2 Months Later

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Phil stood with his bestfriend at his side waiting on the station platform. Good job they managed to get past the ticket inspector at the barriers. "Phil... I'm freezing, where is she?!" Dan said whilst wrapping his arms around his compact body to trap any heat he could possibly have at that point, his massive fur hat didn't seem to have much impact at that moment.

"She is coming from Leeds, Dan." Phil glanced at his phone, and saw the time. 10:32am. He then turned to look for another clock, the only other clock around was inside the stations' waiting area; which was packed with common business men panicking about their busy schedule. Phil awkwardly twisted his body to get sight of the time. 10:33am. He turned back and quickly shoved his hands into his grey skinny jean pockets; they weren't that deep but deep enough to keep his finger tips from freezing over.

Both Dan and Phil weren't good in social situations. Phil began to rock back and forward on his feet whilst commenting on the weather under his breath. Dan, on the other hand, began to rock from side to side, not allowing his arms to move from their previous position. "What time does she get here anyway? What does she even look like?" Dan said in a desperate attempt to reassure himself that they hadn't just invited a middle aged man to spend the weekend in their London flat.

"The train should get here at about ten forty." Phil replied, slightly raising his voice at the end of the answer. Seven minutes.

A train sped past Dan and Phil, causing their fringes to float up in synchronisation. The train gradually began to slow down and impatient passengers began to pour out of the carriages. Both Dan and Phil stood awkwardly as people in cheap suits pushed themselves past the two boys. Dan began to grow agitated and came close to confronting one of these rude beings. Confrontation was his favourite thing. But he held back, much to Phil's joy; he hated Dan getting into these sorts of things. He found the whole thing unimportantly intimidating.

It seemed as if everyone had got off of the train and the sharp blow of the train attendant's whistle then confirmed it. Dan looked at Phil in a state of confusion. "Are you sure we have the right date?" It did all seem really rushed, but Phil was eager to give something back to this YouTuber that had helped him all those months ago. Phil quickly thrusted his hand into his pocket and pulled out his pristine iPhone to check the text he had received earlier that week. 'My train is at 10:40am' it read 'see you then.' Phil had this girl as a contact on his phone but was yet to find out her real name. He presumed that Luckycatmeow1129 wasn't her real name. So, for now, he just used the simple name of 'YouTuber'.

Phil threw his phone into his hoodie pocket and huffed. "Yeah, I'm sure. I've just read the text. "10:40am, at the station." All that Phil could think about was what if she had stood him up or pranked him, or even worse, that Dan had just got one of his friends friends to make the video for Phil and this was just a whole big set up to make Phil feel better about himself. Phil couldn't handle that. His thoughts were interrupted as a faint cry shouted

"Wait!" Dan and Phil both looked up again once more, expecting it to be some lazy woman that had fallen asleep on the train through her stop, but no. A tall and pale girl caught their gaze. Her matted black hair caused the pony tail that she had put in it to seem even messier. Her pale skin contrasted against her piercing blue eyes which stood out among the perfectly shaped brow that framed her perfectly angled face. She quickly jumped off of the train, taking note of the large gap in between the train and the platform, and then set foot onto London ground.

Dan and Phil looked at each other, they were both wondering if it was really her. She looked older; she was now more matured and not a lot like the girl in the video. The girl in the video had burning red hair and a large glistening smile. This version however, looked pissed off. You couldn't blame her to be fair, having to sit on a train and be constantly prodded and poked by fellow passengers' luggage that they had swung on their backs. One of her iPod earphones was hanging out from over the top of her Muse shirt, the other in her ear; which had had many piercings removed from.

Phil hesitated and shuffled towards her being very cautious that he may have the wrong person. He was now in close proximity to her, he bent his neck awkwardly to try and make eye contact with her.

Hesitantly, he said "Hi, I'm Phil... A-are you..?" Her blue eyes looked up in anger but she soon realised who he was and they softened.

"Uh... Hi, yeah, I-I'm Jessica." She spoke, still looking at Phil.

Phil let out a sigh of relief that broke out into laughter "God, sorry. I was worried I would get the wrong person..."

Dan slowly walked up behind Phil after sensing that everything was okay. He had noticed that his social awkwardness would come out in this conversation so, he got out his beaten iPhone and started to pretend to text. Jess didn't have much, but a single bag that she was obviously struggling with. Phil clearly didn't get the message. "I don't mean to be all girly and stuff, but would you mind grabbing this for me?" Jess asked. 

Phil came out of his day dream and jolted his hand out to take the bag from her. "Uh, yeah... sorry." he said embarrassed. "Shall we.. head off then?" Phil said nudging his head to indicate the way.

"Yeah, sure.." Jess said. Phil and Jess lead the way, awkwardly laughing. The glistening smile was back, it was definitely the same girl. 

Dan, still pretending to text, followed them to the tube station.

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