Chapter 15

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David was talking with Ashley and David was standing really close to her . We ducked behind a wall and kept watching. David said said something that made Ashley laugh and she ruffled his hair.

I looked at the others who all that an angry look on their face. I signaled them to come with me . We walked up to him and grabbed the back of David's shirt and pulled him back with so much force it made him fall down.

"Ow! Riley what's wrong with you?".

"Your cheating on Bella ", Axel answered for me .

"No I'm not !", he exclaimed .

"Ashley", I said glaring at David.

"Ohh", he laughed, "Ashley's my cousin,  I haven't seen her for like five years".

"Oh", I said embarrassed.

"Idiot ", Jake said kicking the back of my legs slightly.

"Sorry David , Ashley", I apologised.

"It's ok and David who would want to date him", she said laughing.

I nodded in agreement and David glared at the two of us. We dropped it and went inside. Bella then came marching up to us.

"DAVID HOW COULD YOU!", she yelled.

"What did I do now ?", he sighed.

"You're cheating on me!".

"WHAT!", he yelled, "Who told you that?".

Bella pointed at Chase, he held up his hands acting innocent and said , "Jake and Meghan told me to".

"Trev told us ", they said in unison.

"Hey! Axel asked me", Trev exclaimed .

I was waiting for Axel to tell it was me who started it all when he said, "Sorry guys ".

I stared at him surprised. Why did he own up to something I did.

"Do not do that kinda stuff again ", Bella said angrily.

"Got it", we said.

After school

I went home and when I opened the door to my room Vicky was standing Infront of my closet throwing things all over my room.

"What the heck are you doing ?", I asked kicking some of my own clothes out of the way.

"Oh nothing", she said turning around abruptly.

"That's not nothing", I said pointing at my clothes strewn everywhere.

" I'm looking for something to wear, but there isn't anything good here", she said.

"You have plenty of clothes what has gotten into you?", I asked.

"No none of my clothes or yours are good", she said throwing one of my shirts back in to the closet.

"Tell me for what and I'll try to help".

"Fine . Adam asked me to go on a date with him", she said blushing.

"Wow Adam!", I said, "Finally that nutcase actually took Axel's advice", I said smirking.

"Wait what?".

"Yeah he told Axel and he told me, now let's go to Bella she would surely have something", I said walking out with Vicky right behind me.

"Yes! Finally someone other than Nichole appreciate my sense in fashion", Bella yelled.

"Just hurry up", I sighed sitting on her bed.

She pulled Vicky into her walk-in closet and I could see her showing Vicky millions of outfits. Finally she chose a light blue dress. I was really shocked since Vicky's kinda like me .

"Where is he taking you?", Bella asked while she did Vicky's hair

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"Where is he taking you?", Bella asked while she did Vicky's hair.

"Movie and café", she replied checking her phone.

"Hmm pretty good start", Bella said.

"What do you think?", Vicky asked turning to me.

"I don't know , I'm not into that kind of stuff", I answered taking out my phone.

"Seriously Riley?", Bella asked sighing, "Your old enough to date, you should".

"No way , but even if I had to who ?".

"Well there's Axel, Trev, Chase and a whole lot in school", she said.

"Axel dude seriously Jake said Axel already have someone he likes, Trev's my bestfriend and I'm pretty sure he like Ashley and Chase .".

"See nothing against Chase".

"Shut up !", I yelled throwing a pillow in her direction.

Later that night

I was watching TV with Axel at my place since he said he was bored. My parents were still at work so we ordered a pizza and decided to watch a movie. We heard the front door open and Vicky walked in.

"How was it?", I asked Vicky as she entered the living room.

"Great but I'm tired so I'm going to sleep", she said.

"Tired hmm are you sure you only went to those two place ?", Axel asked smirking.

"What do you mean?", Vicky asked.

Axel lifted up his middle finger and winked.

I then understood what he meant.

"Axel she's only fourteen!", I yelled hitting him with a pillow.

"Eww", Vicky said and left.

"Really dude?", I asked turning to Axel.

He laughed, "It's just a joke".

I turned back to the TV and said, "Hope she doesn't tell our parents".

"WHAT!", he yelled .

"Calm down , I'm just kidding".

"Seriously Riley?".


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