⚠️Abusive⚠️ W.M

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WORD COUNT:765       TW:abuse, mental abuse, victim blaming, manipulation

We were all having a movie night in the compound. I wasn't feeling too well so I didn't ant to attend but Wanda forced me. I had been in bed all day, feeling awful, but she didn't care. "Y/N fucking get up! Everyone is waiting for you to hurry up!" she whisper yelled, so the team couldn't hear. "W-wanda please don't yell." I whimpered to which she scoffed. Stop being a lazy fucking bitch and get up!" She was louder this time and she used her powers to drag me from bed. She tightly gripped my waist and guided me to the rest of the team. Her grip was strong, I whimpered a little at the pain and she slightly loosened it. 

She sat us both down and held me on top of her, hugging me. These are the things I stay for. Sure, she can lose her temper, but she is so loving at heart. She doesn't mean it. The movie started and my head immediately started pounding again. I whimpered and she shushed me, rubbing my back as to help me. See, loving.

After nearly an hour the lights were getting too much. I felt sick. I tried to move but Wanda tightened her grip. "Wanda I'm going to be sick" I whispered. "No you're not! Shut up and watch the movie!" She whisper yelled again, the team still oblivious. I nodded, trying to not be sick. I couldn't stop it though "Wanda please." "Shut the fuck up" I had enough and ripped her hands from me, running for the nearest bathroom and started throwing up. She was definitely angry. She followed me and held my hair for me. Her grip once again too tight. "Fuck sakes" she muttered. Buce came in to see if everything was okay. "Everything alright? Do you need me to do a checkup?" he quietly said, kneeling down next to me. "I'm-" "She's fine Bruce" Wanda interrupted me. He looked at me and I just nodded. "Well, come get me if you need anything." he said before walking back out. Once I cleaned myself up Wanda had told the team that she was going to take me to bed. 

She dragged me into the room and shoved me against the door. "Soundproof the room please F.R.I.D.A.Y" "Yes, Miss Maximoff" This wasn't going to be good. "WHAT THE FUCK WAS THAT? I TOLD YOU TO SHUT UP AND WATCH THE MOVIE! GOD YOU'RE SO FUCKING USELESS Y/N!" I started crying, I hated when she got angry. My head was also still killing me. "OH WOULD YOU LOOK AT THAT! CRYING LIKE A BABY AGAIN!" She threw me to the floor and stomped over to me. She grabbed the collar of my sweater and pulled me to my knees. "Wanda please. I-I'm sorry, it wasn't my fault" I cried "IT'S ALWAYS YOUR FAULT YOU DUMB BITCH. YOU MADE A FOOL OUT OF ME INFRONT OF EVERYONE." The team didn't even notice. "WELL IF YOU'D HAVE LET ME GO THE FIRST TME I ASKED THEN I WOULDN'T HAVE HAD TO CAUSE A SCENE!" I yelled back, this only angerred her more. Her eyes flashed red, she had never been this angry. "ARE YOU BLAMING ME?!" "IF YOU WEREN'T SO BITCHY THEN IT WOULDN'T HAVE HAPPENED!" Big mistake. "Say that again!" I stayed quiet. "I SAID, SAY. THAT. AGAIN!" But before I could wrap my head around her words she hit me. 

She hit me. She had never hit me. "I-I'M SORRY" I cried out loudly. "You're just a stupid, little, worthless whore." she hatefully whispered into my ear. She let go of her grip on my collar and threw me down again. "Pathetic" she spat, walking to the door. "I'm going back downstairs. If you leave this room at any point then you will be punished." she commanded "Do you understand?" that was also a command, not a question. "Yes. I understand" I whispered, she heard me though and hummed. She slammed the door and left me crying. She had never been like this before. I felt so guilty. She said it was my fault. I didn't hav enough strength to climb into bed so I stayed there on the floor, crying myself to sleep. Where did she go? The loving Wanda who would never lay a finger on anyone? Did I do this to her? I missed her soft touches, her loving kisses, her warm snuggles, her, Wanda. I missed Wanda. 

I did in fact cry myself to sleep on the floor that night. And every other night like that after.

Now this is different. If anyone feels like they need to talk my DM's are always open for everyone! I am going to make more parts to this one, I want to help spread awareness on this topic. Please seek help if you find yourself in a situation where you are being controlled and/or abused. 

Please take care of yourselves, all of you!

Ilysm <3 -E

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