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"How's it been?" Marta asked Melody as they met up one afternoon to have coffee. Harlan was a writing streak with his book and needed time to get his ideas out, and so he'd allowed his nurse to take a few hours off before returning for dinner.

Melody glanced at Audrey in the pram next to her and then back at her new friend. One week of living with Ransom felt like an eternity. Yes they were not bumping into one another, and even of they did they rarely spoke. But you could still cut the tension with a knife.

"You want the truth? Awful...Ransom just cannot bear to look at Audrey if we happen to cross paths, which thankfully we try not to". She sat back and sipped her drink. "I don't think I can do this Marta...I thought I could, but all this? It's too much. I'm not even an au pair anymore I'm basically a surrogate mother imprisoned with the father who wants nothing to do with his child".

Marta quickly passed her a paper napkin to dry her eyes on, seeing that she was about to cry.

"I don't blame Harlan, please don't think that I do. I know he only wants the bet for Audrey, but I'm doing my best and somehow nothing is good enough, and I know this was what I walked into and it was my choice, but now? It just feels like too much".

"Melody, listen to me...you are doing something none of us could ever think of doing. You're the only person Audrey depends on. She needs you, if you leave? I dread to think what could happen".

Melody snorted. "Hugh already knows - he'd stick her in an adoption centre and say that he did it out of kindness. Those are words I would never put together with him".

"You're right there. He's always been ok to me, mainly likes to annoy family just to cause drama though - he and Harlan? They get along but only for so long".

"They're both as stubborn as the other. Has Ransom always been like this?"

Marta shrugged and sipped her coffee. "I've never seen him make any attempt to do anything 'nice' since I started, but I don't know what he was like. He could've been a nice child, although that may be hard to believe. Best to ask Meg or someone like that".

"I think I'll pass" Melody replied, picking Audrey up and getting her out from the pram so she could look around.

"She's getting bigger by the week. Her face is changing".

Melody laid the baby back on her lap and waved her little hands around. "She's a cutie that's for sure".

"What do your parents think about you being out here?"

"It's my job, they're just happy I'm making a living and have a roof over my head".

Marta stirred some more sugar into her coffee, "Have you told them about Ransom?"

She pursed her lips. "No...not the whole situation. Just that I'm working for a rich family who have a young baby that is under the care of relatives rather than the parents. Not that I'm pretty much now Audrey's stand in mother".

"I'm serious when I say if you need any help then I'm here. I'm sure Harlan would love for you to bring Audrey over on some days. He does miss her already."

"I may come to escape if Ransom is lurking, I mean it's his house after all so technically I have no right to wish him to bugger off, but it's always nice to have days where he retreats to the country club or wherever he goes" Melody really didn't know, what Ransom did in his time (apart from different women) was his own business. She just hoped that he was smart enough not to bring any back home with him.

Marta had a cuddle with Audrey while Melody finished her drink. "Harlan is inviting the family to dinner next week, I think he plans to ask Ransom to attend with you and Audrey - just so you're prepared".

"I don't think anything could prepare me, I've only had brief interactions with the family and they're certainly something".

She felt for Marta, who was all but forced to be in attendance because of Harlan. Melody was technically being forced because of Ransom.

"What's the dinner for anyway?" She now asked.

Marta shrugged. "I think Harlan would just like the family to get used to the fact that Audrey is now a part of it, that and I'm sure he just wants to irritate Ransom by making him attend. He knows that if he doesn't then he can simply tell him that his inheritance or his funds are being cut. It's his way of pulling the strings, keeping him under control in some respects - and he needs it, the whole family do really". She added.

"I'd love to hear Nana's thoughts on this. Sure she never spoke when I would sit with her and the baby, but I did see her eyes light up at the sight of Audrey. I think she was just happy to have some company. I think she knows what it's like to be ignored.

Marta smiled sadly. "Unfortunately she does. She always gets overlooked. Meg makes an effort, you will like her if you ever have a chance to speak with her properly. She cares, very different to Joni".

"Ergh Flam - she's managed to find out my number and is now sending me stuff saying do I want some samples of her baby lotion when it eventually comes out". Melody let out a small groan. Joni wasn't about to let up. What was next? Chakra cleansing for babies? Wind chime teethers? The woman was high on something for sure.

There was a wince from Harlan's nurse. "Now that's not good".

Checking her watch, Melody sighed. "I suppose I should get back and give Audrey her bath. Hopefully Hugh's been swallowed up by the eighteenth hole at the country club". She wasn't even sure that she was talking about golf anymore.

Putting Audrey into the pram, she and Marta hugged and went their separate ways, Melody hoping that once she got home, that she could go about her business without any interruptions.

Melody (Ransom Drysdale)Where stories live. Discover now