First day

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Sky's POV

Since it's my first day I was early and was able to get to walk around a bit before my tour and I saw happy kids leaving with their parents, which left me in a good mood, then waited patiently listening to music as then my tour began. Once the tour ended I saw everything empty and I couldn't help but be amazed.

All the pretty lights and calming atmosphere of it all it really made me relax and I began working, which is look around and investigate anything that seemed suspicious. I went everywhere that I could and walked back to where I was and then decided to check on the animatronics since it's the one place that I didn't went to, and saw through the glass what they were doing.

Chica seemed to be practicing, she waved at me excitedly when she saw me, and Roxie was checking her make up then gave me an annoyed look probably due to her, not having her looks ready. Freddy walked out of his room and came to me, he wanted to know how I feel about the place and, if I am ok with all this I responded with "this is the job, I can't have complaints" which got him a bit sad but, I gave him a small smile and told him it's ok, he walked back to his room and sat down on a chair.

I now have to check on Freddy after Monty, speaking of Monty, I opened the door due to it being dark and not being able to see through the glass. I see him napping and let him get back to that, I went to Freddy and he seemed to look at me with a sad expression so I felt the need to comfort him. His blue eyes with concern and care as he asked if he could help which I respond with "I already finished my round about the place" and I saw his eyes shift to a more sad expression.

I gave him a hug and he just stayed motionless for a bit, then reciprocated with the same action, as we pulled away he gave me a soft smile and gave me a watch to call him whenever I need to, so I thanked him, and walked out to think about what to do. Chica grabbed me and sat me down to chat which I didn't mind since I had nothing else to do at the moment, which she gave me an excited squeal, and looked at me with a happy smile.

Chica: It's so nice to see a new face

Sky: Same It's a bit exciting but I get more nervous than energized.

Chica: Oh, I get it but, I really like to meet new people.

Sky: I can see that very well, you must be popular with children.

Chica: Oh well... I am, just not the same as Freddy or Monty.

Sky: Oh, I'm sorry.

Chica: No!! don't apologize! It was sweet for you to say so.

Sky: It was nothing.

Chica: Oh, if Roxy was here she would be jealous for not getting a compliment.

Sky: Oh, I think she is pretty but, I feel like she needs more self confidence to really bring out her beauty.

Chica: That's what I tell her, but she keeps saying it's not enough.

Sky: Do you like Roxy?

Chica: Of course!! We are best friends!

Sky: Great. Oh, can I see that nail polish?

Chica: This one? It's pink, I play around with the nail polish sometimes.

Sky: Wow, it's pretty.

Chica: Thank you.

Sky: I bet it would look amazing on you and Roxy.

Chica: Oh, oh my. I'm really flattered.

Sky: I thought my night would be boring but this is a great first night.

Chica: Right!! This is your first night.

Sky: I'll be here everynight.

Chica: Let's go meet Roxy.

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