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"What do I do with her?" Ransom asked, holding Audrey with his arms outstretched and looking at with her some distaste.

"Just hold her while I finish making the bottle Hugh". Melody rolled her eyes, "and properly, you're not in the Lion King.

"If I was then she'd be flung from Pride Rock" Ransom muttered and then huffed and changed his position of holding Audrey when Melody spun round and glared at him for the comment. "What? I just...I don't like babies".

"And she doesn't like you holding her like that".

"Or in general, can't you take her, and I'll make the bottle?"

Melody threw him a look. "Do you know how to make it?"

He blinked and then looked at the baby. "Ok kid where's your 'off' switch?" Taking her to the window. "Come look at...stuff? See there's a tree, trees are nice..."

"Bloody hell" Melody muttered to herself and continued to cool the bottle. Listening to Ransom as he attempted more to calm the baby down.

"And there's a bush...it's green..."

At least he was trying in some ways. Something that she'd asked for as they'd laid down the rules for living in some sort of 'harmony'. Sure, there was no way she'd be able to get him out of bed to help with a night feed but through the day?

They needed to bond. All of them did.

"Ok, got it" Melody came over and took Audrey from him, settling herself on the couch and giving her the bottle, the baby guzzling from it.

Ransom looked smug, "Seems she got something else from me other than looks".

Melody rolled her eyes, "She's not going to be an alcoholic Hugh".

"Hey! I'm not, I just like a drink or two". He sat down next to them and watched with interest. "Geez she's really knocking that back".

"She has days like this, tomorrow she'll probably want very little. She gets full easily".

Out of the corner of her eye she saw him smirk again and knew he was thinking of something inappropriate. "I know what you're thinking Hugh, stop".

"You said it".

"Shame dad said you didn't have to wear your uniform, now that would've been a sight" He was still looking amused, but there was some curiosity tugging at him to know what it looked like. Not her in it. Of course not.

"It's not sexy if that's what you're thinking, more practicality over style".

"You are so British" He mused and sat back, grabbing a magazine and reading it while Audrey fed.

Melody watched as the contents of the bottle went decreased. "So...any dates I need to know about for this week? Because I really don't want to see what I did, again".

"Can't get it outta your head eh?" Once again, he was smug. He'd seen how red her cheeks had flushed as she'd tried to avert her eyes the other day.

"It gave me nightmares".

"Well, my date wasn't complaining, except when you decided to cock block and then invited her to have a drink".

Now it was Melody's turn to smirk. "I'm just a very hospitable person".

"So am I - I bring the girl home, give her what she wants and then she leaves".

She looked disgusted. "Seriously?" Sitting the baby up and burping her. "Don't you ever have visitors who aren't only going to see your bedroom...or your floor?"

"Hell no, even my parents rarely stop by which is great for me".

"You really don't get along with them do you?"

"I don't get along with anyone. They only get in touch if they want something, like for me to go to some stupid dinner and stuff. I'd rather stick pins in my eyes than have to sit around all night listening to Walt and Joni".

"What about growing up?" She now asked, manoeuvring Audrey back into her arms as she drifted off to sleep.

Ransom shrugged. "What about it?"

"Did you get on with anyone then?"

He snorted. "Nope. My parents stuck me with a nanny, then I was booted off to private school. Couldn't wait to finally get outta there. Mom had her business, so I was ignored anyway and dad?" He pauses. "Well...he hasn't exactly been faithful to her, and he knows that I know, so that's something I can throw out there if anything gets too wild".

Melody blinked. "Wait, Richard's having an affair?"

"He's been having them for years. His latest is a twenty something year old secretary. I'm pretty sure my grandfather has picked up on it". He chuckled to himself and then looked across at her. "Least your family isn't as screwed as mine".

She shrugged. "You'd be surprised..."

"Humour me".

The thought for a moment. "I don't like to talk about it".

"I don't like talking about mine, but you still got me to" He shrugged it off. "So c'mon, out with it".

Why the hell was she telling him this? She'd never really told anyone, then again, she'd never had many friends until college. They didn't know either. Ransom wasn't going to let up though and she had to accept that if anything went tits up then he'd just have to hold it over her along with the dark cloud that had been present for years.

"Well...my dad's in prison". She finally said. "He...er...well, he killed my mum when I was only three". Ransom's face changed at this. "I was raised by my aunt, and for the record I've never told anyone because I don't have any friends really. I've kind of always been alone so I guess I know in some ways what you felt when you were growing up".

Ransom said nothing for a moment and then silently stood up. "Let me get you a drink..." making his way to the bar and pouring them both some whiskey.

"I shouldn't" She declined. "I'm working".

He let out a small 'pffft'. "Like I'm gonna tell anyone, just drink" passing her the glass.

She sipped it, glancing across at him. "Thanks".

Sitting back down next to her he downed the liquid and studied the glass. "So... murderous dad, eh? Guess you kinda won in the comparing family's category with that one, do you speak to him?"

"No. To be honest I barely remember him. The only pictures I've seen are from newspaper cuttings. He's just a stranger to me".

Ransom was silent. "I'm sorry about your mom".

"Yeah, so am I".

Melody (Ransom Drysdale)Where stories live. Discover now