Early Morning Mumbles

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"God Phil, move your fat arse over!" Dan said, as he tugged at the tiny area of duvet he actually had left. Phil had managed to persuade Dan to let him stay in his room while Jess enjoyed the comfort of Phil's double bed. Phil regretted it, but it was the right thing to do.

"PHIL!" Dan harshly hissed, in a whisper.

"What?" Phil mumbled, in a drunken haze.

"Move over or get out!" Dan said, pulling some of the duvet over his body while he had the chance, Dan faced the wall with the window. The small glimpse of light suggested that it was early in the morning.

Phil yanked his phone from the charger socket in a fluent motion and slowly opened the door. He left it open until it softly shut behind him. Phil walked towards the kitchen, his fringe flicking over his face, his hand reaching for his tired eyes. He rubbed them until his vision went into a blur.

Phil felt his way along the work top of the kitchen until he found his glasses. He hated them, but at least no one could see them. Well, at least he didn't think that anyone could see him. A distant sound of footsteps came from the hallway. Phil wondered if it was Dan, but the shoulder length hair suggested otherwise.

Jess slowly emerged from the shadow and greeted Phil with a half smile, revealing her plump cheeks. Jessica's eyes squinted as she stepped into the light of the kitchen. "Wow, I knew you got up earlier than Dan but...this is a bit much isn't it?" Jessica said, with a slight chuckle in her voice.

"Aha, no. Dan just gets cranky when he doesn't sleep and I took up most of the bed with my massive legs, so I thought I would just get up and make some coffee...want some?' Phil asked in a conversational tone. The idea of coffee appealed to Jessica and she just answered with 'sure'. She walked over to where Phil was stood, barely lifting her feet from the ground.

Phil got down another mug and proceeded to heat up some extra milk for his new friend. The microwave hummed as it was heating up the contents. A bing echoed the room and seemed a lot louder than usual. "Sugar?" Phil asked, barely moving his lips.

"Yeah, eight please" Jess said in a casual tone, with a smirk across her lips.

Phil began to put heaps of sugar into Jessica's mug, counting them as he went "One..two..three..wait.. EIGHT!?" Phil said turning his head and raising his eyebrows in surprise. Jessica was leaning on the counter opposite Phil and was innocently observing. Jessica laughed and pushed her limp body off of the counter. She walked over to where Phil was and took the sugar from him. She began to pour the sugar back into the bag which it had came from. "God, you really are out of it, aren't you? Don't worry, I was just checking to see if you were paying any attention to what you were doing." Jessica sarcastically chuckled to Phil, whilst trying not to spill any sugar.

Phil had taken up Jessica's previous position of observing and his head felt heavy. He let it fall back and then slapped himself to try and wake himself up. "Don't worry, I can handle this. Go and sit down." Jess said, looking over one shoulder and smiling. Her eyes flashed over to the sofa as if to give Phil directions.

Phil turned and began to walk towards the sofa. He checked his phone which had been placed in his pyjama pants. 2:34am. Jesus. This was normally the time that Phil would start thinking about procrastinating about going to bed. Why was he so tired? Oh yeah, because he had been up all of the previous night trying to convince himself that today would be ok. Plus, with the high demands of his fans, he needed to get this weeks video ready...the video he hadn't even thought any idea's for yet. Great.

Phil's eyes began to strain as he looked at the glaringly bright light of his phone. Twitter was going mental at the fact that he had a girl around his house. He didn't get the big deal. He had Carrie around many times and it didn't cause this much of a shit storm. Maybe it was because Jessica wasn't in the YouTube eye as much.

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