Love and Fear

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Freddy: I hope it was to your liking.

Sky: It was to my palette indeed.

Freddy: I hope we can spend more time together.

Sky: Sorry Freddy but, I have to leave soon.

Freddy: Oh, can't you stay any longer.

Sky: Sorry Freddy. I promise to be back for more time after checking the place.

Freddy: Well, can you help me clean my room.

Sky: Sure.

Once they entered the room the two began cleaning with a slight amount of blushing from the both of them. Freddy loses the happy smile as he realizes they are almost done meaning that his guard will leave, wanting more time he interupts the cleaning by hugging him with a slighly strong grip, with just the feeling of his touch made Sky blush, as the bear nuzzles into his hair just to make him stay. Sky realizes that it's now 6:20, and Freddy wants him to stay and spend more time together but, he has to go he turns to him and promises to bring him some cookies.

Freddy smiles and his eyes sparkle now hearing the chance to have something he's never had in his time being built. Sky finishes cleaning, and leaves as he then drives to the store to buy the animatronics some cookies. He then goes to shower and realizes that he still has the fazwatch and wondering if he could send a message to him. Meanwhile in the pizzaplex the animatronic bear is entertaining kids with his song for a little private singing session.

kid: That was so nice.

Freddy: Thank you, have these pluhsies superstars. I'm happy that you were able to see me, please buy a photo pass if you want to see me again.

Chica: I'm glad you are much more active now.

Freddy: Well it's nice to have someone who is waiting for you.

Chica: Of course, I'll see you later I have kids to entertain.

Freddy: Ok, I'll see you later. Hm? it's a message.

Freddy opens the message, when the name appeared his ears, and tail wiggled as he sighed in joy. Cheeks flushing a soft pink, eyes now containing light blue hearts as the message from him drove himself to an euphoria of emotions as his nervous smile turned into a goofy grin and then a certain Gator appears.

Monty: So how's the wiggling going on Lover bear.

Freddy: Shut up!

Monty: Oh let me help, one heart on the top left corner.

Freddy: Get out of my system!!

Monty: Fine, I can easily make fun of you for being such a mess.

Freddy: It's normal.

Monty: Freddy, you wiggle your ears, and tail when you are happy, excited, or in love.

Freddy: I'm so easy to read.

Monty: I love you so much, I'm yours when you comeback tonight. Make me a blushing mess and rav...

Freddy: Stop!! Please stop.

Monty: You're an absolute loveaholic or something, the mad blush you have just from getting a message from him. I wonder how a kiss would feel.

Freddy: A kiss!

Monty: I love you, my Shiningstar. I am so excited to be with you again.

Freddy: Get out of my systems!!!

Monty: Sorry but you can't get rid of me that easy.

Freddy: Fine, two can play that game.

Monty: What?

Bear, Gator, and GuardWhere stories live. Discover now