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𝐖𝐇𝐄𝐍 𝐈𝐒𝐀𝐁𝐄𝐋𝐋𝐀 𝐆𝐎𝐓 𝐇𝐎𝐌𝐄 she immediately rushed to her bedroom, hoping she wasn't perceived by her mother. As soon as she opened the door to the desired place, the scent of cherry filled her nostrils. She loved her bedroom, it was her safe place, where she thought no one could hurt her.

She grabbed her 'Queen' cassette, this one started playing 'Keep Yourself Alive', making Isabella hum the rhythm while she got her textbooks out of her backpack in order to complete her homework.

This activity took an hour for about three homework from different subjects, once she was done, she settled everything for another day of school tomorrow, she then proceeded to lay on her bed and take a nap, as usual.

She woke up a few hours later to the ringing of the house phone underneath her room, she was hoping that her mother would pick up and put the noise to an end, but instead, she screamed, ordering Isabella to go pick it up.

She got up from the comforting mattress with a groan, put on her slippers, and started descending the stairs, the fluffy material of her shoes making a soft noise on the ground as she reached the kitchen, picking up the phone while staring at the window, noticing it was already nighttime and also wondering who would call that late.

"Hello, this is the Collins," Isabella spoke through the phone, putting all her weight into one of her skinny legs, wanting to be over with this.

"Hello, Isabella." A man-like voice talked, the girl furrowed her brows, recognizing the voice because she heard it too many times at Robin's house.

"Mr. Arellano, is everything ok?" Isabella asked, acknowledging Robins uncle, with preoccupation able to be heard in her voice, she couldn't imagine something happening to him, he was too nice, or even Robin, that would be the worse of it all.

"Hey, um, is Robin at your house?" The male asked his tone with worry, sounding as if he had cried.

Isabella took a deep breath before answering, starting to assume the worst. "Um, no, the last time I saw him was at school. Why? Is he not with you?" She spoke, her voice trembling.

"No. He isn't with Finney either." Mt. Arellano revealed, disappointed. He waited a few seconds before answering. "Thank you, Isabella."

Before the girl could respond, the line was cut off. Tears threatening to fall off her eyes, she slowly hung up the phone, standing still next to it, processing what was going on.

If Robin wasn't as her house or Finneys, where could he be? They were supposed to go over math together. What if the grabber took Robin? What if the grabber took them both? "No, no, no, no way." Isabella started to panic, but then remembered that Robins uncle asked Finney, and that's when it hit her.

Robin was missing.

The redhead inhaled air strongly before running up to her room and shutting the door with as much force as she could, she let her body drop onto her bed, her face smashing with the soft pillow, starting to get wet because of the salty tears coming from her big blue eyes.

She couldn't believe it, Robin Arellano, her best friend, was missing, and he was probably going through hell as she cried, she immediately thought of Finney, and decided to give him a call, she then again stood up, walked down the stairs and ringed for Finney's number.

She gave up after three tries and no one replied, walking back to her room as soon as her head made contact with the cozy material.

─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───

Her alarm was what woke her up the next morning, she felt terrible, even worse than the night before, knowing she wasn't going to be able to make new jokes with robin, or mess up with his hair, and that destroyed her, she only had one real friend, Finney, the rest were fake people who just wanted to be with her for exam answers or a piece of popularity.

When she directed herself to the bathroom, she realized she was wearing the same clothes as yesterday, which made her cringe even more, quickly removed them and hopped in the shower.

When she got out, she felt lightly relieved, and that feeling increased when she had to pick an outfit, she loved to get ready, and it made her day. But she wasn't in the mood to fit her perfect stereotype of skirts and crop tops today, so she decided to go for a long black sleeve shirt and baggy dark denim jeans, topping it on with her black converse and two braids, falling beautifully on her shoulders.

She then walked to the kitchen to make herself something to eat, her father leaning on one of the counters, watching her walk in.

"Hey, honey." Dave greeted his daughter, but when he didn't receive an answer the questioning began. "What's wrong?"

"Nothing," Isabella replied blankly.

"Are you sure? You look like a mess." Her dad insisted on answers, but not in the best way.

"Thank you, dad! And no I'm not okay because my best friend went fucking missing and no one ever worries about me!" Isabella snapped, she usually did that when getting overwhelmed o stressed, and Robin's abduction added more to that pile, as soon as she realized she screamed at her dad she was quick to apologize and left the house as quickly as she could with her loaf of bread in hand.

─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───

Lo speaks!
This chapter is super boring i know, buttttt I wanted to update asap, anyway fun fact, when Robin was walking towards the grabber's van I thought he was like his ally and they were gonna make an evil plan to kidnap Finney. I know.

ANYWAYS please don't be a silent reader and comment!

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