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─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───

𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐍𝐄𝐗𝐓 𝐌𝐎𝐑𝐍𝐈𝐍𝐆 𝐈𝐒𝐀𝐁𝐄𝐋𝐋𝐀 𝐖𝐎𝐊𝐄 𝐔𝐏 because of a person banging loudly on her bedroom door, startling her. "Wake up now, you don't want to be late for school do you?" Her father, Dave, spoke from the other side of the thick wooden rectangle, determined to hear his daughter's voice, proving she was awake. When he didn't get an answer he kept banging on the door, seeking Isabella's attention.

"I'm awake, I'm awake." She spoke, loud enough for her father to hear and leave the outside of her bedroom, she stared at her clean white ceiling for a minute, tiredly, before she got out and picked the clothes she would be wearing that day.

She ended up going for a plain black skirt with a little slit on the bottom, an olive green-like polo shirt, and her favorite pair of black shoes. She then proceeded to walk to her bathroom to get a warm shower to wash off the events of yesterday evening.

When she got out of the shower, she dressed up and then got to her vanity to do her hair, she decided to do a half-up half-down hairstyle and topped it up with a thin white bow. She then walked out of her bedroom and carefully walked down the carpet-covered stairs and entered her big and very spacious kitchen, covered with expensive wooden cabinets and fine marble flooring.

Her motivation for the day was ruined when she saw her mother standing next to the stove, Isabella decided to ignore her and directed herself towards the fruit bowl to get a sweet, bright yellow banana. She then walked the long hallway, approaching the front door, the girl spotted her beige bag, swung it on her shoulders, and walked out of her house.

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Just as she was about to enter the school, she heard the commotion on the other side of it, she grew curious and decided to go check what was going on. When she arrived she saw a bunch of people gathering around, leaving space in the middle, until she spotted that familiar bandana that belonged to her friend, Robin Arellano. She pushed through the crowd to get a better view of what was happening.

"You think you're really tough, huh?" Moose spoke, insulting the kid in front of him.

"Let's find out." Robin dared the bully, confirming he wasn't scared of him. Isabella was invested, when she felt a person push her a little aside so that they could get a better view, she was about to say something when she realized it was Finney.

"Good morning to you too Finn." the redhead spoke to the boy when she also saw his sister next to him. "Hi, Gwen." Isabella stuck her head out to get a better view of the girl.

"Hey, Isabella. What's going on?" Gwen questioned the girl.

"I don't know, just got here," Isabella admitted, drawing back her attention to the fight when she heard Moose use a slur against Mexican people.

"Then do it. Unless you're scared?" Robin challenged, and without wasting a second Moose swung his fist directly into Robin's face, who managed to dodge it and hit him in the stomach as a payback. He then used his leg to kick him against the pole behind him, Moose didn't lose hope of winning the fight, and he had the idea of trying to hit Robin again.

Robin successfully stopped Moose from hitting him several times, until he grew tired of him and knocked him to the ground, kneeling on top of him and punching him straight in the face several times, receiving glares and 'boo' from the crowd. Isabella then felt a cold hand make contact with her arm, pulling her away from the scenario.

"What the hell? That was Moose." Gwen said, clearly impressed by the situation she just witnessed.

"I don't care," Finney replied blankly to her sister's comment.

"Moose is like a ten-grade kind of an asshole," Isabella told both of them, but mostly Finney since he wasn't surprised by the situation.

"I know."

"But last year when he made your nose bleed-" Gwen tried to make Finney remember, but the same boy cut her off, not wanting Isabella to hear the story again.

"Gwen." Finney indirectly told her to shut up.

"He had it coming." Gwen finished, turning back around referring to the beat-up dude.

"No one has that coming." Finney followed his sister's actions.

"Yeah, but Moose did. He kind of deserved it if I'm honest with you two." Isabella revealed, earning an amused glare from the boy, but an approval gesture from the girl next to her.

"Yeah Finney, he beat you up." Gwen complemented, bringing back the subject that Finney was trying to leave behind.

"I know, I was there remember? I just don't wanna talk about it." Finney signaled his sister to end the conversation.

"We'll, he was stupid to put up a fight with Robin Arellano. He's the toughest kid in school since the grabber got PinballVance Hopper." Gwen changed the subject quickly but changed it to a worse one in Finney's opinion.

"Told you not to call him that," Finney warned the girl.

"Everyone calls him PinballVance," Gwen said, sarcastically confused.

"No, I mean-" Finney was about to explain, but Gwen interrupted him.

"I know who you mean, jerkface." Gwen mocked, but this confused Isabella even more.

"Well, I don't, so, who are we referring to exactly?" Isabella questioned both persons next to her.

"Finn means 'the grabber'," Gwen explained to the taller next to her.

Isabella turned to her friend with a confused expression revealed on her face. "But everyone calls him that, the papers, the people, the news."

"I just wish you two wouldn't say his name," Finney begged.

"You don't believe that story do you?" Gwen asked, surprised.


"Because he can't hear you, He doesn't take kids that say it." Gwen tried to convince her brother into saying it.

"I know that." Finney tried to forget the subject.


"I said I know!" The curly-haired boy exclaimed.

"Then say it!" Isabella begged him, slightly playfully punching his elbow to get him to say the kidnapper's famous alias.

"No," Finney spoke, but it came out in a little laugh, which made Isabella smile.

"Come on Finn, he's not just gonna spawn in front of you if you say 'the grabber', it'll be fine!" Isabella begged the boy next to her, and Gwen kept nodding her head to whatever her female friend said, but Finney kept rejecting the idea of calling his name.

─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───

Lo speaks!
I don't love this chapter but at least we got some isabella and Finney
content yay! stay tuned for more :)

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