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"Look I wouldn't be asking if I wasn't serious" Ransom said as he paced around the living room on his phone. "Are you laughing?"

This wasn't a laughing matter of any sorts.

"No". Marta said from down the line where it was clear that she had laughed. "I'm just shocked that you can actually cook"

"I'm trying to do something nice ok, so can you take Audrey for the night or not?" He became impatient.

"Sure, text me when you want me to come and get her".

"Thanks" he said, the relief washing over him that his daughter wouldn't be a cock block for him this evening. "And if you so much as breathe a word of this to Mel? I'll run you through with one of Harlan's knives from that chair of his".

He was pretty sure that Marta was rolling her eyes, but she agreed to keep her mouth shut anyway.

Once Ransom ended the call he glanced to the kitchen.

What could he cook without burning the house down? Usually he'd call in a professional, but he at least wanted to show his girlfriend that he was capable of cooking something edible for her. After all, she mainly did all the cooking just because she would be for Audrey. It had never been in her job description anyway.

Did he even own any cook books? Usually he looked up most of this on his phone, so that would have to suffice. Finding what he thought she may like and what seemed to be the easiest in terms of his culinary skills, he checked the cupboards to see whether he was missing anything- thankfully nothing as Mel had already been grocery shopping just the day before, and with her now weaning Audrey and trying her with different things, there was every kind of vegetable known to man stocked up amongst other things.

He needed a distraction. Something to get her out the house.

"Hey Mel?" He called

"Yeah?" She yelled from upstairs where she was giving Audrey a bath

"The Beamer's not starting! And I think I left my watch at Harlan's - think you could go grab it for me?".

"Why can't you wait until tomorrow?"

"Because Walt May have flogged it to a pawn shop if anything! You realise he's there this week? Look, I'll make it up to you?"

"How!" She yelled.

He knew this would get her. "Just the other night you were telling me about how much you love that thing I do with my tongue..."

"Hugh!" Her voice went a little high pitched in shock and the was followed by footsteps down the stairs, Audrey wrapped in a towel. "Are you seriously trying to bribe me with oral sex in front of your daughter?"

"Why?" He looked snug, hands slung in his pockets, "is it working?"

She passed him Audrey and shot an accusing look at him as she got her keys. "I want the full Dyson experience when I get back".

He chuckled. "One suck and you're hooked, whatever would your mother say?"

"Nothing, she's dead remember". She rolled her eyes as her dark humour came out. "I'll be back soon", and giving him a kiss she left.

Ransom looked at Audrey. "Ok kid, time to evict you for the night to say with Marta, let's get you dressed". He said, texting the nurse and then going to dress Audrey.

Once Marta arrived he shoved the little girl to her. "Everything's in the bag, good luck and thanks".  He told her all at once, kissing his daughter goodbye.

"Don't poison Melody please?" Marta warned with a smirk and then headed off to her car, complete with Audrey and all her things.

Right...time to make his girl the best romantic dinner anyone had ever given her.


"Hugh! The stupid watch wasn't there! And no Walt hasn't pawned it! I..." Melody stopped as she realised that the house was dark other than the candles that were lit on the small table. "Hugh?"

He came out from the kitchen. "Probably because I lied...I had to get you out the house somehow".

"Where's Audrey?" She frowned.

"With Marta for the evening, I think after everything? We deserve a night to ourselves".

She grinned. "You didn't have to do all this", coming to stop in front of him as he leant down and kissed her.

"I did...even cooked dinner".

"You can cook?" She blinked in surprise.

"Why does everybody always think I'm so incompetent at keeping myself alive?" He now asked out loud.

She shook her head. "I didn't mean it like that - it's just you've never done so before? Not that I know of anyway?"

He shrugged. "I did it because I wanted to - for you".

Leading her over to the table, he pulled out her chair and helped to push her in as she sat down, pouring her some wine into her glass and his. "Back in a moment".

Mel was surprised at the fact he'd gone to this amount of effort to do something for her. Just a happy meal from
McDonalds would have been acceptable, but this was Ransom.

He had just as high standards of making an impression like his family did.

No happy meals had probably ever graced the Thrombey's dining table.

He returned some minutes later. "Almost ready".

Mel didn't even have time to realise what he was doing until he got down on one knee beside her chair and pulled a small box from the pocket of his trousers.

"Melody..." he began as he looked up at her, opening the box to show just what what concealed inside. "I know what you're gonna say, that it's too early, that we need to think about things before we jump...but I don't give a shit about that - will you marry me?"

Melody (Ransom Drysdale)Where stories live. Discover now