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"Well, that was interesting". Ransom noted as they arrived home sometime later. All in all, it was a success on his part. He hadn't attended to simply sit around a table and remark about the weather. There needed to be some entertainment and one with a purpose 

Melody now lugged Audrey and her things in. Putting them down in the hallway. "What was the point, Hugh?"

"To show that even my parents aren't as perfect as they make themselves out to be - no one in this family is, as you've already witnessed".

"I think I've witnessed my fair share for a while". She admitted heading for the stairs. "I'm gonna put Audrey to bed".

He said nothing and made for the living room so he could sit and have a drink in peace. The presence of his family being enough to swallow for one day. It seemed Melody could only tolerate them in small doses just as much as he could.

She returned downstairs a short while later and made for the kitchen. "You handle them well y'know". Ransom now told her from over in the living room. Melody looked up from what she was doing. "My family. You tell them how it is, not what they wanna hear - if I do that, they just blame me for trying to cause trouble".

"Isn't that what you do though? I mean, you pretty much broke your parents up today".

"Valid point, but it needed to be done - if you knew it was happening then wouldn't you have done the same?"

She shook her head. "It's about being tactical, not being an asshole - however I would've told your mother, but in private".

"After some of the shit they've done to me? I'm beyond giving a fuck about what anyone thinks. My parents like to believe they're the most perfect out of all the whole family, and really? They're not".

"That how you got your black sheep rep then?"

"By being honest? And saying what I feel? Yeah, that's how. I'm not one for keeping up appearances like they all are, and yet I open my mouth and give them my opinion and they drag me through the dirt".

Melody came and sat on the sofa after pouring herself some juice, although she needed something stronger in all honesty. "Because you're the one who's distanced himself from them. They can target you easily".

"That's how it feels". He ran a hand through his hair and then cracked open a new bottle of whiskey he'd brought. "Want some?"

"I shouldn't".


"No. Working". She corrected him.

He looked at her with interest. "What even made you wanna have a job looking after people's kids anyway?"

She shrugged. "Guess I wanted to make up for what I didn't have when I was a kid", and then let out a small laugh. "I don't want Audrey to have a lonely childhood, or one where she's treated as the inferior family member by the rest of your family. Harlan is the only person who actually treats her well..."

Ransom leant against the window and looked out, taking a sip of his drink. "Why do you think I wanted her taken to an adoption agency". He now stated. "Look, I may not want her, but whatever anyone's told you? That wasn't the reason. I didn't want her going through what I did when I was a kid". 

"And yet here I am looking after your kid for you..."

"Touche". There was a small smile on his lips. "But you can't deny that I'm trying". 

"A little, you've still got a long way to go before I'm satisfied". 

He now looked a little smug. "Any of my dates would tell you that I give the best satisfaction". 

Melody made a face. "Unfortunately, I've seen what kind of satisfaction you give, and I don't wish to see it again". 

"My house, my rules". 

She couldn't protest about that. They'd come to an agreement that he could still bring dates home but would need to let her know when so that Melody could make other arrangements. Usually, it would involve going to Thrombey Manor to stay there, but thankfully she hadn't had to as of yet. 

No doubt that it wouldn't be long though. 

"When was the last time your stuffy ass had a decent lay anyway?" 

She glared at him. "That's none of your business". 

Ransom smirked, knowing that question would piss her off. "Hey, I'm just curious". 

Melody rose from her seat. "I think I'm gonna head to bed, I can feel a headache coming on". Now making for the stairs. 

"Mel". Ransom now called back to her. "I meant what I said about you handling my family well. Any other nanny would've walked by now". 

She shrugged. "Luckily for you I'm pretty resilient. It takes a lot to break me down - I'm not leaving Audrey just because your family can be assholes, you included. She deserves better than having me turn my back on her when everyone else has as well". 

Ransom said nothing and instead let her go and relax for the rest of the evening. In his eyes? She'd earnt it. 

A/N - Sorry it's shorter than normal :)

Melody (Ransom Drysdale)Where stories live. Discover now