Still friends

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Freddy's POV

I felt awful since Sky told me his thoughts and I can't help but feel guilty. I didn't want to hurt him, I was doing it to allow himself to get his thoughts in order. How could that have ended in breaking his heart so badly? I'm such an idiot for thinking that telling him we need some space was a good idea.

It was time to perform and I struggled to keep my normal appearance of a fun loving, kid adoring Freddy. I really wanted to go back and cry I did my best until I realized it was 12 and Sky walked into the Pizzaplex. I went to my room as he went to check on the other rooms first, and I decided to see to Roxy for help.

Roxy: Hey Freddy.

Freddy: Hello Roxy

Roxy: What do you need?

Freddy: I really want some advice.

Roxy: Well then please sit. So what's the problem?

Freddy: It's about Sky.

Roxy: I thought you liked the new guard.

Freddy: I do, and I would like to get to know him better...

Roxy: Something came up making you feel bad.

Freddy: Yes...

Roxy: Hey, I'm pretty sure he feels as bad or worse than you since he caused it.

Freddy: Of course!! I completely disregarded his feelings entirely.

Roxy: Well? Go talk to him before something bad happens to this friendship.

Freddy: Your right, I need to go.

Roxy: Bye Freddy.

Freddy: Bye Roxy.

Sky's POV

I was investigating the top of Monty Golf, I felt this chill on my back as if I'm being watched carefully and my movements studied and I know well it ain't Monty. He may be a huge Gator, but I know he won't be quiet as a mouse with his weight in steel. I push my thoughts aside as I look down from where I am and I see the distance relative to my altitude and I'm slightly terrified.

I audibly squeak out a yell while moving back and began to fall I couldn't even process the information as I plummeted but not to the ground as I felt a strong grip on me and I saw who it was. Montgomery Gator, he just saved my life without a thought as he put me down and left I was in shock and right then Freddy appeared which got me confused of what's happening.

Freddy: Sky, I'm glad I found you.

Sky: Y-Yeah I'm happy to see you too.

Freddy: I wanted to apologize for what happened last night, and I hope to continue to be good friends with you.

Sky: Freddy... No don't apologize, that was my fault, I shouldn't have said anything about your relationship. It was none of my business to begin with.

Freddy: That's not true.

Sky: Hmmm?

Freddy: We are friends, I know I want to be able to talk to you about anything and you to come to me. I wanted you to hear since it meant you can share with me as well if you ever need or want to.

Sky: Gosh, you are such a sweet fluffy bear of pure cuteness.

Freddy: Oh my...

Sky: I... I'm sorry.

Freddy: Nono thank you my heart really skipped a beat there.

Sky: Heart?

Freddy: Oh!! Hahaha... Sorry, of course you wouldn't understand.

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