⚡"Keep it down"⚡ W.M

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WORD COUNT: 617    Pure smut, ig ;)

"Fuck! Wanda!" I moaned as she was pumping her fingers deep inside of me. Both of us panting heavily. "That's it, good girl" she praised, adding a fourth finger! I winced a little but the pain very quickly turned into pleasure as she hit my sweet spot inside of me "mmm, baby I'm- I'm so close" With that she smirked and attatched her mouth to my clit, I soon came with a loud cry yelling out her name. "FUCK. WANDS!" 

I regained my composure as she slowly took her fingers out and she was already rubbing my overstimulated clit. "You did so good baby. Can you do one more?" I lazily nodded, feeling tired but so turned on. She smirked and straddled my waist lifting one of my thighs above hers, lowering herself down so we both felt the pleasure of our clits together. We both let out throaty moans and I instinctively grabbed her hips, helping her grind against me. "Mmm, Y/N you feel so good baby" she moaned out, causing me to do the same. "God, Wanda" I moaned again as she fastened her pace.

We suddenly heard the rest of the team, "Fuck, they're back early" Wanda muttered under her breath, still continuing her movements. The team didn't know we were together and for now we would like to keep it that way. "Keep it down, baby" she husked, scrunching her face as somehow her movements quickened again. "I- I" "Shhh" she giggled, leaning down to capture my lips in a makeout, both of us stealing each others loose moans. Our thighs were a mess, our juices mixing as we both grew wetter. "Fuck I'm close baby" she quietly moaned, going to attack my neck. "m-me too"

After a few more grinds we were both ready to release, "Cum Y/N, cum with me baby" I nodded, putting my hand over my mouth getting ready to release, knowing I would probably be loud. She laughed and shook her head, taking my palm into hers "Keep it down" she whispered seductively and we both moaned eachothers names as we came, trying to be as quiet as possible. 

"F-fuck Wanda, do you think they heard?" I whispered, out of breathe. She just giggled and said "Maybe" I rolled my eyes at her and giggled too. She reached into her drawer and got out wipes and cleaned us both, we would get properly cleaned up in the morning but we were too tired for now. We fell asleep soon after, cuddling impossibly close. I woke up at 5 and quickly escaped to my own room, we did this when we had sex and stayed in the others room that night. This way no one would see us. I showered, knowing  I didn't clean up properly last night and went to make a coffee, I was still tired but not enough to go back to sleep. I got to the kitchen and Nat and Clint were there, they saw me and smiled "Mornin" Clint said I groaned and said "Good morning" Nat nodded at me smirking, I shot her a confused look to which she just chuckled. Clint said something about his bow and left, I wasn't really listening.I was more focused on Nat. Did she hear us? I thought. Surely not.

I made myself some coffee and noticed Nat's cup was empty so I grabbed hers making some for her. I knew exactly how she liked it so she trusted me to make her some that didn't taste like poison. I turned around, handing her cup to her. She was still smirking. "Sooo" she dragged out. "Sooo?" I said, copying her tone with a hint of confusion. "You and Wanda huh?"


Helloooo! It's been busy, sorry! The other night my friend did a 12 hour stream on Twitch so I watched that, the next day I as getting things ready for college so that's why I hadn't updated. Also I'm kind of running out of ideas so any requests would be highly appreciated!!!!! Pweaseeeee. Anyay, college starts next week and I am dreading it lmao.

Please take care of yourselves!

Ilysm <3 -E

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