Reluctant Apologies

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Dan woke up to hear laughter in a few rooms away. He rubbed his eyes and wondered if last nights events actually happened. After a few failed attempts of trying to get out of bed he finally forced himself out to investigate what the earlier giggles signified. Dan emerged from his room and ruffled his hair so it resembled some kind of normal. He poked his head around the living room door to find Jessica and Phil watching Buffy.

"Morning" Dan said, as he stood in the doorway. Jessica didn't reply but Phil turned to look at Dan.

"You're up early" he stated, with concern on his face.

"Was about to say the same to you" Dan answered, slightly confused, as he leaned on the door frame.

Jess turned to look at Dan and gave him a half smirk, Dan saw this as a reminder of last nights events and so made his way to the kitchen to make himself breakfast. As soon as he got there, he realised that he wasn't hungry anymore and just rested on the side of the kitchen. He heard footsteps coming in his direction and he expected the worst. To his surprise, Phil came into the kitchen and quite frankly, looked pissed.

"Phil, are you okay?" Dan asked, concern leaking onto his face. Phil only mumbled. "Phil?" He repeated.

"WHAT DAN?!" Phil snapped at him loudly. Dan looked blankly at Phil until he continued. "I heard about your little conversation with Jess last night." Phil murmured while looking at the kitchen floor.

"Yeah, I wanted to talk to you about tha-"

"You cant just threaten Jessica Dan, we invited her into our house to help her. You know what a state she was in. I cant believe you would even do that. She was in pieces this morning because of you." Phil cut him off and spoke loudly, fiercely, without barely taking a breath. "Phil, I-I didn't-" Dan began defending himself, once again to be cut off by an angry Phil.

"I don't want to hear it Dan, just apologise to her." Phil exited the kitchen, leaving Dan speechless and wondering what Jessica was trying to do, and what he had done to piss her off so much. Dan pushed himself off of the kitchen counter and entered the living room once more.

Jessica got up to leave but Phil grabbed her arm and told her to stay. "Dan has something to say to you" Phil spoke, Jessica stayed standing but looked at the floor sheepishly.

"I'm sorry for yesterday." Dan apologised, reluctantly.

Jessica went to leave the room, slowing down in front of Dan, she looked at him and innocently whispered, "it's fine" with a smirk spread across her face, she brushed past him and distantly chuckled; only loud enough for Dan to hear.

Dan looked back to see Jess going into Phil's room wearing one of his favourite T-shirts. The one Dan had bought for his birthday a few months before.

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