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𝐖𝐇𝐈𝐋𝐄 𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐓𝐖𝐎 𝐁𝐑𝐎𝐊𝐄𝐍 𝐊𝐈𝐃𝐒 were crying, the phone rang again, making the pair stand up and walk towards the receiver. Finney was the one who picked it up.

"What?" He said in a tired voice, leaning his head against the wall.

"Hey, Finn. What's happing?" Robins's voice crackled.

"Robin?" Finney said amusedly. Isabella's head turned to Finney when she heard the name he mentioned. She stuck her ear on the other side of the phone to be able to hear.

"Hey, Bella." Robin greeted the girl when he saw her standing there.

"Hi," Isabella answered, almost sobbing.

"Hey buddies, don't cry." Robin pleaded, clearly watching them both.

"We're-We're not." The girl responded while Finney wiped a tear away from his eye.

"Yes you are, I can see you."

"You can?"

"I'm with you guys. I've been with you this whole time." Robin admitted, making the girl smile, he wasn't gone after all. "A man never leaves his friends behind."

"My dad didn't leave his buddies behind when he went to 'Nam, that's why he didn't come home." He told his friends the story. "And I'm not coming home either, and I'm not going to leave you behind."

"The three of us will be together again soon," Finney responded negatively, inciting both of them to die.

"Fuck that. You kids ain't gonna go like I did."

"We've tried everything, and nothing worked. Besides Bella is strongly injured." Finney tried making Robin change his mind about them surviving.

"Do you remember what I told you?"

"That we needed to see Texas Chainsaw Massacre?" Finney croaked out, his voice trembling.

"Before that." The dead boy answered like he wanted to chuckle.

"That someday I have to stand up for myself," Finney remembered.

"That someday is today Finn. Today is the day you stop taking shit from anybody. And you'll stand up for Bella too." Robin knew this would motivate his friend even more.

"I'm not a fighter like you Robin, you couldn't even take him." Finney's hope had completely vanished, and it was visible.

"You've always been a fighter Finn, that's what we have in common, why we were friends." Robin motivated the boy on the other side of the line. "You were always afraid to throw a punch, but you always knew how to take one."

Isabella agreed with every word that was coming out of Robins's mouth.

"I'm not strong enough. You have to be, you're getting out of here. If you can't do it for yourself, do it for Bella and me." Robin kept encouraging Finney. "I can't die for nothing, you two have to kill that hijo de puta for me."

"How?" It seemed like Robin's words made an impact on Finney.

"You're gonna use a weapon."

"What weapon?" Finney asked, standing still.

"The one in your hand." Robin didn't clarify completely, but what he said was enough for both of them to understand.

"The phone?"

"Fill the receiver with dirt. Pack it in tight. Give it some heft." Robin ordered.

"Then what?"

"Then you practice. You raise the phone, take a fast step back, step forward, step back, and swing." Robin indicated the boy.

Isabella moved out of the way so Finney could do what Robin asked for without being hit with the phone, she saw Finney do it a couple of times before he turned to look at her.

"Robin wants to talk to you," Finney said, stretching out his arm to hand her the phone.

"Yes?" Isabella took it without hesitation.

"Thank you." That was the first thing that Robin said when his friend had control of the phone.

"For what?"

"For everything, you were the best, always." Robin praised, making Isabella chuckle lightly.

"Yeah well, you deserved it." She replied, sniffling.

"So, I want you to get out of here and spend that time we couldn't spend together with Finney," Robin asked the girl to do so.

"How can I help him to get out."

"You'll use that smart brain of yours. You always know what to do." Robin commended.

"I miss you, Robin. So much." Isabella broke down, she started crying so Finney ran to comfort her.

"Me too. I love you guys." Robin finished before hanging up on the other side of the phone.

Time passed until their plan was coming to a reality.

They were getting out of here.

─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───

Lo speaks!
Sad but quick chapter whatever
I'm so sad this book is almost finished but yeah

I tried to make this as sad as possible but all of my ideas were very VERY cringe
so that's what I figured out lol, it still gives me the ick but oh well

don't forget to vote&comment! 

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