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"Oh! Oh yes! Yes! YES RANNY!"

Melody scrunched up her nose in disgust as she could hear Cordelia's moaning coming from upstairs amongst other things.

It was 10am and the pair had been at it for most of the night, and now for an hour or so. Melody would have taken Audrey for a walk, but the rain was lashing down and not to mention that now Christmas was around the corner, it was freezing out there.
Instead, she'd come downstairs and had put Audrey in her play pen, whilst she did some tidying and the dishes.

Audrey was thriving, and now had just learnt to sit up a mere few days ago. It was easier now she could, however she could also roll which meant that changing times had become challenging. Her face lit up every time she saw Ransom, even if his didn't. She had a cute little giggle, and yet Melody couldn't understand how he still couldn't connect with his daughter.

Oh wait.

Yes she could.

And the reason was called Cordelia.

Cordelia had all but moved in after Melody had first met her in the kitchen, and since then the woman had decided to give her a new job role aside the one that she already had.


When Cordelia was around Ransom? She was as nice as pie to Melody, but when she wasn't? That was when the demands came in.

"Mindy! Could you make me an iced coffee?"

"Molly? Are you able to fetch me one of my low-calorie snack bars?"

"Megan! Can you run to the store to pick up something for Ran and I to have for dinner this evening?"

Each time it was with the bat of the lashes. And each time Melody went to complain, she was met with a pitiful pout and a sigh. "Oh Misty! Just how would Ran feel if he knew you weren't pulling your weight? You're the help after all?"

The fact she didn't even take any notice when Melody corrected her with her real name (although she'd now given up doing that as it was falling on deaf ears), annoyed the hell out of her.

Now as the loud moan echoed down the stairs, Melody shuddered and looked over to Audrey. "Block it out kid, just try and block it out".

The baby didn't take much notice, shaking a couple of sensory toys and then bringing them to her mouth. 

An animalistic sound now was heard clearly coming from Ransom and Melody threw down the cloth she was using to clean with, storming upstairs and rapping on the bedroom door. "HUGH! OPEN THIS DOOR RIGHT NOW!" 

A few seconds later, Ransom opened the door stark bollock naked, Melody's eyes averting themselves as she turned her head away. "Morning Mel..." 

"Could you guys just...try and keep the noise down? Your daughter doesn't want to hear how she was made and quite frankly neither do I". 

He looked a little smugly at her now. "You were listening, eh?" 

"Listening? I swear if you had neighbours then they'd hear you too! Just, try and be quiet? For Audrey's sake and my sanity". She exasperated, now seeing Cordelia appear behind Ransom and rest her chin on his shoulder. 

"Sorry Meggy, but this one's like a stallion" She now giggled and kissed his shoulder. "Hard to keep the enjoyment to a certain level when you have someone all but smashing your vajayjay to oblivion - isn't that right Ranny?" She pouted with a little mischievous look at him. 

Melody rolled her eyes. "I don't care how he smashes you, because I fucking know from just hearing it - there's a baby downstairs who can hear to. It's not good for her..." 

"Not good for her what? That her daddy is happy? That we have a healthy relationship?" 

"She's a baby! She doesn't even know what healthy is! She doesn't even know you, or you!" She looked at both of them. "Hugh, we agreed that you'd make an effort and get to know her, or at least try to - now you have a girlfriend you can't just drop your kid like some rubbish into a bin". 

Cordelia rolled her eyes. "You were right baby, she's a bit of a stick in the mud". 

Melody stared at her. "I'm sorry?" 

Ransom now knew there was going to be an argument and now stopped them both. "Cordy, go back to bed, I'll be in soon, and you?" He now turned to Melody. "For fuck sake Mel, can't you just go one day without complaining about shit?" 

She looked at him a little stumped. "She uses me like her personal maid Hugh, I'm here for Audrey, not to make your girlfriend a vegan chai latte bullshit or whatever she drinks". 

He sighed. "Look, I'm sorry if she's asked you to do something once or twice but..." 

"But nothing! It's been more than once or twice; it's been a handful of times! I'm not a slave, and I'm certainly not going to prepare a romantic dinner for you two because she wants it. I care for Audrey, it's what I'm contracted to do". She stated. "She comes first, always. She may not to you but to me she does". She now cursed under her breath, "God, you said you didn't want her ending up like you did...

"That's enough Melody!" Ransom now raised his voice, causing her to stop. "Go back downstairs and do your damn job - it's why you're here and what we pay you for". He now glared. 

Melody shook her head to herself in disbelief. 

Of course he'd always choose Cordelia over Audrey. This was Ransom Drysdale they were talking about. 

Melody (Ransom Drysdale)Where stories live. Discover now