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From inside the study, Melody could hear Ransom quarreling with his grandfather, knocking loudly on the door and then walking in. "You wanted to see me?" She asked the elder Thrombey and tried to avoid any eye contact with Ransom - which was hard considering he was giving her a look of daggers currently.

"Come in and close the door Melody" Harlan smiled kindly, reassuring her that she had done nothing wrong.

Reluctantly, she closed the door behind her as she walked in further and then waited patiently for Harlan to explain why he'd summoned her.

"So..." The old man sat back in his chair. "I have been doing some thinking..."

Ransom snorted. "Don't sugar coat this shit, you've been plotting this from the moment you hired her!"

Wait. What?

"That's enough!" Harlan snapped and then looked at Melody. "After hearing your argument last night, I have made my decision, one that I hope you will understand my reasons for, Melody"

Oh no...

Was this it?

Was he about to send her back to the UK? If so then why the hell was Ransom even here?

"I'm sure whatever they are, they're for the best Mr Thrombey". She now spoke, trying to keep calm from the every rising anxiety that had manifested from her gut.

"Yeah right" Ransom muttered, "Just tell her Harlan, because I can guarantee she's not gonna like this either". He was pacing the room out of irritation.

Ok. This couldn't be good...

"Enough!" Harlan snapped at his grandson and then turned his attention back to Melody. "Anyway, I am having you and Audrey move in with Ransom. The child needs to grow up with her father rather than in just your care alone and being kept separate from everyone. Plus it will allow Ransom here to take some well needed responsibility".

Melody's heart sank. "I see..."

"It's nothing against you Melody, more so my grandson - he needs to confront his mistakes, learn from them, and if it means having to see the consequences of his actions every day then so be it". Harlan now stated, "It will also give you two a chance to put your differences aside and perhaps get along...for Audrey's sake..." He now shot her a knowing look.

He was using Audrey as leverage, Melody knew that.  He knew that she loved the child as much as he did, and if she cared as much as she said she did? Then she would accept the circumstances and be professional about it.

And that was what she was. Professional. They were all adults here, not bickering children in a school yard.

"Like that's ever gonna happen" Ransom piped up, arms now crossed in front of him.

She stood there and took a moment to take in the news. "Well...if you believe it is for the best Mr Thrombey, then I will not argue with you".

"Oh come on!" Ransom looked at her in disbelief. "Seriously? You're just gonna bow down and do as he says?"

"Well what choice do I have Hugh? It's not like I'm throwing myself at the opportunity to come live with you and raise your daughter! Because let's face it, you're just going to use me as your own servant rather than an employee who is caring for your child!"

Harlan watched the pair as they interacted. "I would also like you both, along with Audrey, to attend family gatherings. My birthday as well as Christmas is coming up within the next few months and I trust you will be there".

Ransom shook his head, half laughing and hands now on his hips. "This? It's messed up! You can't force a kid on me and then expect me to play happy families with the help!"

"I'm simply asking you both to attend functions with my great granddaughter for the sake of keeping arguments at bay. You wouldn't want me to cut you off now would you?" He eyed his grandson with a certain expression.

"Unbelievable" Was all that Ransom could reply with and he grabbed his coat, storming out of the study. The faint sound of his car starting from outside the front of the manor and zooming off soon followed.

Harlan and Melody watched him go before the old man turned back to her. "Please know that I do this for Audrey, not because I am punishing you".

"That's not how Hugh sees it". Melody smiled lightly. "But if you think it will be beneficial to her, like I said I won't argue with you Mr Thrombey".

"You will still be paid for everything, considering I'm the one who controls the money in this family".

Melody was curious now. Harlan called the shots and all his decisions that he made were final, no one could convince him otherwise, not even a man as stubborn as Ransom. It appeared that the pair had the same streak in them. "Would you really cut him off?"

A small smile appeared on Harlan's face. "Do you think that I would Miss Harper?"

"I don't know" She shrugged. "I've only been here a week or so and I still have a lot to learn about your family". The only thing she knew was that they were completely dysfunctional, but last night she had barely scraped the surface.

Harlan seemed to accept this. "Well then to answer your question, No. I wouldn't. Would you really think me that unkind to?"

Melody shook her head. "Of course not Mr Thrombey". She shifted from one foot to the other, "So...when have I got to move into Hugh's home?"

"Next week, let's allow him some time to cool off and accept my decision. He will still argue with me over it no doubt, but I won't back down".

As Melody left the study the fear began to rise inside of her. Living with Ransom Drysdale was going to be anything but easy, and whatever it was that Harlan wanted as a harmonious outcome for the whole family? It would certainly not be that.

Melody (Ransom Drysdale)Where stories live. Discover now