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Ransom was pacing by the stairs as he waited for Melody to finally come down with Audrey. Harlan had invited them to another insufferable lunch and this time had stated Ransom, Melody and Audrey would be there - freezing his grandsons bank account so he couldn't access it until he turned up.

They had no choice.

"Seriously how long does it take to dress a baby!" He called up the stairs. Receiving no answer, "Mel!" Now yelling louder.

She appeared at the top of the stairs complete with Audrey and the baby bag. "I'm coming! Geez Hugh!" Melody now glared as she got to the bottom of the stairs.

"I think I aged a good thirty years waiting for you".

"Boo hoo" she replied dryly. "Anyway let's just get this over and done with".

He huffed at this, "for once we agree on something" and grabbed his keys. "We'll have to take both cars, the Beamer only has two seats". He stated

"Fine by me". Melody shrugged, not really caring about having to endure a car ride with Ransom. "See you there". Putting Audrey into her baby seat and locking the front door.

Ransom had already gone by the time she'd got to her car and put Audrey's seat into the isofix. Getting in, she let out a sigh.

This was going to be hell on earth.

Melody arrived to see Ransom leant against his car waiting for her. He just shrugged when she got out and threw him a questionable look.

"I'm not walking in there on my own, we said we'd suffer together". He stated - hands in pockets to keep them warm from the autumn chill that had fallen upon Boston.

"I mean, I could always be a bitch and leave you here - your bank account will still be frozen if I don't show". She smirked, knowing how pissed off he was already that Harlan had pulled his 'fuck around and find out' card.

Melody was met with a steely gaze. "You try that and see what will happen". Ransom now threatened, both of them now turning as Linda, clad in a very bright pink pant suit, now appeared on the porch with a cigarette to hand.

"Are you both going to stand out here all day or are you going to come in and be sociable?". She now eyed them both with one eyebrow raised in her usual questionable way.

"First option seems more tolerable, mother". Ransom retorted, smiling sweetly as Linda rolled her eyes and swept back into the manor, a trail of cigarette smoke being left in her wake. He glanced to Melody. "Suppose we'd better get the kid inside then", and headed to the front door

Melody watched him with a small shake of her head in annoyance that she'd be lugging everything inside, glancing down to see Audrey was still asleep in her baby seat, before following. 

Fran was just coming out of the kitchen but stopped as she saw Melody now struggling through the door. "Let me take her" She quickly grabbed the baby seat so as Melody could close the door. "Hugh could've helped, the bastard". The housekeeper now muttered.

"Yeah right" Melody snorted at the thought of Ransom carrying the baby in. He wouldn't be seen dead doing that. The extent of his involvement with Audrey was that he had held her a couple of times to try and stop her crying, as well as simply passing a bottle to Melody so as she could make it.

And that was it.

Father of the year right there.

"The most help he's given me is passing me a bottle from the steriliser - for me to make!"

Fran snorted at this as she now admired Audrey. "Oh, just look at her. You're getting so big!" She cooed at the sleeping baby.

Ransom now appeared from the drawing room where the family usually congregated before and after dinner. "You coming?" He asked irritably.

"Funnily enough you left me to bring in everything". Melody retorted, "so don't get pissy at me for taking my time to bring your daughter and her things in".

She saw his jaw clench a little and then without another word he disappeared back into the drawing room.

"I'll bring Audrey, you take the bag". Fran now said, lifting the baby seat onto her arm and carrying it through, putting it down beside the chair that Ransom was sat in. "Here you go, one daughter".

Melody secretly smirked as she could tell the housekeeper was enjoying every moment of gloating. She truly despised Ransom so to have moments like this made her working day complete.

Taking the chair next to Ransom so as Audrey could be between them, she now sat down with the feeling of awkwardness hanging over everyone as they watched on.

"She's getting bigger!" Joni now broke the silence with a sweet smile to the sleeping baby before looking to Melody rather than her nephew.

"She's a good baby". Melody now replied.

Walt smirked. "Clearly got that from the one-night stand's side of the family".

Ransom shot his uncle a glare. "Eat shit, Walt"

"Ransom" Harlan sighed as both Richard and Linda sank into the sofa, heads in their hands at the fact the arguments were starting early. "Can we just have one family gathering without any discrepancies?"

"Clearly not in Walt's mind" Ransom told him through gritted teeth.

The Thrombey man simply sat there gloating just as much as Fran had. "You made your bed, so now you gotta lie in it - just not with any more women!" He grinned, loving the fact that he had bested his nephew once again.

"Try telling that to my dad"

The words spilled from Ransom's mouth and Linda's head whipped up just as fast as Richard's did. "What!" now looking to her husband who was gawping.

Ransom sat back, pleased to have finally opened a new can of worms for the family to enjoy, and now the attention turned to his father. "Whoopsie". He mouthed and looked happily at Melody as now Linda began to demand what her son had meant.

"That's enough!" Harlan's voice raised so much that Audrey now woke, beginning to cry. He looked over at the baby and smiled weakly. "I'm sorry dear Audrey...unfortunately our family seems to believe they are animals in a zoo".

"Might as well be with the shit show we are". Ransom muttered.

Melody lifted Audrey from her baby seat and gave her the pacifier she'd brought with her. "There, all better". She tried keeping a focus on the baby and not the carnage that was now unfolding around them.

Thankfully Fran now walked in to save the day. "Dinner's ready Mr Thrombey".

"Fantastic! Everyone, to the dining room and no more arguments. One peep from you over dinner and you'll be sorry about it".

Linda, still fuming, stormed out to the dining room while Richard followed along with the rest of the family. As Ransom left, he looked back to Melody. "You coming? I mean, you agreed to this"

With a sigh, she rose and took the baby bag, following him to the dining room - all the while praying that murder wasn't committed over dinner.

Melody (Ransom Drysdale)Where stories live. Discover now