Neighbour E.O

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Y/N Pov:
I was watching TV in the living room when I heard some loud noises from outside. I took a look and saw a moving van. Shit. The new neighbours are moving in today and I totally forgot. I know it's so cliche but I usually bake something when someone new moves to the block because it's nice and makes it easier to go over and be nosey I guess. What? I'm curious as to who's going to be living near me! I don't want to accidentally become friends with a Nazi! (True story😭)

I wait until I can see that most of the stuff is moved in, I don't want to add extra stress. I look in the mirror before I leave and shrug, I'll be fine. What they gonna do? Think I'm a sleaze? Yeah probably. Eh, who doesn't jam around in sweats and a tank top on a Sunday?

I walk up to the woman, she has her back to me so I clear my throat and speak "hi, I'm y/n I live right next door and wanted so say hi." She turns around. I'm so gay.
Her eyes are beautiful and her smile is so sweet. The blonde smiles at me and says "hi, sorry if the noise is bothering you. We shouldn't be too long now but we can try and keep it down-" I cut off her rambling, it's kinda cute. Shut up. "No no, it's not bothering me at all. Just wanted to come see who's moving in." "I'm Elizabeth it's nice to meet you y/n" I saw it. Her eyes. She totally checked me out. Shut up. She was probably judging me.  "Is there anything you need help with? As you can tell I wasn't really doing much." She lets out a cute giggle "it's Sunday, who is?" So she wasn't judging me, soooo... she was checking me o- shut up. "There's not really much else that needs doing really I- What are you doing? If I box is labelled fragile you don't hurl it across the yard!" I feel my face heating up, damn that was hot. She's hot. "Sorry hun what was that?" "Hmm?" "You whispered something, I couldn't hear you." She chuckled and I'm sure I turned red "oh, uh nothing nothing" "you sure?" She whispered back seductively. No. No. She's just being friendly "yeah I'm sure. So is there anything that needs doing?" "Everything is pretty much done, thank you though. And thank you for coming over, this short conversation has been nice" she chuckles as I respond to her. The conversation goes on for a little while and it gets dark so I head back in.

The next morning I go for a run and hear someone whistle me when I arrive back. I turn around ready to punch some sleaze in the face only to be let with Elizabeth. Definitely not a sleaze. "Elizabeth, hi. How was your first night?" "Y/n call me Lizzie and it was alright, little cold though" "yeah the boilers in these houses tend to play up a lot, I can come help you with it if you want?" She smiles at me, adorable. "If that's not a bother that would be great." "Of course not. Let me just shower and I'll be over in 20" we wave goodbye and I go back inside.

I knock on her door and she answers pretty quickly. "I'm really sorry about this." She says as she lets me in "honestly I don't mind. It was a nightmare trying to figure mine out, trust me. Plus, I work from home so this doesn't really affect me" why did I bring up work? I don't know, I'm getting all flustered here! "Oh really? What is it you do for work" we get to the boiler and I start to take a look to see what the problem was. Expensive ass houses but cheap ass boilers. "I'm actually a writer, I'm kinda in a slump right now so I'm trying to keep myself preoccupied." She hums and takes a seat next to me as we start to converse.

"Can you go turn the tap on hot? So I can see if it's working now." She gets up and shamelessly stare at her ass. Wow. She comes back smiling. "You're a lifesaver!" I start to put everything back and feel her eyes on me. On my ass in particular. I'm feeling brave. Shouldn't be, but I am. "Like something?" I ask innocently but the innocent where you know it's pure lies. "Oh definitely..." she leans down to my ear and whispers seductively. I feel her front on my behind and her hands go to my waist. I stop everything I'm doing and then next thing I know I'm pinned to the wall...

"You're so fucking hot..."

Hahaha ROBBED! I'll post part 2 next ;) only if you beg. I'm kidding... or am I?
Sooo.. what did ya think? And how should part 2 play out? I've also come to the realisation that I'm madly in love with Elizabeth Olsen, so thanks Elizabeth, you've ruined any chance of me finding love! :( I'm kidding, obviously not about the part of being in love with her, who isn't?

Anyway, hope you all have a good day, my DM's are always open for anything, even if you're bored and just want to chat. Byeee

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