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𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐆𝐈𝐑𝐋𝐒 𝐑𝐄𝐃 𝐋𝐎𝐂𝐊𝐒 𝐖𝐄𝐑𝐄 𝐒𝐏𝐑𝐄𝐀𝐃 across her pretty factions when the ghost boys were trying to contact her and the boy next to her. They both woke up from the nap they were taking, overall confused about the situation, it was dark so Finney turned on his rocketship flashlight, lighting up the walls. The pair would follow the light with their gaze, until they both saw a body of a little boy, bleeding, and floating on its back. The drops of the crimson liquid being louder than they should.

The hand of the corpse rose, pointing directly at the phone, signaling the kids to pick it up. Isabella who was feeling nauseous because of the view, stood up and picked it up.

"Hello?" She spoke, turning around, but the body was gone. She shared a glance with Finney, eyes wide.

"You don't have much time." The dead spoke. "The grabber hasn't been sleeping. He thinks this might be it, that... he's gonna figure it out." He explained, puzzling the kids.

"Who's gonna figure it out? The police?" She asked, a glimpse of hope flowing through her body.

"His brother upstairs." He then proceeded to laugh and a way that creeped the duo out.

Finney ripped the phone off of Isabella's hand to be able to talk to the boy. "Are you Griffin?"

"Who?" The kid asked, not remembering his name like the rest of the boys they had talked to.

"Griffin Stagg. You were his youngest victim." Isabella spoke from the other side of the speaker.

"Probably. It's all a little hazy. But, I imagine you know all our names." He replied, they both felt sadness for this boy's case.

"Every kid does. We didn't know you." Finney started to pace around the room, Isabella having to follow behind him.

"Nobody did. You spend so many years invisible, and then every kid in the state knows your name." Isabella swallowed spit nervously, she didn't want that to happen to her, or worse, Finney.

"You don't have much time." The dead kid spoke again, the line cracking a little bit as he did.

"Why hasn't he killed us?" Finney questioned, he stopped striding and stood next to his friend.

"You don't play the game. You have to play the game. If you don't play he can't win."

"What game?" The curly-haired boy asked.

"Naughty boy. If you don't play naughty boy, the grabber can't beat you. And if he can't beat you, he can't move on for the next part" Griffin explained, but this left Isabella confused. She wasn't a boy, was she still able to beat the grabber in the game? "And the next part of 'naughty boy', is his favorite part."

"Wait, Griffin." Isabella took the phone. "Even if I'm not a boy, can I still play naughty boy?" The girl asked with a shaky breath. She didn't want to play but she couldn't leave Finney alone in this.

"I guess, but you can't ruin the game. You ruined his plan once, if you do it again he'll kill you." Griffin explained, but neither Isabella nor Finney understood what he was talking about.

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