Little Talk and Bitter Walk

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Dan woke up in the morning, and walked over to Phil's room. He knocked, asking if he, she or they wanted breakfast, but got no reply... which was strange. He walked off down the hall, still dazed and half-asleep, to find them asleep together on the couch. He sighed, remember when that used to be him and Phil, and forced himself to look away to go make breakfast. He made Phil some pop-tarts and cooked himself and Jess some bacon rolls. He carried the plates back into the kitchen and froze.

There was Phil, arms wrapped around Jess, he was about to cough loudly when the kissed. Dan was so shocked that he almost dropped the plates he was carrying. He steadied himself and looked up to see both Jess and Phil awkwardly staring at him. Jess was smirking, but Phil was blushing, embarrassed that Dan had seen their embrace and their kiss. Jess turned around again as Phil forced a weak smile onto his still red face. Dan walked and placed their breakfasts onto the coffee table, silently; he still felt uncomfortable, and didn't really know what to say to either of them.

He took his own breakfast into his room, his craving for food now gone. He wasn't really sure what he was doing, but he began subconsciously packing an overnight bag with clothes, toiletries and his camera, laptop, chargers, etc. He didn't know where he was going to go. He could probably go live at Chris's for a while or failing his friends, he'd get a hotel room for a few nights. He just knew he couldn't be around Phil and his new girlfriend, if that's what she was, he just knew he'd need some space for a while. Just a few days, so Phil wouldn't suspect anything. He'd just say he was going to film some collabs or something, he'd never guess in a million years the real reason for his absence. "I'm sure he'll be too busy to notice anyway..." A voice in Dan's mind said, bitterly.

Once Dan had gathered up all of the things he needed, he threw on some clothes and shoved his bag onto his shoulder, walking out of his bedroom. He walked past the couple, still snuggled up on the couch watching tv. He nodded at Phil and did a two finger wave before grabbing his keys and closing the front door behind him.

It was a cold day, the wind was harsh and damp; it was as if it was raining, but it wasn't. Dan pulled his jacket in and left his arms hugging around his waist. He was cold, alone and affectively, homeless. He sat on a bench, getting out his phone and ringing Chris. He asked if he wanted to film some collabs or just hang out, and Chris told him to come straight over. Dan pushed his phone back into the tight pocket of his skinny jeans and set off in the opposite direction of his flat, making his way to go see Chris.

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