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When I left my therapy session that day the last thing I expected was Steve Harrington to be standing outside the hospital buildings main entrance, casually leaning against a wall as if he was waiting for someone.

Turns out that someone was me.
As I noticed him I tried to discreetly walk past, head hung low and hair covering my face but he seemed to notice me and called out my name.
"Ruby!" He ran over as I speed walked to the bus stop, "Ruby white!" I couldn't help but stop in my tracks. He knew my name?

I turned round awkwardly and waved, "hi..." I realised I had drawn out the i's and cringed at myself as I gave him a forced smile.
"Sorry for startling you but I uh.." he rubbed his neck awkwardly, "I wanted to see you and Robin said you'd be here."

Robin why did you rat me out?

"Look Robin doesn't know why I'm here so don't tell her cause she'll kill me but uh.." he begun talking as I stood there like a statue, stuck in place. "She misses you and she wants you to visit her.. you haven't been there in a week apparently?" I felt like i was being scolded, which made me want to fold my body inside out.
"I uh- I've been busy," I smiled at him trying to fake a sort of happiness so my lie was believable. I hadn't been busy, in fact I'd been avoiding the very man speaking to me.
"Oh! Well phew!" He sighed out as I stared at him and raised an eyebrow, phew?
"I uh.. I'm not gonna lie I thought maybe it was me, I know it sounds stupid," it did not sound stupid, "but I don't know I feel like maybe I upset you somehow?"
You did.
"But I'm glad you were just.. busy."

I chuckled along with him, feeling eyes on me as people began to walk past, probably questioning why Ruby White and Steve Harrington were interacting.
"Well haha yeh! I'm a busy bee!" I felt so awkward and my fingers itched as I felt the need to pick them again.

"Well um.. if you can, try visit Robin okay?"
There came the scolding tone again, as if he was my teacher and I hadn't done my homework, which by the way, never happened, I always did my homework, albite not always well.

"I will do!" I began to feel this sense of guilt, Steve clearly cared a lot for coming all this way to ensure Robin's happiness, "I uh.. I'm sorry for making you come all this way!" I shook my hands around as I spoke, flustered.

"No it's good, I live nearby anyways."
That's weird, I live nearby?

"Really? Wow me too!" Why am I making small talk with Steve Harrington? Just leave Ruby, just leave!
"Well I uh.. I gotta scoot so.." I tried walking away but he looked behind me at the bus stop and spoke again.
"Wait!" He called out, stopping me in my tracks one again, "do you need a lift?"

Steve Harrington was going to drive me to my house?
No thank you.

I was ready to thank him and say no until Steve happened to point out something i'd missed, "the sign on the bus stop says they're not running today."
Of course they're not.


I didn't hate Steve Harrington.
In fact the only emotion I felt around him was insecurity, so as I sat here in the front seat of his car, I was overcome with said feeling.

"Nice polka dots."
And now he was pointing out my fashion sense, complimentary though, which I appreciated.
I was wearing yellow and white polka dot tights paired with my black skirt and orange sweater.
"Thanks!" I replied, genuinely thankful.
"You wear a lot of bright colours," he pointed out and I felt myself physically go back into my shell.

What he was saying wasn't mean or harsh but, I guess I was still afraid of him noticing me ever since that day.
"I uh.. I like bright colours!" I smiled as I shuffled in his leather seats, feeling the heat of them on my legs, "they make me feel happy." Why was I opening up to Steve Harrington? Stop Ruby! He doesn't want to know about your weird clothes!

"That's nice, I like that, happy is always good." He nodded, agreeing with me, which I found pleasantly surprising.
His eyes were on the road but the way he spoke to me made me think he was really listening, it was nice, but.. I still couldn't bring myself to stop being weary of him.

"You always lived around here?" He questioned as we turned into my road and I nodded in reply, "I live a street down from you, I'm shocked we've never met before?"
He lives near me?
Just my luck.

And never met before?
Does he.. not remember?
Of course he doesn't, because it wasn't a big deal, you're just over exaggerating.

"My family keeps to themselves," I reply in half truth, my family didn't really talk to any of our neighbours, not after my dad passed away. My mum kind of kept to herself after that.
I didn't want to tell Steve that it was also partly because I didn't want to find out anymore information about him then needed.

"This is my house." I say as he begins to pull in to our bright yellow painted bungalow, "wow, your clothing and your house match," he laughs and I give him a smile and funny look of questioning, "what, you both have bright outfits!"

I can't help but giggle (internally scolding myself for letting Steve Harrington make me laugh,) "did you just personify my house?"
"Did you just use the word personify?" He gives me a cheeky grin, "that's a big word Miss White, gotta be careful with those around here."

"Hardee har Steve Harrington," I start to get out of his car, feeling a little less awkward then earlier, "thanks for the ride, I- uh.. appreciate it." I was thanking Steve Harrington. The me from two years ago would shoot themselves.

"No problem Ruby White."
I start to walk away and think he'll leave before he shouts once more, "hey uh Ruby?" I turn and nod in acknowledgement, "Robin's break is at 1:30 tomorrow, please stop by."

I smile at his caring nature towards my best friend, "I'll try Harrington."

𝗨𝗚𝗟𝗬 // 𝗦𝘁𝗲𝘃𝗲 𝗛𝗮𝗿𝗿𝗶𝗻𝗴𝘁𝗼𝗻Where stories live. Discover now