Plans and a tender triangle

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Sky after feeling refreshed with a shower and nap was planning about the food to bring he thought of cereal but, it's bagged. He begins to look through everything to make sure what he can, and not bring. His focus is distracted from a beeping as he realizes it's from his fazwatch, he checks his messages seeing that Monty texted again. He is still confused of how he can do this but, opens it anyway to Monty, sending sexual messages which he finds it funny.

After closing it he continues to work out what to bring, putting the snacks in a bin to take with him however, he realized it may be hard and very heavy for one person to carry so he grabs a backpack to fill with at least 1 quarter of his stock. Continuing with food he can bring he realizes that he can't take any of it, maybe the canned food but he probably won't need it if they stop to eat all the time.

He starts thinking of way to preserve some of the groceries since his freezer will help with meat of course but cheese, milk, and fruit, might get expired before he can even have a chance to eat them. He begins to think long and hard as his mind wanders to a charity which it may be the best place to go.

He was gonna look up a charity then yet again, his fazwatch beeps which is from Freddy he decides to grab some water and sit on his table for a break as he reads the text from his companion. "How are you? It's your day off and yet, I wish it wasn't so we can spend time together. I hope you are ok, and having a great morning."

Reading it made him smile since this may be the only one who cares about him, due to his family not being close by, and his neighbors don't really talk to him much if not at all. He responds with a decently long message as he drinks his water. Freddy on his break is having sometime to fix his attire and, making his room look more welcoming for any guest who may appear. Right as he sat on his sofa he got a message which gave him a sense of joy, and worry, due to the events of last night it made him anxious so he opened the message and saw the contents.

Sky: Thank you, I am wide awake and refreshed. I'm sorry that you wanted more time together, I guess I blew it last night.

Freddy: It's ok, I'm just glad you are feeling better.

Sky: I got home and fell asleep in my uniform, I think I will need to nap a bit in the working hours.

Freddy: That would be healthier for you, I can take some of the work if you need to sleep.

Sky: No it's fine, I'll just start a sleeping schedule.

Freddy: If it helps I'll allow it but, I don't mind doing some work, I can do the rooms close by, and up to Monty golf for you.

Sky: That's incredibly sweet but, I don't want my pay being docked.

Freddy: You can get it back with overtime.

Sky: Monty won't let me clean his room.

Freddy: I mean my room and Chica's.

Sky: Well, that would help. Fine but you can do half an hour and explore the rooms nearby.

Freddy: I can accept those terms.

Sky: Good. Don't hesitate to wake me or I'll make Monty into my timer.

Freddy: I think you will regret that but, I'll wake you.

Sky: Thank you for understanding.

Freddy: Of course.

Sky: Oh, more importantly you think Fazbear will take my groceries and give it to Charity.

Freddy: Sky, the tour bus has a refrigerator.

Sky: Oh, how big?

Freddy: It's a decent size, you could fit plenty.

Sky: Really? I'll bring some stuff over then.

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