Chapter 2

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Madison was at the back to the school like I told her to be.

"Here", she said and thrusted the cheat notes at me,

"Ok good ,this is the reason why I let you go", I said and left.

I walked in and the others was standing Infront of my locker.

"You said you had a plan", David said, "Well what is it?"

I passed the cheat notes around and they were all surprised .

"Cheat notes, genius", Cole said .

"Come on let's go to class", Meghan said .

The test began and I had the cheat notes inside my pencil case. I started the test and thanks to the cheat notes it wasn't hard at all. The teacher, Mrs. Milson started walking around the room and she stayed for quite a long time behind me.

"Wow Riley when did you become so good in Math?', she asked.

"Tutoring", I said.

"Well I have my suspicious that you're cheating", she said.

At that moment Axel spilled water all over his test paper.

"Mrs. Milson I need a new paper", he said.

As she walked away Axel turned to me and winked.

"Riley you were so close to get caught", Meghan said once the test was over.

"Yeah I was but thanks to Axel I'm not", I said punching Axel lightly.

"By the way we're getting two new students tomorrow", Cole said.

"Oh yeah definitely heard that", David said.

"As people say the girls are really hot",Jake said.

I nudged Meghan when Jake said that but she just looked away. Technically speaking Meghan has a crush on Jake so that's why I did that.

The next day

"Hey! Give that back ", Meghan yelled as I grabbed her sketchbook .

"Woah you have sketch of Jake", I said holding it up high.

She jumped up and grabbed it at the same time when Cole almost knocked me over as he ran past me.

"Hey idiot what's up with you!", I yelled after him.

David who also came running stopped in front of us.

"The two new girls are here", he said.

"Seriously you'll in such a hurry to see them, god ", I said and followed him.

Meghan and Jake came too.

A lot of people were crowded around a locker in which two girls were standing in front of. I have to admit they were pretty. The bell and we all headed to class. The two girls were in our class which wasn't good for me . Every time I try to talk to anyone they won't pay any attention and to top that off the teacher was absent so everyone stood up and went to talk to those to girls again.

I was so annoyed since I wanted to talk with someone and Meghan was busy drawing . I walked up to Axel and hit the back of his head.

"If you want to obsess over some , obsess over actresses or idols not them", I said.

"Ok ok geez what's up ", he said and sat down in his seat.

We spent the rest of the class playing video games on our phones.

At lunch

At lunch the new girls , Isabella and Nichole sat with me and Meghan. Too bad the guys were not here they would've been really glad.

"Hi, you must be Riley , I've heard a lot of things about you", Nichole said.

"What sort of things and who told them?", I asked.

"Um.. Nevermind that", Isabella said.

By the end of lunch we became friends with them and they weren't all that. Now after school I'm gonna introduce them to the boys.

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