check into a hotel.

At least she was safe. I cried myself to sleep, knowing full well I didn't deserve her.

Your POV:

I checked into a hotel and went to my room immediately. I mde sure to ask for one with a computer as I stupidly forgot my phone. I logged onto Instagram and searched Liz's name in the tags and went onto most recent. After getting past all the edits I saw more photo's of her and your "upgrade" as people would say. You didn't know why you were doing this to yourself.

1:00 I went onto my facebook and found a photo of me and Lizzie that was taken the day we became girlfriends. 


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                         y/n.y/l/n☑️:                     3 years baby. 3 fucking years. x

                         a few seconds ago

I added the passive aggressive kiss to be petty. It didn't take long for the comments to come flooding in. You didn't disable them like you usually did. You anted this. You wanted to see how people saw you, how Lizzie saw you.  You cried yourself to sleep that night. With the ring you had made for her on the table next to you.

The next morning you kept refreshing your post, refreshing your mind. There was the odd few that congratulated you and complimented you but they were drowned out by the vile comments that people felt the need to tell you. I guess I'm just vile. Not even my own girlfriend loved me.

I began to drink more and believe the words that were being said on the media. Liz has been quiet since I sent a note to my own house tellingher I wanted her out. The house became a mess and I was losing myself . Chris Evans was in LA and paid me a visit. Didn't go too well. He held me the entire day, even when I was hitting him to let me go so I could drink more. I explained everything to him and he comforted me the entire night. 

I was more active with the media, giving them what they wanted. Me, broken and falling. Depressed and alone.

4 months later:

I was getting better. I wasn't drinking as much and I had an interview today to talk about an upcoming short film that is schedueled to be released soon. The woman asks "Were the recent events that happened a ploy to secretly promote the film?" You answered simply "Nope. That all happened. Wish it didn't buuuut it did," you let out an awkward chuckle, she looked at you with sympathy. "If you don't mind me asking, what exactly happened?" 

"The fucking media happened."

Ahhh, a long one. That's NOT what she said ;) I had an idea for this one but forgot it half way through so I improvised lmao. I'm working on requests, ty for sending them in. Feel free to send more :)

Take care please. I need you guys to fuel my motivation. Especially you, the person who is somehow here as soon as I post an update! You know who you are ;)

Eat, drink, sleep, touch grass. 

Ilysm <3 -E

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