⚠️⚫Hidden⚫⚠️ W.M

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WORD COUNT: 947  TW: stalking, knife, blood, mind manipulation, Wanda being a meanie :(

Your POV:

For the past few weeks I have been getting weird gifts in the mail. At first it was just cute things like cards, flowers and love notes. Sure it did freak me out a little because I didn't know who they were from but I saw no harm in them. But lately the gifts have been... different. The first one that freaked me out was a lingerie set from victoria's secret. The creepiest part about it was that it was in my favourite colour and my size. I asked my friends if they were pranking me but none of them seemed to know what was going on.

They only got weirder from there. I got a range of different sex toys and the notes had become more graphic. But I decided enough was enough when I recieved a text from an unknown number that contained a photo of me. This was scary. I then realized that it must have been taken not too long ago as my hair was still wet from my shower. I panicked and hurried out my back door. I was in such a hurry that I didn't even grab a coat and it was raining heavily. I got another text: 

Unknown:"Why are you running away detka?"

This fueled your panic even more so you tried to find someone to help you. You saw a brunette woman and quickly ran to her. "Hey, hey calm down" she said grabbing your arms and pulling you under her umbrella. "I- I'm scared" is all you could muster out. "Don't be scared detka, you'll be okay" You nooded at the woman, believing her but you soon grew worried again as the name she called you matched the name you were called in the text. Somehow she sensed your knowledge of the situation and grabbed you forcefully before dragging you to her car. Your screams were muffled by her hands and no one was out to hear or see what was going on.

She placed you into the backseat and whispered "night night princess" before putting her fingers to your temple, somehow making you fall asleep.

Wanda's POV:

5 months I've waited for this moment. 5 fucking months. But it was worth it. I finally have the one thing I desired the most, Y/N.

 I first met her in a library, she was reading and she looked like she was really concentrating. Her eyebrows furrowed and her teeth made contact with her bottom lip. She was adorable. I made my way over to her and we started talking bout the book she was reading, secretly I read her mind and just said what she was thinking and she immediately agreed with me. I had never even heard of the book before. I got her name, she got mine but she also got something else. A fucking call! She apologised and rushed off saying there was a work emergeny. I knew from that day that I wanted her.

Now I gave her. She's still unconcious but I have her tied to my bed with a fresh pair of clothes on. I wasn't going to let her stay in her wet clothes! Not that the ones she has on are going to be dry for long ;). She looked so peaceful. I awed at the sight and she soon woke up. 

She was in a panicked state and I rushed over to her to calm her down. This only made her angry. She started yelling and calling me names. I slapped her to shut her up and grabbed a knife from the drawer and placed it on her neck. "Now now princess, that's no way to talk to mommy is it?" She immediately shut up, fear in her eyes. She whimpered and pleaded for me to let her go but I couldn't. "You're mine now detka, I don't just let my pretty little things go" I said cooing at the fact she looked so innocent. "There's other people?" she questioned between whimpers. "No kitten, don't worry, it's just me and you" I smiled sadistically and she let out another cry.

I dragged the knife down to her stomach and shushed her. "I don't want to hurt you princess" "Please Miss, I wont tell anyo-" I cut her off by gliding a small line across her stomach with the blade. She cried in pain. "That's not my name!" I spat. 

Your POV:

She was mad. This only scared me more! "I'm sorry, I'm sorry please M-mommy please stop it hurts!" I cried as she continued to drag the knife across my stomach. She stopped her movements and licked the blood from my cut, it stung so bad making me cry more. She went and got a first aid kit and tended to my wound. 

When she had finished, images were flashing through my head. Not very PG ones. She smirked and suddenly I felt dizzy. My thoughts completely changed as I grew aroused and intrigued by the woman before me. I knew I shouldn't and I didn't know why I was. She must be a fucking witch or something like that.

"Yeah, something like that..." she whispered, giggling. "Let's make one thing clear baby, you are mine and only mine" she growled, gripping onto my chin. "Y-yours mommy" I stuttered out, out of my control. "Good".  I saw that the door was open and I came out of my trance. I screamed "HELP! PLEASE! SOMEONE" To which she only laughed in response.

"oh kitten you're getting punished tomorrow!" she tutted "No one can hear you, no one will find you. You're hidden" she smirked 

Hidden was your last thought before she did something to you, making you fall asleep again.


Woah! Be careful there, I don't think she's very happy :(. Part 2 anyone? What's this, 4th update in under 12 hours? Really? Who am I?

Remember to take care! Pleaseeeeeee. Or I wont make a part 2 ;). So be GOOD!

Ilysm <3 -E

Also, I'm kinda getting slumped and I don't know what y'all want to read so requests would be AMAZING <3 pwease🥺

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