Father of the Child

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Rachel told Louis but she did not know who the father of the child is. Rachel called Dan to ask him to come with her to found out who the father is. Rachel told Louis; she didn't want to tell her family yet. He told her that they can wait on telling their families. Rachel took the test and a few days later the results are in. Rachel got her results, and she was going to opened them. But she changes her mind and she put it in a lock trunk.

Louis was away and Rachel had an interview with Hello magazine. Then after she have the Jenny Packham show to go to. She was going to be a model for the show.

"Ms. Rachel, the reporter from Hello magazine is here." maid said.

"Thank you for coming. Please have seat." Rachel said.

"Thank you for giving the time to do the interview. Let's begin the interview." reporter said.

Rachel started the interview and reporter asked the question about kids. Louis and Rachel both agreed to say that they would wait a year before starting a family. Rachel ends her interview and head to the Jenny Packham show to get ready for. Dan was trying to get a hold of her, and she is avoiding him. Rachel arrived at the show and told the assistant she is ready to be a part of the show.

"Rachel Lockwood" Rachel said.

"Welcome, Rachel. Let me take you backstage to get ready." assistant said.

Rachel head backstage with the assistant and Rachel saw Charlie was there.

"Charlie, what are you doing here?" Rachel asked.

"I don't know." Charlie said.

Rachel was getting ready, they asked Rachel who she wants to walk with her. She told them a writer or someone who is gay. The show was starting, and it was Rachel's turn. Rachel was going to walk with a gay man, but Dan showed up.

"Have you found out who the father is?" Dan asked.

"I don't need to know. I know it in my heart, the baby is Louis." Rachel said.

"Where did you put the results at?" Dan asked.

"In a lock trunk in my bedroom." Rachel said.

"Thank you, Dan. You helped me with all of this." Rachel said.

"I told Louis to make you one of his groom's men for the wedding." Rachel said.

"Rachel, you didn't need to do that." Dan said.

"There is one other person I need to tell." Rachel said.

Rachel finished the show and head to the Empire. Rachel needs to informed Chuck that she is pregnant.

"Chuck" Rachel said.

"Rachel, what are you doing here?" Chuck asked.

"I need to tell you before you find out in the paper. I am pregnant." Rachel said.

"Rachel, that is great news. I know you and Louis are going to be great parents." Chuck said.

Rachel left the Empire to head home.

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