⚡Coffee Shop P.2⚡ E.O

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WORD COUNT: 993                                                      Smut with a sprinkle of floof!

Your POV:

You saw Elizabeth's text on your break and you smirked to yourself. Once your shift finished at 6pm you sent her a text telling her you would be there and hurried home to get changed.

When you arrived home you have a quick shower, then you put on a white lace bra with matching underwear and slid on a lilac dress. You applied a small amount of makeup to cover your sleepless natural face. You brushed your hair into a ponytail and got in your car. It was currently 7:30 and it was a 20 minute drive. You were growing impatient as LA traffic was holding you up.

You finally get to the address and your mouth is wide open. How the fuck can someone afford this!? Your thoughts are cut short when you see the brunette woman in the window. You compose yourself and walk up to her door. Without even having to knock she opens it and pulls you in, kissing you hungrily yet still full of passion. "Hi" she whispers, looking into your eyes. "H-hi" you stutter out, still flustered. She giggles and takes your hand into her living room. 

It was beautiful. She had some movies laid out on a blanket with some pasta and wine. "This is beautiful Elizabeth" She blushes. "Please, call me Lizzie" you nod and she brings you down to the blanket. You both eat, drink, make out and laugh as the movies that were playing were long forgotten. She catches you staring and smirks at you "Do you want to take this upstairs?" You eagerly nod and pull her into a rough kiss while pulling you both upwards. She guides you both up the stairs and into her bedroom, not breaking up your session once. 

You throw her onto the bed, climbing to straddle her. "Oh so you think you're in charge huh? Cute." she chuckles but is soon cut short when you bend down to her ear and whisper "Oh baby I know I am, you will too." you hear her groan and you both scramble to undress each other. "Do you have a safe word Liz?" "Yeah, red" you nod and kiss her again. She grabs ahold of your ponytail and tries to drag your face down to where she needs you the most "Patience. Needy little whore's get punished." This earned you a pornographic moan from her. Degradation clearly helped her motors run as you could smell her sweet scent. Your kisses grew rougher as you nipped at her neck, licking the spots after to soothe them. Once you made it to her core she pushes your head further into her but you look up once again to ask for permission. "P-please Y/n" she whines and you give in.

Your tongue runs through her folds and she maons at the touch. You reached up to grab her breasts and massaged them while your tongue attacked her clit. The more you licked, the more she moaned and they just got louder. She was quite the screamer, this made you moan into her core sending vibrations. "Baby don't stop" you sped up your movements and sucked on her clit. This sent her into a frenzy. "I'm c-close". "F-fingers". You found it adorable taht she needed more of you and you gave in. You added two fingers into her and kept your tongue on her clit. You curled your fingers after a few more thrusts and found her g-spot "RIGHT THERE" she was breathing heavily and you felt her clench against your fingers. You knew she was really close and added in a third finger which sent her over the edge. "FUCK" She came with a loud cry and you held her thighs to help steady her. 

She looked so tired but still managed to pull you up onto her. "Never have I came so hard before" This made you smile and she moaned as you kissed her, tasting herself on your tongue.  You pull your fingers into your mouth and suck her juices from them, she maintained eye contact and was clearly getting aroused again. She flipped the two of you over and aligned her clit with yours. The contact earned a moan from the both of you. She grabbed your hair tie, letting your hair free and you grabbed her hips, guiding her to grind upon yourself. 

"You feel so good" You moan as her clit glides across yours. "mmm, Y/N." she moans at you. You lean up to kiss her and she catches your lips hungrily and her rythm speeds up. You begin guiding her into a faster rythym and her mouth is a perminent 'o' shape now. You can feel her legs shaking and her movements are growing sloppier, indicating that she was close. You were too. "Lizzie I-I'm close baby" she nods, telling you she is too. "Hold it a little longer baby" You gasp as you feel your release rising "At the same time" you count down from 3 and cum at the same time . As your orgasms come crashing down, so does Liz. You hold her tightly, rubbing circles on her back helping her calm down from her 2nd orgasm of the night. You ask her where her bathroom is and grab the essentials for after care.

When you are both cleaned up you ask "Do you want me to leave or stay?" "Stay, please" You nod and climb back into the newly changed sheets holding Lizzie tight in your arms. "Tonight was fun." she said turning to face you. "Yeah? Well I hope there can be more nights like tonight." You reply. You simply lets out a giggle "Oh I know there will be" mocking your tone from earlier. This makes you laugh and she kisses your forehead before sleep takes over you both.

Let's just say there were many more nights like that night, the only difference was it was in your shared bed in your shared house.

Okay I think I'm getting the hang of the whole smut thing without cringing to death lmao. You asked and you received, I was actually kinda excited to write a part 2. Hello @GingerNinja93 I know you're here ;) lmao. Did you like it? Did I do it? Did I save the world? 

Anygays, please take care, love yourselves and behave!

Ilysm <3 -E

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