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Melody sat on the rocking chair, sending Audrey off into slumber as the muffled laughter and loud talking from downstairs could be heard even more so as the night went on than it had done earlier.

Darkness had fallen over Thrombey Manor, and now she realised that she hadn't eaten and the dinner Fran had prepared was still waiting for her to reheat. Setting Audrey gently into her cot, she turned on the baby monitor and snuck out.

In truth Melody was avoiding going downstairs for fear of having to be pulled back into conversation with the family again, and after her outburst she really didn't fancy it, especially now that Ransom had decided to show his face.

At least she could head into the kitchen without having to pass the sitting room though, so she could go and make her dinner in peace while avoiding everyone.

Looking over the bannisters of the staircase to ensure no one was in the hallway she made her way downstairs and into the kitchen, finding her dinner in the fridge where Fran had told her it was and a note on top of it with how long to put it in the microwave for.

Lasagne. And homemade too. She'd need to ask Fran how to make it as her culinary skills only went so far, but not far enough to be considered amazing.

The housekeeper was still there though, ensuring the Thrombey gathering by ensuring that glasses were kept topped up. She'd probably not get home until the early hours, living not too far from the manor so she was within distance for both walking and driving.

Melody stared at the microwave as it hummed into life, cooking the lasagne, and thought about what she had said earlier. She'd not regretted it, but she still felt that perhaps her words would've been received better when everyone was not under the influence of alcohol.

"You alright?" Marta asked as she enetered the kitchen and filled a glass with water.

"I thought you'd have gone home by now?" Melody asked.

Marta shook her head. "Harlan will probably get to bed at the same time and everyone else, and I need to administer his medication - when he goes I go". She shrugged and sipped her water. "I'm sorry about them, I'm not happy that they refer to Audrey as a 'thing' or 'kid' either".

Melody shrugged. "Harlan is the only one out of them who cares. You would think that given Audrey is Richard and Linda's grandchild, that they'd want to know her?"

"Linda is all business, and Richard? Well he just does what she says. You can sense that too right?" Given that Marta had been with the Thrombey's longer than she had, then Melody was sure that by now she knew what they were all like - Ransom included.

"Oh for sure" Melody nodded, the beep of the microwave signalling her food was ready". "Have you eaten by the way?"

"Only buffet food in there, but not much. I still feel like I shouldn't even when they tell me that I can".

"Want to share this with me? Fran seems to think I need to fatten up I think". She laughed at the portion size that could have easily gone between two or three people.

Marta smiled. "It's ok, but thank you. I should be getting back in there, Ransom's already starting arguments with Walt".

Melody nodded and told Marta she'd see her in the morning, putting her food onto a plate and going back upstairs to make sure that Audrey was ok.


Making her way down the stairs later on, she washed up her plate and made for her room, colliding with someone as she exited the kitchen.



He glared at her for a moment before he spoke to her. "Shouldn't you be up in the nursery?"

"Shouldn't you be trying to be a father to a baby that's yours?"

The words were out of her mouth before she could stop herself. But it was true though, and if Ransom thought that he held any sort of authority over her then he was greatly mistaken.

He laughed to himself silently and shook his head . "Touché, but kids are really not my thing".

"Much like responsibility then".

His gaze upon her darkened as his eyes once again looked her up and down. "Don't assume that you know me Mel".

"Oh I don't need to assume, Hugh". She thew back. "Do you even know how to stop a child from crying?" He was probably the reason any small child would cry if they had to be around him.

"Easy, I give it to you, because that's your job" he emphasised. "Know your place. You're here to look after the baby, not question my choices or anything that I choose to do".

Melody couldn't believe how insufferable he was. "I'm here because I actually care about that little girl. No one else here gives a shit about her. They call her a 'thing', don't even take any notice. God forbid she ends up like you, avoiding them all because nobody loved her or paid attention" .

Ouch. Melody didn't even know if that was true but it seemed to have hit a nerve.

Ransom grabbed her wrist and pulled her back as she went to leave, but she snatched it back.

"Don't touch what you can't afford".

Harlan's voice interrupting their disagreement now caused them both to turn. The elder Thrombey watching them with some concern. If he had heard them then who else had? "Everything alright out here?"

Ransom nodded and looked back at Melody. "Mel was just heading back upstairs".

Harlan looked at her and she nodded. "I have a job to do after all". The bitterness in her voice was clear and now without another words she turned and walked back up to her room, hearing Harlan say something to Ransom but not quite making out what it was.

All she wanted to do was sleep and forget about Ransom Drysdale for tonight.

Melody (Ransom Drysdale)Where stories live. Discover now