❤️Unwell❤️ W.M

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WORD COUNT:1684                              Pure fluff ❤️ 


You woke up with a throbbing migraine and a naeseous feeling. You didn't throw up but you sure as hell felt like it. You turned to the alarm on Wanda's nightstand and it read 03:17. You groaned, making Wanda stir. You didn't want to wake her up becasue she would insist on taking care of you and you didn't feel as though it was that bad.

You silently tossed and turned, whining as you just couldn't get comfortable. You looked over to the clock again and it read "4:36" (time as i'm writing this lmao) which made you groan and whine louder. Wanda turned in her sleep, slightly startling you. Dryness took over your throat and you burst out in a coughing fit. Now this woke Wanda. She turned to look at you and laughed, thinking you were just doing something stupid at the ridicilous hour, but she soon grew worried as she saw the seriousness of the scene infront of her. She quickly sat up and scrambled to your side, rubbing circles on your back "Baby are you ok" You just shook your head and pointed to an empty water bottle on the nightstand. She understood and quickly ran to the kitchen to get you another. Cursing herself for not just filling the empty one with tap water for the time being. She ran back up to your shared room and helped you drink from the bottle, her hands continuing to soothe your back. 

Once you were composed she pulled you into her, kissing your forehead.  This action made her aware of your high temperature. She went to pull your shirt off but you stopped her, not liking to sleep topless. "Baby I know you want it on but you'll feel better."  She whispered, you simply nodded and whispered okay back to her. You began to take off your sweats, knowing this would help you too. You were now just in your underwear and tried to cover yourself with the duvet, feeling insecure. She quickly stopped you and began to cutely scold you for not listening to her when she tells you you're beautiful. She took your temperature and got you some medicine.

It was now 6:00 in the morning and as you were finally drifting off to sleep, the alarm went off "Wanda please! T-turn it off!" You cried as it only inreased your pain. "I'm so sorry hunny" She whispers kissing your forehead and grabbing her phone "I'm just going to quicly text Steve and tell him that we can't work today" "No Wanda you don't need to baby" you said, slightly raising your voice above a hisper making you wince. "You need to rest sweeties. And I'm not leaving your side just in case something happens." She was always anxious something bad was going to happen. She left no room for arguments and said "I'm going to go and get you some braekfast okay? Just some toast." You shook your head "I- I don't wanna throw it up" "Oh baby I know, but you need to eat something. " You nodded, your throat still sore.

She came back with some more water for you, some hot tea and toast. After a few bites of toast you really didn't feel like anymore and Wanda understood and helped you drink some tea. "All better?" "A little" you sniffled. She checked your temp and taid your hair up. She blasted the aircon, not caring that she began to get a little chilly. 

You really loved how protective she would get, but it made you feel guilty knowing she was going to miss out on the meal that the team had booked tonight You watched as she climbed back into bed and cuddled you, not getting  too close as she didn't want you to get too hot. You moved away though, not wanting her to get sick. "Baby I don't care if i get sick, I have a strong immune system. Now, I know you love to cuddle when you're sick so get you butt over here" She had been whispering all day to not cause your head any further pain, which you were thankful for.

You were growing bored and irritated as nothing was taking your mind off your current state. The TV remote caught your eye but you knew the light would practically kill you. You grabbed an extra pillow and covered your face "Can you lower the vloume and brightness please?" You asked Wanda. She only heard muffles but saw your face and the remote and put two and two together. She put Rick and Morty on knowing it was one of your favourites and slowly pulled te pullow from your face. The screen was visible but not too bright to hurt. The volume was perfect and Wanda was humming a song to help you sleep.

You woke up 3 hours later with the urge to throw up, luckily you didn't. You ead the time and it was 5pm. This meant the dinner was in 3 hours. You knew Wanda as excited because it was at a fancy resteraunt so you decided you were going to act like you were feeling better so she would go. You sat up and went to put on a tank and some shorts, hopefully makig her feel like you was getting a little cold and your temperature was getting better. You brushed your hair, feeling extremely dizzy but got through it. You put it back up though because it was comfortable. You tried to look like you wasn't on the verge of death and then slowly cuddled back into Wanda. 

She woke up and saw that you had changed. "Can you make me some soup? You make the best soup Wands." She smled and nodded, leaving you to make it. You always asked for soup hen you were recovering from being sick so this made her believe you more. It didn't take her long to come back up, the soup cooking in the kitchen. You said "I bet that restaurant doesn't make soup as good as you" you say. "No where makes soup as good as me" she smugly replied "True. Hey I was thinking, I'm feeling a lot better now. You should go with the team. I'll be fine here, I'll probably just sleep it off" you say, hoping she wouldn't see the pain as you spoke above a whisper. "Baby that's not fair. I'm staying here with you." She hugged and kissed you. "Wanda I'm fine. I feel so much better now. I think it was just because it was early. Honestly Wanda, I'll be fine." you tell her. She nods and says, "Well lets see how you feel after soup yeah? If you feel worse then I'm not going" 

A smile creeps onto your lips knowing that she believed you. You hated lying but you knew how excited she was for this. The soup had finished and she gave you a bowl. You knew you had to finish it, no matter how sick you felt. Wanda got in the shower and by the time 7 pm rolled by, you was watching her pick out a dress. "Wear the one I got you on my mission in Paris. That way I'll be with you" She smiled and agreed, happy with the choice. "Now baby are you sure you'll be okay? You'll call if you need anything okay?" "Yeees, now go. The team are probably waiting for your slow ass" She giggles and kisses you before leaving. After 5 minutes you were sure she was gone so you stripped and gulped down the water on your side table. 

After avout an hour, you felt the urge to throw up again. You waved it off thinking it was another false alarm but you were proven wrong when you vomitted on the bed. Fucking soup, you knew you shouldn't have eaten anything. You began to sob as your throat burned. You felt another wave coming so you rushed into the bathroom with your phone and threw up again The acidicness making you sob harder. You felt so weak and your whole body began to ache. There was no other choice but to call Wanda, knowing you wouldn't be able to hide it when she got back.

Wanda POV:

Me and Clint were mid conversation when my phone rang. I muttered a sorry to him before seeing that it was Y/N calling. I immediately answered and all I could hear was her sobs and what sounded like her throwing up. "W-anda, I-im sorry" "No baby don't be sorry. Do you need me to come home?" She sounded so weak and it hurt me. I left her and now she's having to sob into a phone for help. "Pl-lease". I told her I was on my way. "I'm sorry but Y/N got worse. I'm heading back to take care of her." They all understood and Nat said "Do you want me to come with?" "No it's okay, I have a feeling she lied so I would come here." I left and sped my car home. As soon as I made it into the room she was lying on the bathroom floor, still sobbing. 

"Oh honey.." she looked up and it broke me. I picked her up and placed her on the small sofa in the room, cleaning her up. I noticed the sheets had gotten dirty and quickly changed them, eager to get her back into bed. She choked an apology to which I reasured her there was nothing to be sorry about. I grabbed a bucket for her and laid her down in bed. I grabbed more medicine and she took it "I'm sorry I ruined your day" she whispered sadly. "Baby I would much rather be here, cuddling with you instead of a restaurant filled with rich snobs. Excluding the team. Well, all but Tony" My last sentence made us both giggle. "Try to get some sleep detka, I love you so much"  "I love you too, I'm sorry for lying." I shush her and hum a lullaby, sending us both to sleep.

I started this at 4:36 am and I have only just finished it at 6:19 am lmao. My wrists hurt from typing so much the past couple days and my concentration is low. I'm actually watching Rick and Morty as I'm writing. I also got over a hundred reads on this book in a day! Thank youuu. All of you :)

Remember to take care of yourselves, my DM's are always a safe space

Ilysm <3 -E

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