❤️The Bar Musician❤️ E.O

745 32 9

Word count: 997

Y/N pov:
I started to pack all of my things I needed for my gig, it's this bar I usually perform at. It's pretty nice there, the regulars are so kind and the pay is... well the pay isn't great but at least it's something.

When I finally arrived I started to set up when a large group of girls came in, very loudly may I add. "Great..." I muttered to myself. Don't get me wrong, it's nice to see people having fun, but I've seen so many groups like them and they are soooo annoying. But something was different about this group, they were nicely dressed, definitely overdressed for a bar like this.

Everything was ready and just as I was about to walk onto the small stage the owner of the bar came up to me "y/n dear, how are you? Feels like forever since I've seen you" she was a nice woman, her and her husband own the bar. "Hey Ruth, I'm doing as okay and I can be. How was Dubai, the amount of time you were there made me think you'd never come back" we both laughed and she started talking about her trip "oh by the way, I've heard we have a few celebrities in here tonight, hun. No pressure but do your best, not that you ever don't" I smiled at her and said "I'll try, I better get up there though" I laughed and she kissed my cheek and gave me good luck. I've known her since I was 15 when I started singing here, she's the sweetest.

I began singing a song of my own and the regulars that knew the words joined in, this made me smile at the fact they liked my music. I looked up from my guitar strings and was met with gorgeous green eyes, it was one of the women from the group earlier. She blushed at the eye contact and smiled at me. I smiled back and continued on singing, she never took her eyes off me.

I took a quick break and walked into the back to take a seat, my feet were killing! I heard someone come in, I didn't look up thinking it was Ruth and said "Ruth, I just saw the most gorgeous woman in my life but my stupid ass doesn't want to talk to her, what should I dooo?" I laughed and huffed and threw myself backwards so I was now lying on the sofa. After not receiving a response I looked up and saw it wasn't Ruth... My eyes widened in shock and I hid my face in embarrassment... it was her.

"Not who you were expecting" a sweet voice rang. "Clearly..." I mumbled. She just chuckled and took a seat next to me. Oh god. "So tell me about this girl... it's Y/N right?" "Yeah... w-what's your name?" I was so fucking awkward. "Elizabeth" so pretty.... "Thanks" she said. Oh god I'm speaking out loud now. "Yes, you are" she chuckled. "Stop laughing at meee" "I'm not!" She chuckled again. I grabbed my guitar and said "I will hit you with this" "oh will you now?" "No..."

We continued talking when I realised I needed to go back "I should probably get back out there, and so should you" "oh yeah, why's that?" "Well, I need to get paid and I'm sure your friends are missing you" "you're right, I'll see you out there" she patted my thigh and left. Who even let her in here?

I continued singing and I saw her friends leave, it had been a while. She looked back at me when she was at the door and waved. My heart sank a little bit, I thought I would never see her again...

Lizzie POV:
I walked out the door and a woman a saw talking to Y/N walked up to me. "Hi dear, was your evening okay? Was the service alright" she asked, clearly she's the owner. "It was really nice, thank you. And thank you for that little secret" we both laughed and she said "she'll be out soon, she's already packing up" "oh, thank you." We said our goodbyes and she assured me we were welcome to the bar at any time. I told the girls I was gonna wait around for a little so they left. Not even 2 minutes later y/n walked through the door. "Boo" I said and she jumped and gasped. "Oh my god, that was just uncalled for" she laughed. "I thought you left" "well, there was something else I needed to do" "and that is..." she said with a smirk, god... "here's my number, I expect you to call me when you get home. Then we can arrange a date" I said with growing confidence. She blushed, cute. "I um, yeah yeah I uh, I will do" "you better otherwise..." I grabbed her guitar " I will hit you with this" I said, mirroring her words from earlier. She laughed and got into her car. I walked up to the window and gave her a quick peck. "Wow, uh... your lips are soft" I laughed at her response and told her "you can get a better taste on our date" When she finally drove off I heard a bunch of cheers coming from behind a parked car, I turned to look at the noise. "These bitches..." Turns out the girls hadn't left after all. They begged for details so I gave them what I could and got home.

I got into bed and my phone started ringing. I smiled to myself, knowing exactly who it was

Y/N pov:
I called her. Should I have? She did say to but it was late. My thoughts were cut off when the dial noise stopped and that melodic voice came through my phone "hey princess..."

We called for about 30 minutes and arranged a date... I couldn't wait!

Dam, it's been a while huh? Part 2? I'm sorry, I couldn't find time for writing. But it's 3 am and no college tomorrow so... remember ilya and remember to eat, drink and love lizzie lol. Xx

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