"Holy mother of god."
We had turned around to find a long hallway that look like it went on for miles. A blue hue swam on the walls and the floor was a cold metal.
I heard Steve sigh from behind me and turned to see him smirk, sweat dripping from his now slightly spiked fringe."Well.. hope you guys are in good shape."
He walked forward and began to lead, not forgetting to stop and pat Dustin, "looking at you roast beef."Robin ushered us forward to follow him and Eric and Dustin went ahead and walked with the popular boy, while Robin suddenly squeezed my hand.
"Hey.. you know he's joking when he says that kind of stuff right?" It was as if she was genuinely worried I'd be offended from Steve's words."I know." I shrugged, small smile on my lips as my best friend widened her eyes, "oh! Well.. it's just," she let go of my hand and turned to me, walking backwards as she talked, "when he used to make jokes like that you would seem.. I don't know? Offended."
If she had said this to me a few weeks back, she would've been right. In this moment I realised that Steve's jokes didn't seem to hurt me anymore. Maybe because that materialistic image I had of him was fading."I'm not anymore."
There was a silence for a moment as we stared at the people ahead backs, "you know," Robin began, "when I first saw Steve again I thought he was going to be that same douche from High School."
I nodded in agreement and snorted slightly as she smiled down at me, "but.. he wasn't."She swung her arms the way she always did when she walked, "maybe that's why I wanted you to like him so much," her blue eyes stared into mine, a sort of sympathetic look crossing her face, "so you'd know he changed too."
Robin didn't know about me and Steve's history, she didn't know what he said because I never had the guts to tell her. I thought one day I might, but maybe.. maybe it didn't even matter anymore.
I laugh and give her a sarcastic frown, "be careful with your words Miss Buckley," I put on our classic posh British accents, "I might get jealous."
She just rolls her eyes and stops walking for a moment, giving me a genuine laugh and a wide smile, "no need!" She lets the posh accent fade, maybe because it sucks, maybe to let me know how serious she is about her next words, "you Ruby White, will always be my best friend."
We'd be walking for what felt like hours now, my feet were aching and knees willing themselves to bend. But I somehow stayed awake and upright, trodding slightly behind Steve who seemed as energetic as ever.
"I mean.." Dustin started ranting, "you have to admit, as a feat of engineering alone this is pretty impressive."
Steve scoffed, "what are you talking about? It's a total fire hazard. There's no stairs.. no exit, it's just an elevator that drops you halfway to hell."It was Erica's turn to scoff, "they're commies, they don't pay people, you cut corners."
Steve furrowed his brows at the child's knowledge and I couldn't help but nod and purse my lips into a smile, "kids not wrong."
Robin rolled her eyes, "you have got to stop agreeing with her Ruby."I throw my hands in the air in defence, "Not when she makes valid points!"
My best friend just rolls her eyes once more and carries on, "besides.. to be fair to our Russian comrades, I don't think this tunnel was designed for walking.""Wait.. so this whole tunnel is for transporting that cargo?" My eyes widen, "it makes so much sense! I mean it's the perfect system!"
Dustin nods along, "it all comes into the mall like any old delivery," Robin agrees, "they all load it into those trucks and nobody's the wiser."
Steve stops our rambling, "wait! wait! wait! You think they build this whole mall just so they could transport that green liquid?" His brows are scrunched and he clearly doesn't believe our theory.
"I very seriously doubt it's something as boring as poison." Dustin corrects, standing up for our idea, "it's gotta be something much more valuable, like promethium or something."
"What the hell is promethium."
Robin shrugs, "it's what Victor stone's dad used to make Cyborgs bionic and cybernetic components," if I knew one thing about me and Robin, it was that we were huge nerds. Always had been, always would be. Erica seems to notice this too and let's out a disgusted groan, "you're all so nerdy it's making me ill!"
The popular boy besides me scrunches his face in offence, "no, no, no. No. Don't lump me in with them, I'm not a nerd all right?"
"Why so sensitive Harrington, scared to lose cool points to a ten year old?" Robin smirks and I can't help but laugh and lean towards him, a sarcastic smile on my lips, "yeh! Besides, what's so bad about being a nerd huh?"
He seems flustered for a moment and his eyes dart around the room, anywhere but my face, "nothing it's just.." he regains his composure as I lean back, "I'm just saying I know Jack shit about Prometheus."
"Promethium, Prometheus is a Greek mythological character." I correct him, my love of Greek literature coming in handy and he just give me a cold stare as if to say 'not you too.'
"What?" I let out, "you already knew I was a nerd."He shrugs, "true, you are in choir."
I put a hand to my chest and fake gasp, "Oof! Low blow Harrington!""If you two would stop flirting I could carry on explaining?" Dustin scolds suddenly and I feel my cheeks heat up and it seems Steve's is burning up too. Robin is holding back laughter.
"Anyways.. all I'm saying is it's probably being used to make something, like a nuclear weapon."I find myself mumbling under my breathe,
"Walking towards a nuclear weapon.. so not on my bucket list.""Yeh but why here? In Hawkins.. of all places?" Robin was right to question it, Hawkins wasn't the place where Russian spies came to complete missions it was the place old people came to die.
We continue walking forward as Robin rambles along until for a moment, I realise the emptiness suddenly besides me."Is there something you'd like to share with the class?" I smile at the boys behind us, but they just give us a blank stare before a faint buzz sound appears.
"The walkie!"
Robin's already on it, translations spiralling into her mind as the words are spoken.
"It's the code." She confirms and Dustin's eyes light up, "wherever that's coming from.. it's close.""And If there's one thing we know about that signal-" Robin starts and I find myself accidentally cutting her off in excitement, "It can reach the surface."
"Let's go!"

𝗨𝗚𝗟𝗬 // 𝗦𝘁𝗲𝘃𝗲 𝗛𝗮𝗿𝗿𝗶𝗻𝗴𝘁𝗼𝗻
Fanfiction"Ruby White you are many things but ugly is not one of them." Two years ago Steve Harrington called Ruby White ugly. Now, he's working behind the counter with Ruby's best friend Robin, a changed man. But when Ruby starts avoiding visiting Robin at...