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𝐀𝐒 𝐒𝐎𝐎𝐍 𝐀𝐒 𝐃𝐄 𝐆𝐈𝐑𝐋 𝐑𝐄𝐆𝐀𝐈𝐍𝐄𝐃 𝐇𝐄𝐑 𝐂𝐎𝐍𝐒𝐂𝐈𝐎𝐔𝐒𝐍𝐄𝐒𝐒 she turned to look at the boy next to her, noticing he was still asleep. Isabella was trying to sit up on the mattress, but when she put pressure on her right arm, she let a cry of pain exit her mouth when she noticed this one was covered in blood, enough blood to convince someone that she was dying.

Making a lot of effort, she ripped her sleeve off of the costure uniting it with the top part of her shirt, and wrapped it around her wound very tightly to stop more blood coming out of it, she stood up, and this time she was even more determined to get out of here.

She tried their old method again. The window, she grabbed the cable and separated it from the metal grids, and did her best effort to attach it with the ring attached to the glass of the window.

This took many tries, and none of them were successful, just as she met trying the phone started ringing again. She ran as fast as she could to answer the call, not wanting Finney to get up and do it himself.

"What?" Isabella's stress could be heard in her voice, her response was rough and mean, but she'd had enough of this situation. "You're gonna say something? Do you even know who you are?"

"What the shit kind of question is that?" A male voice spoke through, matching the girl's tone. "Do you even know who you are?"

"Why does that matter, anyway? Just tell me what you want because I don't want to talk to any of you anymore." The redhead pushed for answers.

"Because this is it, the horrifying nightmare end of your pathetic little life." His words made an impact on Isabella, does this mean they were going to die?

"Who are you?" Isabella asked again.

"Vance Hopper." The boy replied, dryly. He didn't know why she was asking that, out of all the questions she could've said.

"Holy shit."

"Yeah, today's the day motherfucker." He didn't acknowledge the girl's amusement, he kept going with his predictions. "Have you tried stacking carpets to reach the window?"

"I thought you could see us. Yes! We tried that, we have tried everything." Isabella admitted.

"No! Not everything." Vance corrected her. "When the grabber saw what I had done, that was it. And he took his time with me too."

"What did you do?" Isabella pushed.

"Oh, that fucker had to spend a fortune to repair all the damages." Vance ignored Isabella's question and kept going with the story.

"I don't care! Just tell me what you did so we can get over with this." The girl snapped, standing up from the stiff mattress, Finney moving a little bit.

"I'm getting there cunt wad! There's an outlet in the shitter, across from the john." Vance insulted before continuing to explain what both kids had to do.

"Yeah, I've seen it."

"On the other side of that wall, there's a storage room. You can't get into that room, because there's a big-ass upright freezer in the way." Vance kept explaining, the girl listening closely to each en every one of his words.

"Break into the wall about two feet above the outlet, till you get to a panel with screws in it." The boy kept talking, Isabella just paced around the area where the cord of the phone wouldn't break if swift walked.

"Get the panel off, you're into the freezer." The blonde boy finished.

"And then we'll get to the storage room. Thank you." Isabella concluded politely.

"For what?"

"For helping Finney and me," Isabella answered, confused.

"Helping you? This isn't about you, fuck him." Vance screamed harshly into the phone, making Isabella pull it away from her ear. She hissed because of his strong his voice was. When everything started shaking and two soda bottles were thrown directly at her, slashing her cheekbone a little.

Finney sat up quickly because of all the commotion, searching for Isabella when he realized she wasn't in the bed next to him, when she spotted her, he stood up and ran in her direction. "What happened?" He asked in a panicked voice, looking at the slash on her face.

"One last chance. We're giving these boys, one last chance." She said instead of replying with detail what Finney had asked.

─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───

As soon as Finney was aware of what they had to do, he grabbed the lid of the toilet and started hitting the wall. Both kids would take turns every ten minutes or so until it was Finney's turn to rest.

He approached the top of the toilet and grabbed time water in his cupped hands, drinking the mentioned. He earned a disgusted yet confused expression from his friend.

"What are you doing?" Isabella asked, with a rejecting tone.

"I was thirsty," Finney answered cutely, shrugging.

Isabella sighed before continuing to smash the wall with the porcelain cap. A long time passed and Finney achieved to convince Isabella on trying to drink the water.

"If I get some kind of sickness because of this, you're paying the hospital bill." The girl threatened before drinking the clear liquid. Her face contorted with disgust at Finney's sight, making him laugh.

The water wasn't that bad, but she would never admit that it was quite relieving to drink it after that hard work

Some hours passed until the duo could see the screwed panel, Finney tried to unscrew it with his rocketship, but when that didn't work he took a piece from the toilet and achieved to remove it with that.

Both kids took out the meat inside the cold box until Isabella hopped in it and started hitting the door with her shoulder in an attempt to open it up.

When she didn't get to do it, Finney joined, but no force could open it up. Isabella was still trying when she realized Finney wasn't fighting to escape anymore. She stopped doing it when she heard her friend crying on the other side.

She got out of the freezing place to see Finney sitting in the corner of the room, bawling. She understood him, he acted tough most of the time, but in the end, they were both thirteen-year-olds fighting for their lives inside a scrawny basement.

She hugged him but never said a word. She knew Finney didn't like being comforted with cheering quotes, as long as he knew someone was by his side, it was more than enough. The boy curled in a ball, softening with Isabella's touch, letting all his anger and sadness out.

The redhead shed a few tears, but she needed to stay strong. Not for her, but for Finney.

─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───

Lo speaks!
The second time I went to the cinema to watch the black phone, some mfs were laughing at Finney crying, dude I wanted to punch them straight in the face

ANYWAY I finally updated lmao, I was so busyyyyyy

ty sm for the number of reads this book has been getting, I promise I'll update more often just 4 u

don't forget to vote&comment!

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