Ruby's eyes fluttered open to the sound of soft giggling as the duo behind her sat and waited for their inevitable doom.
However, they weren't feeling very down about it.
In fact, for the last ten minutes Robin and Steve had been laughing their heads off and as their friend opened her eyes, she found herself transported into the same feeling."Woah." Ruby mutters under her breathe, world spinning and feeling a soft buzz inside her head.
There's a small happy gasp,
"Rubyyyy!!!" It's Steve, his eyes are wide and lips cracked from blood but never the less the girl makes him smile, "you're a- you're.. woke.. woken! Awake!" His words are slurring and he can't seem to speak properly, but Ruby doesn't care, instead she laughs along."Hahahaahhaha! I'm awake!" The girl shouts loudly and tries to move her arms to throw them into the air, but is stopped by a harsh rope, causing her to frown.
"Hmm.. no fun!""Rubyyyyy!" Robin joins in on the excitement, lips smiling as bright as Steve's before she frowns as well, emotions changing drastically in just a second, "Ruby we're trapped," she pops the p and giggles slightly after, her mood changing again.
"Trapped?" The brunette questions, brows furrowed and brain fogged, "why- why can't we just like.. leave?"
Robin wiggles in her seat at the question, trying to move her arms, "because like there's ropes and shit."
Her best friend looks back down at her arms again and examines her tied up body, "is this rope? It's like rectab-retang-retangular? And black? Doesn't look like any rope I've seen."Steve breaks out into laughter at this, he can't see Ruby's face right now, but the image of how focussed she is on this 'rope' sets him off.
Before they know it they're all laughing, so hard they don't hear the guard walk through the door again, only noticing when the 'doctor' follows behind them."Woah! Are you like.. a nurse?" Ruby questions, receiving no answer.
Robin chuckles along, eyes as wide as the moon as her head hangs back and she stares at the man, "is this a good time to tell you I don't like doctors?" Her lips are pouted like a kid and she starts to laugh, breaking Ruby out into small chuckles.
The soldier stands in front of Steve, face stern, "let's try this again yes?"
Steve is more focussed on the fact that he can't feel his tongue."Who do you work for?"
The response earns a chuckle from Robin.
"Scoops ahoy.""How did you find us?"
Ruby's eyes shoot up as she smiles, "oh! Oh! I know this one!" The guard's eyes flicker over to her as he awaits response,
"Totally by accident!"The chief mumbled something Russian under his breathe, something Robin knows she would be able to translate better if she were not high as a kite.
The doctor grabs an instrument and makes his way over to Steve, sticking to their policy of not hurting any women."Woahhh what is that shiny little toy?" The boys smirking just for a moment before the instrument is stabbed into his nail, "woah woah! Wait wait!"
All Ruby can think of is to shout, head pounding,
"Hey! You can't hurt Steve! Hey! Stop!"
Her eyes flicker as she tries to think.. of anything..
"There was a code! We heard a code!"The doctor stops in his tracks allowing the guard to walk over between Ruby and Robin, "Code." He states matter of factly, "What code?"
Ruby racks her brain again, tongue licking her lips as she realises she feels like slime, messy and uncontrolled. Sober her would be terrified.
"Um.. uh.. Robin?" Her head tilts to her friend who nods in understanding and tells the guards what they know, not forgetting to laugh in their face at the fact that a group of teenagers managed to crack their oh so secret message.

𝗨𝗚𝗟𝗬 // 𝗦𝘁𝗲𝘃𝗲 𝗛𝗮𝗿𝗿𝗶𝗻𝗴𝘁𝗼𝗻
Fanfiction"Ruby White you are many things but ugly is not one of them." Two years ago Steve Harrington called Ruby White ugly. Now, he's working behind the counter with Ruby's best friend Robin, a changed man. But when Ruby starts avoiding visiting Robin at...