⚡Wedding Gift ⚡ E.O

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Me and Lizzie had just gotten rady for her wedding. Her and Robbie are finally getting married. I'm so happy for them both, they both deserve this. I heard Lizzie sigh heavily so I asked "You alright? Do you need anything?" She smirked and walked over to me. "Me and Robbie haven't had sex in a whole month! We were waiting for our honeymoon." She whined. "You know you could've always come to me" "I know, but I didn't think" I hummed. ubbing her shoulders, I could feel how tense she was. "Do you need me to help? It'll spice things up for the day?" I say, now I'm the one smirking. "God, yes please" she immediately sighed after. Now I know it's normally wrong to fuck someone on the morning of their wedding if you're not the one they are marrying but Robbie is definitely okay with it. More than okay actually, he's the one who suggested they had an open relationship. So yep, this isn't the first time me and Lizzie have had sex. I had never done anything with Robbie, I'm all for women but he knows me and Lizzie have done things before and he's fine with everything. He said it would help Liz the most as she was bi, this way she wouldn't "get tired of dick". His words. He's a great guy and I'm so happy for them.

I looked down though, we were both in our dresses. These things took ages to put on. Lizzie somehow sensed what I was thinking and said "Don't worry about them. I have another idea" she shot me a wink and pulled me flush against her, guiding herself backwards towads a wall. She spread her legs and grabbed my thigh. I saw where she was going so I placed my thigh between her legs and she immediately began grinding. She was needy. She let out a few gasps and quiet moans and I then pushed my knee further causing her to let out a loud moan "God Y/N" she moaned out, REALLY needy. I grabbed onto her hips to steady myself and she grabbed onto my shoulders. I got turned on just by watching her. She was still fully dressed so her underwear gave her more friction, clearly she liked it. I could feel herunderwear dampen on my thigh and I helped her grind harder. "Ohh, d-don't stop baby." she gasped out. "I- I'm cumming Y/N" I groaned at her and kissed her roughly, signalling that she could cum. "Y/N!" she cied out as she came. 

I looked at her face, a mischevious grin coating mine. When she caught her breath I spun her around, her front against the wal. "We've still got 15 minutes before hair and makeup" I whispered seductively in her ear, she whined "P-please baby". She pressed her ass against my dfront and began grinding once again. I thrusted my front into her, we soon fell into rythm. "F-fuck Liz" I groaned as she started grinding harder. My grip on her hips tightened. She let out a loud moan "H-harder". I granted her wish by pulling her into myself as I thrusted forward. Igrabbed her hair with one hand and pulled er closer to me. I turned her face to the side slightly, trying not to hurt her and we both started kissing roughly. Her tongue entered my mouth with no contest. Our tongues clashed over and over again, causing us to moan into eachother's mouths. The makeout began rougher as we were both nearing release. "Are you clse baby?" she mumbled I nodded, not able to form words. Not long after we both came at the same time, crying out the others name. I gripped onto her dress to help myself stay up, her hands on the wall. I didn't realize we were still kissing until she pulled away panting. "Well, I think we should changer our underwear before we go for hair and makeup." she giggled. "Y-yeah we should" I chuckled back. 

She walked into her closet and I went to my room, man was I lucky. This may be the last time we could do anything, her and Robbie were going to talk about the arrangement once they got back from their honeymoon. I didn't mind, I never had feelings for her. I was just gonna miss the sex a little. It doesn't matter, I was lucky enough to be abe to have done this for a little while. I got a text from Elizabeth saying the hair and makeup team were her, I made my way back to her room. She whispered a "thank you" to me before I sat down in my chair. 

When we were finished I looked over at her. She was stunning! Robbie was really lucky.

This wasn't the best, I'm sorry. The updates are going to be slow so please be patient. College starts on Monday, like I already said lmao. Don't worry though, I wont forget about you horny little fuckers <3 lmao

Remember to take care of yourselves

Ilysm <3 -E

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