A private show.

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Monty: Our table is nice and away from that fucker.

B.Foxy: Says who?

Monty: Back off!

B.Foxy: Ahem! Sky let me apologize for not stopping Joshua.

Sky: It's fine, you were dealing with Monty.

Monty: Whatever.

B.Foxy: I sadly must now remove Joshua for the night.

Monty: Deserved.

B.Foxy: Would you stay quiet!!

Monty: Fine.

B.Foxy: I do not tolerate that behavior so we are not together anymore, especially when I heard him say that pain was satisfying.

Sky: I understand, looking at the situation from your viewpoint.

B.Foxy: I humbly apologize and if you need my help, please call for me, I will happily help.

Sky: Thank you.

Monty: Is that all?

B.Foxy: It is, besides me asking if you wish to have more water?

Sky: Oh no, thank you though. In fact here, don't blame yourself too hard it's not you're fault.

B.Foxy: Oh, thank you really, I'll gladly accept the tip, seriously though I'm sorry. If you need anything let me know, it can be absolutely anything.

Sky: Haha, You are so cute.

B.Foxy: Hahaha, Many say I am lad.

Sky: Oh, do you have a voice modifier?

B.Foxy: Hmm? Ah! Yes lad that is the trinket I have.

Sky: Interesting.

B.Foxy: I'll get out of ye hair now.

Sky: Bye.

Monty: Well that dick is gone and you made friends with the Fox so go ahead and look around.

Sky: Thanks.

Freddy: Monty?

Monty: What's up?

Freddy: You ok?

Monty: Yeah, It's fine. Joshua may have been really important to me but, Sky is here and I love him to pieces.

Freddy: I'm glad to hear that.

Monty: Yeah, how do you feel? we did share him.

Freddy: I don't mind, I just wanted to make you happy.

Monty: You didn't like him?

Freddy: I did, he was a good guy but, compared to you he wasn't my favorite.

Monty: Hahaha, You love my sexy face don't you.

Freddy: I do, I can't wait till we are alone again.

Monty: You sexy bear.

Freddy: Haha, It's not my fault I have a hotter partner.

Monty: I want that ass Teddy~

Freddy: You can have it Darling~

Sky: Woah, so many animatronics?

Old design Bonnie: Hey!

Sky: Oh, hey I know you. You're the face of Bonnie Bowl.

O.D. Bonnie: Oh really? I'm surprised I'm still the model.

Sky: Me too.

O. D. Bonnie: Follow me, you can meet the other Bonnie.

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