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Ransom had simply stood watching with a beer in his hand as both Melody and Audrey's things were brought into his home by the movers. "Watch the staircase!" He grunted at them as there was a clunk against one of the glass panels, the two men manoeuvring the cot up to the room that had been designated for the baby.

He had argued and argued about this for the last week with Harlan, but the old man was sitting tight on his decision, and as a result the au pair and the brat were moving in today.

He was most certainly being punished.

Melody now came up the path carrying Audrey and looked at Ransom as she walked in. "Hugh". She nodded curtly.

"Mel". His eyes still stared over the rim of the bottle as he took a long swift from it. He made no attempt to look at his daughter.

He didn't want to look at her. If he knew who the girl was who'd dumped her on his doorstep then he'd have sent the baby straight back to her.

"Your room is upstairs, last one on left across from hers". He simply told her.

She nodded walked past silently, climbing the stairs up to the next level. All the time she could feel Ransoms eyes burning into her back.

"Here we go...your new room". Melody tried to sound happy for Audrey's sake - not that the baby could tell but still, this had to be made into a positive. "Don't worry about your father, we probably won't see him much anyway, but just look, there's enough room for you to play, and I'm across the hall if you need me". Melody carries on talking to her, the little girl simply staring back at her. "We'll make the best of it".

"Why are you talking to her like she can understand you? She's a kid, she can't even say or do anything". Ransom was now leant against the doorway, having heard what Melody had been saying.

Melody glared at him. "Because it helps with her all round development. I'm not about to ignore her like you or the rest of the family do".

"Whatever, there's a spare cupboard in the kitchen for her crap and whatever. I'm going out..."


"What does it matter to you? You're just here to look after the kid so that's all you should concern yourself with". Ransom fired back and then disappeared.

Audrey now began to wail and Melody held her close, soothing her until finally she fell asleep. "Let's get settled". She whispered, putting the little girl into the cot while she unpacked her belongings and began to make the nursery feel more homely.

After making some finishing touches to Audrey's room, Melody went to start on her own, leaving the door open so she could hear whether the little girl woke up.

Ransom's home was very stylish, with furnishing to a high standard. Large windows making the place feel more lighter and airy than it's owner was.
His room was at the opposite end of the hallway, so their paths would not cross. As well as a family bathroom, both bedrooms had en-suites with the exception of Audrey's.

Melody explored downstairs, the kitchen nice and large although she doubted that Ransom had ever cooked in it.. in the living room it was once again open with large windows overlooking the garden that wasn't exactly a garden. It was just grass, trees and bushes. There was no way this guy spent any time planting things. Whatsoever. Still, with an array of trees and bushes she wondered whether the colours would look nicer in autumn.

She'd soon find out.

The front door opened and she turned, seeing him walk in and chuck the keys to his Beamer on the sideboard in the hallway.

Now he caught sight of her. "Snooping eh?"

"I wasn't snooping, I was checking to see where Audrey's milk and bottle steriliser was".

"And did you find them?"


"Good". Was all he replied with a nod. "So, you just gonna stand there all day or do you have a job to do".

She let out an "ugh" and brushed past him, back upstairs because he clearly thought that was where she belonged.


Audrey's wails woke Melody that evening, quickly getting up from bed and rushing across the hall to her room. "Ok, milk time it is". She sighed tiredly and took the baby downstairs, preparing the bottle while trying to adjust her eyes to the light that she had switched on.

"Can you shut her up!" Ransom called down with irritation.

"She's hungry!" Melody yelled back, making Audrey cry more.

It wasn't a good response and she knew she'd have to keep her cool in future. But right now he wasn't helping.

Ransom appeared in the kitchen, looking also tired and annoyed. Seriously, hurry the hell up and give her the milk".

"Would you like to hold her while I make it then?" She declared. "I can't make her stop until the milk is cool Ransom".

"Then just give her some from damn fridge!"

Melody rolled her eyes and passed the baby to Ransom, who held her out in front of him like she was diseased or something. "Why the hell have you given her to me?"

"Because I just want to make this bottle and get her settled, so you can hold her". Melody said calmly, but already feeling like she was at the end of her tether.

Audrey kept on crying until the bottle was finally cool enough, Ransom all but shoving his daughter into Melody's arms again and returning upstairs. "Just make her stop ok". He snapped and slammed his bedroom door.

Settling into the couch, Melody soon calmed the baby with her milk and peace was restored. She'd wake early for another bottle, but that was already half prepared and in the fridge waiting.

If Ransom complained again, which he probably would, then Melody would be sure to tell him to go and invest in a pair of earplugs.

Melody (Ransom Drysdale)Where stories live. Discover now