❤️Movie day❤️ E.O

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WORD COUNT:584                                                little short, but cuteeee.


I had just finished setting up a make-shift den with the sofa cushions and blankets. It looked a little funky but I found that cute. I grabbed some movies for me and Lizzie to watch and changed the lighting. Now I had to wait for her to wake up. Elizabeth has been working so hard lately and she hs just finished filming. I thought that today we could spend the whole day cuddling and watching movies. We used to make dens all the time when we were bored but with us both working all the time, we haven't got to do anything together lately.

I was sat in the day scrolling through Instagram and I heard Lizzie come down the stairs "Baby? Are you down here?" I heard her call out i her morning voice, I got up extra early to do this. "In the living room!" I yelled back, but not too loud considering it sounded like she had just woken up. I got upand shut the door behind me, meeting her in the hall. "What are you doing up so early?" She chuckled at my awake state. "Close your eyes, you'll see!" I said excitedly. She looked skeptical but did so anyway. I opened the door and guided her in front of the den. 

"Open your eyes, baby" I sweetly whispered into her ear. Her face immediately lit up when she saw the living room. "oh, sweetie. This is amazing." she whispered with a smile plastered on her face. "Well, since you're finally free from work I thought you needed a chill day" She held my hands and kissed me softly. "I love you so much, Y/N." "I love you more" She just giggled, knowing there was no point in trying to argue with tha. I guided her inside the fort nd grabbed a blanket for her. "I'm gonna go make breakfast. Pancakes okay?" she chuckled "Is that even a question? Do you want me to-" "No, no you stay here. Decide what we're gonna watch first." I kissed he and made my way to the kitchen.

Elizabeth POV:

Y/N made breakfast and we ate whilst watching The Lion King. 

It was now 5pm.  We ere cuddled up together which was nice, we hardly had time for cuddling anymore. I felt so special, knowing that she did all this for me made me smile. "What're you smiling at, you dork?" She asked, taking her eyes off the Tv. "You, you dork." I responded, kissing her. "Thank you so much for this sweetie. I've missed days like this" "Me too, we should both cool it with work." "Trust me, I am not working that much in a long time" I chuckled and we cuddled impossibly closer. Movie after movie, we were still in the fort holding eachother like love-struck teenagers. 

I looked over at Y/N and saw her eyes were closed, she looked so peaceful. She must've gotten up so early this morning, I sighed and realised ho tired I was feeling too. I grabbed the remote and turned off the TV and then grabbed the remote for the light and turned that off too. I grabbed another blanket noticing how cold it got in this house during the night and covered us both, laying my head on Y/N's shoulder. 

"I love you" I whispered and kissed her forehead letting sleep take over me. That was one of the best nights sleeps I had in a long time and it was all thanks to Y/N. 

Well it has been a whileeee. Would love to make a den and have a movie day. I used to do this as a kid and I see me 100% doing this with my partner when I'm older lmao. I'm getting on requests please be patient :) DM me or comment if you have any requests at all, they are much appreciated! 

Remember to take care of yourselves! PLEASE! ty

Ilysm <3 -E

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