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So this is gonna be quick. Thank you all for reading this story I'm so happy we reached 500 reads, I like this story a lot and really like to keep working on it, now I'll let you read.

Time passed as Finally Sky could return to the Plex to work, Bonnie gave a hug and a kiss before he left. The drive felt slow, but he made it in time for his shift in a few minutes. He walked in the building seeing all the impressive stuff the structure had, he smiled as he took a walk around the building for a bit.

Freddy: He looks so cute!

Monty: He really was starstruck.

Freddy: Come on, we have to get ready!

Monty: I'm coming!!

Sky: Alright, I took the tunnels, my fazwatch says this is the exit leading me to rockstar row.

As he opened the door he saw the familiar location as he looked around. Monty's room was still out of order, the girls room are as they normally are. Freddy's room had a bed now, it seemed impressive as it also seemed the room got bigger. While using his flashlight he was shocked at the sight of an animatronic he hasn't witnessed yet.

Sky: Gah!! What the Hell!!

Moon: Naughty Boy, it's past you're bedtime.

Sky: No, I'm the guard here.

Moon: Hahahahaha, Prove it!

Sky: Fine, here's my information.

Moon: I see, Sky, you are lucky.

Sky: Yeah, thanks.

Moon: Goodnight.

Sky: Bye. Jeez, Moon scared the crap out of me. I know Freddy warned me but jeez. Alright, now to get to the actual main part of this place.

The Guard takes a route through one of the doors in Rockstar row taking him by Roxy Raceway. He looks at the Fazer Blast area smiling at the idea of playing in there with his boys. He walks forward as he then walks up the stairs to the see the elevators, he then spots a bunch of security bots, he looked at them in confusion as he then heard a thud.

He looks behind himself to find nothing, he began to have flashes to before as then felt a hand on his shoulder, flinching in response he decides to run as he then get's blocked off by Monty giving a hug.

Monty: Hey Little man.

Sky: Monty! Look listen to me, do you see anyone in front of you!!

Monty: I see you baby~

Sky: No! Seriously is someone there!!

Monty: No, no one.

Sky: No! Please tell me it's not happening again!

Monty: What do you mean?

Sky: Let's just go, before it get's me.

Monty: Alright... Follow me. How was the night so far?

Sky: Well, surprising for a lack of a better term.

Monty: How come?

Sky: That, and Moon trying to knock me out.

Monty: Moon! Jeez, I'm sorry Sky.

Sky: It's ok, it's not like you sent him to me.

Monty: I should tell Freddy about this.

Sky: Yeah, maybe tell him not to immediately try to knock me out.

Monty: Back there, what was happening?

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