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"How was your night with your fuck buddy, girlfriend or whatever the hell I'm meant to call her." Melody asked once she had settled Audrey down the next evening and had ventured downstairs to make herself some dinner. "What's her name anyway? If she even exists". 

Ransom had text her around lunchtime to give her permission to come home, which she was thankful for, as she was on the verge of running out of diapers that she'd taken with her. 

"For fuck sake, she exists Mel - she's called Cordelia". Ransom huffed as he watched her begin to chop some peppers. "And it was nice and quiet with no baby or sarcastic British au pair to interrupt us". 

"Does she know we even exist?" Melody now asked, still chopping. 

"She does". 

On hearing this Melody almost sliced her hand, now putting he knife down and turning around to him. "I'm sorry, did you just say you told her that you have a daughter?" 

"Yes?" He made a face as though she was stupid. 

"Holy shit, I never thought I'd see the day that you would actually tell a girl that you have a child, let alone get past three dates altogether". 

"Ha, ha" He shot back sarcastically. "Your British humour is just what I expected". 

"There's more where that came from Hugh, I can assure you". She resumed chopping her ingredients. "So...this Cordelia. What's she like? Model standard obviously because let's face it - you only go for those kind of girls". 

Ransom still looked annoyed. "Not always, and I suppose she could be a model if she wanted to - but she's a socialite. Dad's got his own company..." 

"So, a female version of you...geez ok". Melody puffed some air from her cheeks. "I mean, I can handle one of you but two..." 

"You're here for Audrey, not Cordelia - you wouldn't have to 'handle' her at all". Ransom retorted. "Anyway, it's not like I'm gonna just jump straight in and marry her". 

"And what would happen if you did?" Melody stared at him. "Because you can't just hand over Audrey to me and say, 'have a nice life, you can just take her!' Because you'd do exactly that Hugh, and don't you deny it!" 

He ran a hand through his hair. "Since when did this turn into a discussion about me marrying Cordelia? It's early days, it might not even work out - god, can we just stop talking about this? It's pissing me off!" Now he became irritable. 

She sighed and said no more, continuing to make dinner whilst he now grabbed his car keys, the front door slamming soon after. 

"Fuck". She muttered to herself. 

Melody couldn't stop Ransom from living his life and she had no problem with him having a relationship, but Audrey need stability. If Cordelia was introduced into her life only to then leave and another woman take her place, followed by another, and another? It was worrying. 

However, if Ransom did turn out to be serious about Cordelia, then Melody just hoped that the three could have the stable family unit that he and his parents never had. The fact he'd told his girlfriend about his daughter was a good sign. 

Perhaps he could actually come around and be a proper father to her?


The sound of Audrey through the baby monitor woke Melody early the next morning. 

Dressing and shuffling through to the nursery, the baby was wide and awake and gave a smile as Melody looked into the cot. "Good morning beautiful". Mel grinned and picked her up. "You're getting heavy!" 

After changing her, Melody took Audrey downstairs, glancing out the living room window and seeing Ransom's car parked outside. She'd not heard him come home whereas sometimes she would. Then again, their disagreement had drained her, so it was no wonder she had slept through. 

Hearing some clattering about in the kitchen, it was clear that he was up and about. 

"I'm guessing you didn't go out for drinks last..." Melody now said as she walked into the kitchen and trailed off. "Oh..."

The blonde woman who was wearing the sweater that Ransom had been wearing last night now turned and suddenly brightened. "You must be Maggie!" She said now coming over with a broad smile, "Hiiii, I'm Cordelia". Her eyes went to Audrey, and she grinned, "And you, little cutie, have to be Audrey". 

"It's Melody..." 

"Oh, I thought the baby was called..." 

"No, I mean, I'm Melody - not Maggie, and this is Audrey. It's nice to meet you - Hugh has told me about you". 

Cordelia turned back to what she'd been cooking. Bacon and eggs by the looks of things, and very badly. If Ransom liked his food cremated, then he had truly found the woman of his dreams. "Ran's told me about this little one". She smiled kindly at Audrey. "She's adorable. I was only telling him yesterday that I'd love to meet her - but he was a little reluctant. I suppose I can understand considering the situation". 

"Hmmm, it's certainly one of a kind". Mel nodded. "Sorry I just need to quickly make up her bottle". 

"Oh, go ahead! I thought I'd make Ran some breakfast". She told her. "I don't eat any of this stuff, not good for the hips!" 

Melody made a face to herself while she was turned with her back to Cordelia. "I'm sure that Hugh will appreciate it". 

Cordelia giggled. "I forgot the help have to call him Hugh. It sounds strange, doesn't look like a Hugh but I suppose I can tease him with that if he ever puts a foot out of line". Now she dished up the food and made for the stairs. "Anyway, it was lovely to meet you, Molly! I'm sure we'll be seeing more of one another". 

Oh lord she hoped not. 

"Of course. Anything you need I'm here..." Melody gave a nervous laugh, kicking herself for actually suggesting that. Her duty was to Audrey and only her. 

"Such a sweetie, your accent is adorable by the way. Where are you from?" 

"Erm, England?" 

Cordelia nodded. "Veeeeery cute, have a nice morniiiiiing". 

Once she'd gone Melody looked at Audrey and made the shape of a gun with her fingers, putting them to her head and making a 'pew' sound with her lips to mimic a 'bang'. 

Ransom with a girlfriend who was sickly sweet whereas he was a miserable bastard? The pairing, Melody now thought, was hilarious. 

Melody (Ransom Drysdale)Where stories live. Discover now