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𝐌𝐈𝐍𝐔𝐓𝐄𝐒 𝐋𝐀𝐓𝐄𝐑 𝐈𝐒𝐀𝐁𝐄𝐋𝐋𝐀 𝐀𝐍𝐃 𝐑𝐎𝐁𝐈𝐍 were sitting next to each other, loosely paying attention as their math teacher explained equations to a kid that questioned the exercises they were doing. Isabella felt Robin's finger patting her shoulder, making her turn around him with a confused expression.

"What?" Isabella whispered loud enough for Robin to hear, leaning forward a little bit in case her words didn't reach Robin's brain.

"I'm asking Finn to come to my house to help me with math class after school, wanna come?" Robin asked the girl, making sure the teacher wasn't hearing him.

"Yeah, sure, I'll be there." The girl finished the conversation with a nod, going back to her original posture, and Robin only replied with a smile.

When class concluded, Robin and Isabella walked out of the classroom, only to see Finney rush next to them, both teens shared a confused glance before noticing that Finney's bullies were following after him. Making Robin grab Isabella's arm and conducting her to where Finney was heading.

When they stopped in front of the boy's bathroom door, Isabella hesitated if she should go in or not. "Robin, if I get caught inside there, I'll be suspended."

"Who cares no one will notice, come on," Robin assured before opening the door, both teens entered the room, seeing Finney standing in front of the three boys, clearly nervous. A small smile crept to his face when he saw his two friends.

"Dipshits, move," Robin ordered, the three bullies obeying, as Isabella and Robin passed, the boy heading to the sink and the girl leaning against the brick wall. "Hey, Finn. What's happening?"

"You know just, keeping on, keeping on, I guess," Finney replied, not taking his eyes off one of the boys.

"Moose got some damn sharp teeth, my knuckles bled all first period," Robin informed, earning a disgusting expression from Isabella, meanwhile the bullies wanted to head out the bathroom, intimidated by the boy.

"Wait," Robin spoke, while taking two paper towels from the container to dry his hands. "Fuck with Finn again, I fuck with you," Robin informed turning to the group, watching them stand there awkwardly.

"You can leave now," Isabella ordered, and the three boys obeyed, leaving the place. Isabella watched as Finney went to take a leak, unbothered by his friend.

"Thank you." Finney thanked both kids for helping him, Isabella replied with a nod, her eyes barely opened.

"You're gonna have to stand up for yourself one of these days," Robin told his friend while grabbing some tape to secure the paper towel on his knuckles.

"Yeah, I know," Finney said, redirecting his gaze to the wall in front of him. It all stayed silent until he decided to speak again. "Hey, why'd you fight Moose?"

"He was just shit talking, pretty sure he'd back down. Nope, I was so surprised when he swung, to be honest." Robin admitted, his two friends laughing in response.

"I mean, did you have to? Looks like you hurt him." Finney said as he walked to the sink next to Isabella to wash his hands.

"I was just gonna knock his ass down, wail on him a bit, but that wouldn't draw no blood. In a situation like that, the more blood, the better. For the crowd, you know? Leaves a stronger point." Robin finished explaining, as he also finished securing his knuckles.

"And what are you doing here?" Finney turned to look at Isabella.

"His fault, not mine." She responded as she swung her arm over Finn's shoulder, him replying with a smile.

"I've seen 'Texas Chainsaw Massacre' Friday night, you've guys seen it?" Robin questioned the evens in front of him, and both of them were quick to deny it.

"That movie is rated R, my dad would never take me to see that," Finney explained, Isabella moving her arm from his shoulders, the boy throwing the crumbled paper onto the toilet.

"Yeah, same, my mom would die if she found out I saw a movie like that," Isabella informed, leaning on the bathroom pillar.

"My uncle takes me to the drive and we see everything. But man, that movie, it's the best, ever." Robin praised shaking his head.

"Better than 'Enter The Dragon'?" Finney mocked his friend's liking.

"Well, okay, maybe second best," Robin said in between chuckles.

"Nah ah, third best, 'The Sound of Music is the best movie ever," Isabella said, both of her friends strongly disagreeing. "Hey, maybe we should watch it at your house," Isabella recommended, turning to face Robin.

"Oh yeah. Hey Finn? Do you have time to stop by my house after school? Isabella's coming." Robin asked the boy as he walked toward him.

"Is it math again?" Finney quizzed.

"Mr. Johnson talks too fast, he doesn't explain okay, not like you. Can you walk me through it? If I get another F, I'll get suspended and I'll probably get grounded." Robin said, and Finney agreed to go.

"Oh shoot, I can't go, my mom grounded me for god knows how long, I'm only allowed to come to school, I'm sorry guys," Isabella said in a disappointed tone.

"It's ok, we can watch a movie another day." Finney comforted the girl.

"Yeah, sure. Hey um, I gotta go, see you guys later!" Isabella informed as she walked out of the place, leaving no boys behind.

─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───

Lo speaks!
I hate this chapter but I desperately needed to update lol

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