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"He has a girlfriend? Wow, I didn't think I'd ever see that" Marta said as she and Melody sat by the fire in the library the next Monday evening. The nights were colder as November was just beginning, and now with Harlan taking an early night, the nurse had decided to stay over to keep Melody company.

"I know, honestly I'm shocked that someone would actually find him appealing". Melody chuckled and sipped at the cocoa that she had made them both. Audrey had been put to bed just hours before, so it was nice to have some relief and feel a little more human- even if it was just for a short time before the baby woke for her feed.

Marta laughed as she cradled her mug with both hands. "So do we know who the 'lucky' woman is?"

"Nope". Melody shook her head. "But he seems pretty serious about her, but I don't really know what he classes as 'serious' in terms of relationships".  The whole image of Ransom being a boyfriend just felt foreign to her. He was a lone wolf, a black sheep - one who pretty much hated people, so just how he'd managed to sway a girl into not one, not two but three dates were beyond Melody's knowing.

"Well in her eyes he must be doing something right".

"Other than 'doing' her? He says it's not just that between them when I suggested it, so I think I may be meeting her sooner rather than later. He can't keep throwing me out on random evenings forever, and plus, this woman is gonna find out at some point that he has a daughter, whether he chooses to tell her or not".

Marta nodded to herself. "I mean, it's not an ideal situation, but who knows? He's trying with Audrey at least, so maybe this girlfriend will help with that in some ways".

"I hope so, but we'll see how it all goes".

There was no way in hell that Ransom would breathe a word of Audrey's existence to his girlfriend so early on, let alone Melody's. She was already instructed to wait for his text to give her permission to return to the house tomorrow, so for all she knew she could be stuck at Thrombey Manor for another day. It was more tolerable when the rest of the family weren't there, and it was just Harlan, Marta and Fran. Even though the decor was still dark and a little dismal, the place felt somewhat lighter with the family's absence.

"Will you be coming to Harlan's birthday party?" Marta asked, "Friday night".

Melody nodded. "He pretty much expects me and Audrey to be there with Ransom so yeah, I guess I'll have to suffer another evening of Walt making remarks. Do we know about Richard and Linda?"

"Well Linda will be, not sure about Richard, does Ransom know whether she kicked him out or..."

"Nope, nothing - Richard's tried to call a few times but Hugh just lets it go to voicemail. I mean, he's not exactly close with his parents anyway, so he doesn't really care in that respect".

"Harlan will probably tell me" Marta said. "He usually does".

"What else does he say?"

She dreaded to think about him discussing the situation with her and Ransom.

"Not much, I think he was kind of relieved that Ransom did what he did, even though he could've chosen a better time". Marta shrugged.

"Does he talk much about me".

"He likes you a lot, says that you're good for Audrey and even Ransom".

Melody snorted. "Audrey yes, but Ransom? I don't think so. He's still a self centred bastard who only cares about his privileged lifestyle".

"But how are you actually getting along?"

"We have rules - but other than that we try to avoid one another as much as possible".

"What's he like with Audrey?"

Melody rolled her eyes, "still treats her as though he's allergic to her, but he does help, just unwillingly".

"He changed a diaper yet?"

"What do you think?"

The two women both laughed at the thought of Ransom trying to wrestle his daughter while changing her. It would never happen in a million years. Just the fact he would hold her while Melody tried to make her bottles was enough responsibility in his eyes.

She just hoped that he wouldn't summon her back too late the next day, otherwise she'd have to sneak into the house just to get Audrey's things for another night at Thrombey Manor.

Melody (Ransom Drysdale)Where stories live. Discover now