Bar Musician P2❤️

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Word count: 700
Y/N pov:
Me and Lizzie arranged for her to come round to my place tonight. It's been 3 days since we met, we've called, texted, FaceTimed, everything. She seems to be a very busy woman but I don't mind.

I was just in the middle of cooking when my phone pinged
Hey cutie, I'm just walking to your place now. Can't wait to see you! Xx

Y/N 😘
I can't wait to see you too!! Hurry because I miss youuu!!! X

Shit, does that seem clingy? Fuck, I've fucked it! Fuck, fuck, why do I keep saying fuck???

I was getting more nervous by the second and I heard a soft knock at the door. "It's open" I yell, hoping it's not a stranger but Lizzie. "Wow, something smells good!" I hear a beautiful voice call as she enters my apartment. "It's one of my mom's recipes, that woman can cook a mad meal so I hope I've done it justice" i chuckle, turning to her. (Im too lazy to think of a dish so it could literally be anything you imagine😂).
"Looks like you might have" she says, getting incredibly close to me. "Is there anything I can help with?" "No it's okay, it's actually done now" I plate everything up and lead her to the small dining area. I light the candles on the table and gesture for her to sit.
"Wow y/n, all this for me?" "Hey, you're literally the most gorgeous woman I've ever met, you deserve everything." Too clingy? FUCK! "I could say the same for you" she quips back with a smirk.

We had finished eating and we're now in the living room watching Netflix, cuddling under the blankets. "Wow, that storm is really picking up" she says. "Yeah, they said it was gonna be bad but I never expected this" she hums in response. "I might have to leave earlier than expected, y'know, before it gets worse." She says with a frown. "I mean, you could always stay the night... I mean, I could sleep on the couch, you in my bed so it's not, y'know, it's just that-" she cuts my rambling off with a soft kiss. "If you're okay with it, I'm okay with it. And we're both responsible adults so I think we can share the same bed" she says with a chuckle. "Y-yeah, we can... can you, can you kiss me again? Your lips are insatiable and-" once again her soft lips cut off my rambling.
I feel her tongue asking for entry, I deny her so she straddles me and let's her hands wander down my body. This causes me to gasp to which she takes the opportunity to let her tongue explore my mouth. My hands rest on her waist as hers do mine. The kiss gets impossibly deeper and squeeze her hips causing her to moan "god". When air becomes an issue we break apart, both of us breathing heavily. "I've wanted to do that since I first saw you on that stage" she breathlessly says. I smirk at her and whisper in her ear "I've wanted to do so much more since I laid eyes on you" causing her cheeks to tint pink.

We are now in the bedroom, I'm taking my clothes off, as is she....
I put my oversized tee on and shorts and she did the same, I turned around once she had done and... wow she looks good in my clothes.
(HA, YOU THOUGHT? horndogs!😂)
"So I was thinking we could put a movie on, just chill for the night?" "That sounds perfect, y/n" we climb into my bed and she immediately brings my head to cuddle into her chest. God her boobs are big, they make good pillows. (I always think this.... I'm dirty okay!?😂)
We talked a little and I fell asleep with her tracing shapes on my arm.

Lizzie POV:
I looked down to see y/n peacefully asleep on my chest, I kiss her forehead and whisper "goodnight princess" and find myself drifting off too. I feel safe, at home. It's like she's the one. I can't wait for our next date!

This is sooo trash I swear! I did my best, I promised I would write it the next day, I didn't so I rushed it! Im sorry😂 part 3?? I've got a few good ideas that I'm gonna start writing but any requests would be appreciated!😂 You can DM me or comment.
Anyway, I appreciate you reading this luvs, remember to take care of yourselves! Ily!

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